Blindness / Deafness
Sc: Enchantment, Rn: Medium, AoE: Single, Dr: 1 Round / Level, Sv: Fortitude Negates, SR: Yes
The target is struck blink and deaf.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold in the Cloaktower in the City Core.
Bull's Strength
Sc: Transmutation, Rn: Touch, AoE: Single, Dr: 1 Hour / Level, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
The target creature's strength is increased by 1d4+1.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold in the Cloaktower in the City Core.
Cat's Grace
Sc: Transmutation, Rn: Touch, AoE: Single, Dr: 1 Hour / Level, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
The target creature's dexterity is increased by 1d4+1.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold in the Cloaktower in the City Core.
Charm Person or Animal
Sc: Enchantment, Rn: Short, AoE: Single, Dr: 2 Rounds + 1 / 3 Levels, Sv: Will Negates, SR: Yes
In the eyes of the target animal or humanoid, the personal reputation of the caster is improved by 50%
Only usable by: Cleric, Druid, Paladin
Sold by nature merchants in all four chapters,
and by holy merchants in chapters three and four.
Sc: Evocation, Rn: Long, AoE: Huge, Dr: 1 Round / Level, Sv: None, SR: Yes
All creatures within the area of effect are shrouded in a haze of darkness which can only be pierced by using Ultravision. The creator of the zone of Darkness is able to see as normal.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold in the Cloaktower in the City Core.
Sc: Transmutation, Rn: Touch, AoE: Single, Dr: 1 Hour/Level, Sv: None, SR: None
The target's Constitution is increased by 1d4+1.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by special merchants in chapter 1.
Endure Elements
Sc: Abjuration, Rn: Touch, AoE: Single, Dr: 24 Hours, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
The target creature gains damage resistance 10/- against all elemental forms of damage. The spell ends after absorbing 20 points of damage from any single elemental type.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold in the Cloaktower in the City Core,
and by Saer Bodkin in Eltoora's lab in Port Llast.
Ghoul Touch
Sc: Necromancy, Rn: Touch, AoE: Single, Dr: 1d6 + 2 Rounds, Sv: Fortitude Negates, SR: Yes
The caster's hand glows with an unearthly radiance. If the caster makes a successful touch attack, the target must make a Fortitude save or become paralyzed. Creatures paralyzed by this spell emit a noxious cloud that dazes all enemy creatures within 5 feet.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold in the Cloaktower in the City Core.
Hold Person
Sc: Enchantment, Rn: Medium, AoE: Single, Dr: 1 Round / Level, Sv: Will Negates, SR: Yes
The target humanoid is paralyzed for the duration of the spell.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by magic merchants in chapter two.
Sc: Illusion, Rn: Touch, AoE: Single, Dr: 1 Turn / Level, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
The target creature becomes invisible and impossible to detect using normal vision. Any attack or spellcasting action taken by the invisible creature will immediately cancel the invisibility.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by magic merchants and special merchants in chapter one.
Sc: Transmutation, Rn: Self, AoE: Extreme, Dr: Instant, Sv: None, SR: No
This spell will unlock doors and containers sealed by conventional locks in a 150ft radius around the caster. Exceptionally complex locking mechanisms or magically sealed doors and containers are beyond the abilities of this spell.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold in the Cloaktower in the City Core.
Lesser Restoration
Sc: Conjuration, Rn: Touch, AoE: Single, Dr: Instant, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
Removes all magical, extraordinary, and supernatural effects that apply a penalty to ability scores, AC, attack and damage rolls, spell resistances, and saving throws.
Sold by holy merchants and nature merchants in all four chapters.
Melf's Acid Arrow
Sc: Conjuration, Rn: Long, AoE: Single, Dr: 1 Round + 1 Round / 3 Levels, Sv: None, SR: Yes
The caster targets a single creature with an acid bolt and must succeed at a ranged touch attack for the missile to be effective. The initial damage from the spell is 3d6 +1d6 for every round until the spell expires.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold in the Cloaktower in the City Core.
Protection From Elements
Sc: Abjuration, Rn: Touch, AoE: Single, Dr: 24 Hours, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
The target creature gains damage resistance 30/- against all elemental forms of damage. The spell ends after absorbing 40 points of damage from any single elemental type.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by magic merchants in chapters one and two.
See Invisibility
Sc: Divination, Rn: Touch, AoE: Single, Dr: 1 Turn / Level, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
The target creature is able to see all invisible creatures within his line of sight.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold in the Cloaktower in the City Core.
Sc: Illusion, Rn: Long, AoE: Large, Dr: 1 Round/Level, Sv: Will Negates, SR: Yes
Create a zone of silence around the target creature, preventing all within the area of effect from casting spells with verbal components. If cast on a willing subject, no saving throws or spell resistance checks are necessary.
Only usable by: Cleric, Druid, Paladin
Sold by holy merchants and nature merchants in all four chapters.
Sound Burst
Sc: Evocation, Rn: Short, AoE: Medium, Dr: Instant, Sv: Will Special, SR: Yes
All creatures within the area of effect take 1d8 points of damage and must make a Will save or be stunned for 2 rounds.
Only usable by: Cleric, Druid, Paladin
Sold by holy merchants and nature merchants in all four chapters.
Sc: Conjuration, Rn: Medium, AoE: Huge, Dr: 1 Round / Level, Sv: Reflex Partial, SR: Yes
Sticky strands cling to all creatures within the area of effect, entangling them. Creatures who make their save can move, but at reduced rate dependant on their Strength.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by special merchants and magic merchants in chapter one.