Delayed Blast Fireball
Sc: Evocation, Rn: Medium, AoE: Huge, Dr: 1 Round / 3 Levels, Sv: Reflex 1/2, SR: Yes
The caster creates a small, magical zone that can detect the passage of enemy creatures. When the field is activated, it explodes, doing 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level to all within the area of effect, to a maximum of 20d6.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Mutamin in the Green Griffon Inn,
by Colmarr in his shop in Luskan,
by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
and by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Finger of Death
Sc: Necromancy, Rn: Short, AoE: Single, Dr: Instant, Sv: Fortitude Partial, SR: Yes
The target create must make a fortitude save or die. If they succeed, they still take 3d6 points of damage, +1 point per caster level.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Mutamin in the Green Griffon Inn,
and by Colmarr in his shop in Luskan.
Greater Restoration
Sc: Necromancy, Rn: Touch, AoE: Single, Dr: Instant, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
Greater Restoration removes most temporary and all permanent negative effects from the target character, including level drain. It does not remove negative mental effects or the effects of reduced speed. It also heals the target creature to full Hit Points.
Sold by nature merchants and special merchants in all four chapters,
and by holy merchants in chapters two through four.
Mordenkainen's Sword
Sc: Transmutation, Rn: Short, AoE: Point, Dr: 1 Round / Level, Sv: None, SR: No
The caster summons a powerful, sword-wielding helmed horror that acts as a faithful and loyal servant.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Mutamin in the Green Griffon Inn,
by Colmarr in his shop in Luskan,
by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
and by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Power Word, Stun
Sc: Divination, Rn: Short, AoE: Single, Dr: Instant, Sv: None, SR: Yes
Automatically stuns a single target for a duration based on the target's Hit Points:
Under 50 Hit Points: 4d4 Rounds
51-100 Hit Points: 2d4 Rounds
101-150 Hit Points: 1d4 Rounds
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Mutamin in the Green Griffon Inn,
by Colmarr in his shop in Luskan,
by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
and by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Prismatic Spray
Sc: Evocation, Rn: Short, AoE: Spell Cone, Dr: Instant, Sv: Special, SR: Yes
All creature within the area of effect randomly experience 1 or 2 of the following effects:
20 fire damage
40 acid damage
80 electrical damage
Struck with Bebilith Venom poison
Paralyzed for 10 rounds
Confused for 10 rounds
Struck Dead
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
by Husher Clay in the Trading Post in Beorunna's Well,
and by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Sc: Conjuration, Rn: Touch, AoE: Single, Dr: Instant, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
Returns a single target corpse to life with full Hit Points.
Sold by special merchants in chapters one through three,
and by holy merchants and nature merchants in chapters two through four.
Spell Mantle
Sc: Abjuration, Rn: Personal, AoE: Caster, Dr: 1 Round / Level, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
Creates a barrier around the caster that absorbs all incoming spells and spell-like abilities. It can absorb up to 1d8+8 spell levels before collapsing.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Husher Clay in the Trading Post in Beorunna's Well.