Dominate Monster
Sc: Enchantment, Rn: Medium, AoE: Single, Dr: 3 Turns + 1 Turn / Level, Sv: Will Negates, SR: Yes
The target monster temporarily becomes a faithful and loyal servant of the caster.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Mutamin in the Green Griffon Inn,
and by Colmarr in his shop in Luskan.
Energy Drain
Sc: Necromancy, Rn: Short, AoE: Single, Dr: Permanent, Sv: Fortitude Negates, SR: Yes
The target creature permanently loses 2d4 character levels.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
and in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Greater Spell Mantle
Sc: Abjuration, Rn: Personal, AoE: Caster, Dr: 1 Round / Level, Sv: None, SR: No
Creates a barrier around the caster that absorbs all incoming spells. It can absorb up to 1d12+10 levels of spells before collapsing.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Husher Clay in the Trading Post in Beorunna's Well.
Power Word Kill
Sc: Divination, Rn: Short, AoE: Large, Single, Dr: Instant, Sv: None, SR: Yes
This spell may be cast on a single creature or as an area effect. A targetted creature of up to 100 Hit Points is killed instantly. As an area of effect, this spell will kill all creatures with fewer than 20 Hit Points, to a maximum total of 200 Hit Points.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
by Husher Clay in the Trading Post in Beorunna's Well,
and by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Summon Creature IX
Sc: Conjuration, Rn: Short, AoE: Point, Dr: 24 Hours, Sv: None, SR: No
The caster summons a random elder elemental to be a faithful and loyal servant.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Husher Clay in the Trading Post in Beorunna's Well.
Time Stop
Sc: Transmutation, Rn: Personal, AoE: Caster, Dr: 9 seconds, Sv: None, SR: No
The caster is able to defy the sands of time, casting spells, moving about, and attacking normally while the rest of the world appears suspended, as if in statis.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
by Husher Clay in the Trading Post in Beorunna's Well,
and by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Sc: Illusion, Rn: Medium, AoE: Colossal, Dr: Instant, Sv: Fortitude and Will, SR: Yes
A horrible phantasm rises to stand before enemy creatures in the area of effect, causing them to make a Will save. If they fail, the phantasm touches them and they must make a Fortitude saving throw. If this saving throw fails, the creature dies. Those who succeed the Fortitude save still take 3d6 points of damage. Creatures with less than 4 HD automatically die, without any saving throws.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
by Husher Clay in the Trading Post in Beorunna's Well,
and by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.