BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Sold by general merchants, holy merchants, magic merchants, blacksmiths, nature merchants, and rogue merchants in all four chapters.
Quarterstaff +1
BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Enhancement Bonus: +1
Sold by special merchants in chapters one and two,
by rogue merchants in chapters two through four,
and by blacksmiths and nature merchants in chapters two and three.
BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Enhancement Bonus: +1, On Hit: Blindness DC-14 25% / 3 Rounds
Quarterstaff +2
BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Enhancement Bonus: +2
Sold by Mutamin in the Green Griffon Inn,
by Colmarr in his shop in Luskan,
by Rolkid in the Mercenary Enclave in Beorunna's Well,
by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well,
by Husher Clay in the Trading Post in Beorunna's Well,
by Yusam on the west side of Beorunna's Well,
and by Ophala in the Moonstone Mask in the City Core in Chapter 4;
wielded by Valindra Shadowmantle in the northwest corner of the 6th level of the Host Tower.
Quarterstaff +3
BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Enhancement Bonus: +3
Sold by Husher Clay in the Trading Post in Beorunna's Well,
by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Cloaktower in the City Core in Chapter 4,
and by Nyatar in the City Core in Chapter 4.
Staff of Curing
BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Heal +5, Cure Serious Wounds (2 Charges/Use)
Blackforest Staff
BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Enhancement Bonus: +1 vs Good, Protection from Alignment (3 Uses/Day), Vampiric Regeneration +1
Penhold Staff
BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Use: Freedom of Movement (7), Hold Person (3), Remove Paralysis (3)
On Marcus Penhold's body at the north end of Beggar's Nest near the gate to the graveyard.
Staff of Meldanen
BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Spell Penetration, Light Bright (20m) Red, Melf's Acid Arrow (6) 5 charges/use
Meldanen can be found in his sanctum in his estate in Blacklake.
Staff of Defense
BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Armor Bonus: +2, Ghostly Visage (2 Charges/Use), Mage Armor (1 Charge/Use), Protection from Alignment (3 Charges/Use), Only usable by: Sorcerer, Wizard
Staff of Power
BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Fireball (3 Charges/Use), Magic Missile (2 Charges/Use), Ray of Enfeeblement (1 Charge/Use), Only usable by: Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in Beorunna's Well;
can be created in Eltoora's Lab in Port Llast after you have recovered the Imaskarran Tome of Fire,
by combining a Quartz Crystal and a Fire Beetle's Belly;
can be created in Eltorra's lab in Beorunna's Well after you have recovered the Tome of Power
by placing two Bodak's Teeth in the chest and casting Feeblemind on it.
Staff of the Holy
BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Aid (2 Charges/Use), Cure Light Wounds (1 Charge/Use), Cure Moderate Wounds (3 Charges/Use)
Staff of Valmaxian
BD: 1d6, BCT: x2, WS: Large, W: 4.0
Armor Bonus +2, Enhancement Bonus +3, Chain Lightning (5 Charges/Use), Ethereal Visage (5 Charges/Use), Fireball (3 Charges/Use), Only usable by: Sorcerer, Wizard
Sold by Husher Clay in the Trading Post in Beorunna's Well.