Acid Fog
Sc: Conjuration, Rn: Long, AoE: Large, Dr: 1 Round / 2 Levels, Sv: Fortutide, SR: Yes
Acid Fog creates a thick, clinging, greenish cloud. Creatures entering the cloud take 4d6 acid damage. Creatures inside the cloud must make a Fortitude save or have their movement reduced by 50%. Every round a creature spends in the cloud, it suffers 2d6 acid damage.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
and in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Chain Lightning
Sc: Evocation, Rn: Long, AoE: Colossal, 1 Target/Level, Dr: Instant, Sv: Reflex 1/2, SR: Yes
A bolt of electricity arcs through the caster's enemies for 1d6 points of electrical damage per caster level, up to a maximum of 20d6 points of damage to the initial target and half that amount to all secondary targets.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by magic merchants in chapters two through four,
and by Saer Bodkin in Eltoora's lab in Port Llast.
Circle of Death
Sc: Necromancy, Rn: Medium, AoE: Colossal, Dr: Instant, Sv: Fortitude Negates, SR: Yes
A wave of negative energy bursts from the target location. A number of enemy creatures equal to 1d4 per caster level must make a fortitude save or die, beginning with those creatures with the lowest Hit Dice. Creatures with 9 or more Hit Dice are unaffected.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by magic merchants in chapters two through four.
Globe of Invulnerability
Sc: Abjuration, Rn: Personal, AoE: Caster, Dr: 1 Round / Level, Sv: None, SR: Yes
A shimmering field of energy prevents all spells of level 4 or lower from affecting the caster.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Saer Bodkin in Eltoora's lab in Port Llast,
and by magic merchants in chapters three and four.
Greater Dispelling
Sc: Abjuration, Rn: Medium, AoE: Target or Colossal, Dr: Instant, Sv: None, SR: Yes
Greater Dispelling attempts to strip all magical effects from a single target. It can also target a group of creatures, attempting to remove the most powerful spell effect from each creature. To remove an effect, the caster makes a dispel check of 1d20, +1 per caster level (to a maximum of +15) against a DC of 11 + the spell effect's caster level.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Saer Bodkin in Eltoora's lab in Port Llast,
by Mutamin in the Green Griffon Inn,
by Colmarr in his shop in Luskan,
by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
and by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Greater Spell Breach
Sc: Aburation, Rn: Medium, AoE: Single, Dr: Instant, Sv: None, SR: No
This spell strips an enemy mage of up to four magical defenses, including Spell Mantle, Globes of Invulnerability, Stoneskins, Premonition, Protection from Elements, Ghostly and Ethereal Visage, Mage Armor, Shadow Shield, and Elemental Shield. This spell will also lower the target creature's SR rating by 5 for ten rounds.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
and in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Greater Stoneskin
Sc: Transmutation, Rn: Personal, AoE: Caster, Dr: 1 Hour / Level, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
Grants the caster a damage reduction of 20/+5. The spell absorbs 10 points of melee damage per caster level, to a maximum of 150, before fading.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by special merchants in chapters two and three,
and by magic merchants in chapters two through four.
Mass Haste
Sc: Enchantment, Rn: Short, AoE: Large, Dr: 1 Round / Level, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
All allies within the area of effect gain 1 extra action per round (allowing an additional attack or spell casting) and have their movement speed increased by 50%.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
by Husher Clay in the Trading Post in Beorunna's Well,
and by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Planar Binding
Sc: Conjuration, Rn: Short, AoE: Single or Target, Dr: 1 Hour / Level, Sv: Will (-2) Negates, SR: No
This spell has two modes of operation: targetting a single outsider, or summoning a planar ally. Targeted outsiders are paralyzed for 1 round per 2 caster levels. The type of summoned ally is based on the caster's alignment:
Evil: Succubus
Neutral: Green slaad
Good: Hound archon
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Saer Bodkin in Eltoora's lab in Port Llast,
by magic merchants in chapters two through four,
and by special merchants in chapter two.
Sc: Illusion, Rn: Special, AoE: Special, Dr: Special, Sv: Special, SR: Yes
The caster conjures a shadow variant of one of the following spells: Cone of Cold, Fireball, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire, or Summon Shadow.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
and in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Summon Creature VI
Sc: Conjuration, Rn: Short, AoE: Point, Dr: 24 Hours, Sv: None, SR: No
The caster summons a dire tiger to be a faithful and loyal servant.
Only usable by: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Mutamin in the Green Griffon Inn,
by Colmarr in his shop in Luskan,
by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
and by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Tenser's Transformation
Sc: Transmutation, Rn: Personal, AoE: Caster, Dr: 1 Round / Level, Sv: Harmless, SR: No
The caster becomes an engine of destruction, gaining +1 attack bonus for every two levels, a +4 natural armor AC bonus, +2d4 Strength, +2d4 Dexterity, +5 to their Fortitude saving throws, and +1d6 additional Hit Points per caster level.