Description |
Available |
Brain Builder
Wgt: |
Combine a Mind Marvel with Pete's Carbolic Acid |
Doolittle's Glyceride
Combine with a Migraine Cure to make Liquid of Awareness
Wgt: 2 |
Sold by General Store Clerks and Herbalists |
Elixer of Persuassion
Combine with Nerve Pills to make a Mind Marvel
Wgt: |
Combine a Migraine Cure with a Thermometer |
Elixer of Physical Prowess
ST +2 temporarily; combine with Quinine to make an Energizer; combine with an Unknown Chemical Compound to make a Vivifier
Wgt: 10 |
Combine Famous Blood Pills with Spirit of Camphor |
Combine with a Mind Marvel to make a Revitalizer
Wgt: 10 |
Combine Quinine with an Elixer of Physical Prowess |
Famous Blood Pills
Combine with Spirit of Camphor to make an Elixer of Physical Prowess
Wgt: 5 |
Sold by Herbalists |
Lingham's Belladonna
Wgt: 1 |
Sold by General Store Clerks and Herbalists |
Liquid of Awareness
Wgt: |
Mix a Migraine Cure with Doolittle's Glyceride |
Migraine Cure
Combine with a Thermometer to make an Elixer of Persuassion; combine with Doolittle's Glyceride to make Liquid of Awareness
Wgt: 2 |
Sold by General Store Clerks |
Mind Marvel
Combine with Corrosive Acid to make Mental Inhibitor; combine with an Energizer to make a Revitalizer; combine with Pete's Carbolic Acid to make a Brain Builder
Wgt: |
Combine Nerve Pills with an Elixer of Persuassion |
Nerve Pills
Add to an Elixer of Persuasion to make a Mind Marvel
Wgt: 2 |
Sold by Herbalists |
Nimm's Phosphourus Tincture
Wgt: 2 |
Sold by General Store Clerks and Herbalists |
Combine with an Elixer of Physical Prowess to make an Energizer
Wgt: 2 |
Sold by General Store Clerksb and Herbalists |
Wgt: |
Combine a Mind Marvel with an Energizer |
Rheumatism Cure
Combine with a Tincture of Arnica to make a Tonic of Increased Relfexes
Wgt: 2 |
Sold by General Store Clerks and Herbalists |
Spirit of Camphor
Wgt: 10 |
Sold by General Store Clerks and Herbalists |
Tincture of Arnica
Combine with a Rheumatism Cure to make a Tonic of Increased Reflexes
Wgt: 2 |
Sold by General Store Clerks and Herbalists |
Tonic of Increased Reflexes
Wgt: |
Combine a Tincture of Arnica with a Rheumatism Cure |
Vendigrothian Elixer
Wgt: 10 |
Vendigroth Ruins |
Wgt: |
Combine an Elixer of Physical Prowess with an Unknown Chemical Compound |