- You begin the game in Atland. Go to the mayor's house in the southwest corner to learn that the mayor has
gone to the church.
- Enter the church near the center of the town and speak to the mayor. A man will rush in announcing a problem at the cave.
- Speak to the hurt man to learn that there are demons in the cave and that Giles is still inside. The mayor
will tell you to bring news to the cleric.
- Reenter the town and speak to the cleric in the church. Speak to the mayor in his house and he
will ask you to enter the cave to rescue Giles. He will give you 300 gold.
- Enter the Armor shop to the north and buy the Short Sword, the Bandit Armor,
and the Iron Shield.
- Leave the town through the north exit and enter the Gold Cave.
Gold Cave
- Grab the Healing Pot near the northwest corner of the first level if you don't already have one.
- Continue up to the highest level where you will find Giles hiding from the demons. Give him your
Healing Pot and then escort him back to Atland.
- Talk to the old woman in the southeast corner of town to receive Samson's Key.
- Return to the Gold Cave and use Samson's Key to unlock the door in the northeast corner
of the first level.
- Behind the locked door you'll find Samson. To defeat him, hit him when he lands but move away before
he swings his axe. Once you have defeated him, you'll receive the Red Crystal.
- Pass through the door to enter Elf Field. The passage will collapse behind you.
- Head north and enter the elf town of Voloh.
- Speak to the old man near the entrance to learn about Philips Castle and the spell that has been placed on it.
- Enter the mayor's house in the northeast corner of the village. He will give you the
Movable Mantle and the Earth Staff if you agree to save the people trapped in Philips Castle.
- Go to the Magic screen and equip the Earth Staff and the Red Crystal. You can now cast the
Fire Ball spell.
- Speak to Thor, the man in blue near the village entrance. He will give you the Tablet of Faith and will
follow you to help find the second tablet.
- Leave the village. Follow Thor and speak to him again once he stops to find the Tablet of Wish.
- In the northeast corner of the Elf Field you'll find the entrance to Philips Castle. Jump
across the broken bridge and then go west. Jump across the gap to reach the ledge where you'll find the
Tablet of Hope in a chest.
- Return to Voloh with all three tablets and the elder will learn the spell to enter Philips Castle from them.
Thor will now leave you.
Philips Castle
- Return to Philips Castle and enter the castle. You will automatically use the magic spell when you touch the
- Follow the hallway north and then turn left and then right and eventually you'll find the Gold Armor.
Remember to equip it.
- Follow the wall on your left and eventually you'll find a chest containing the Key of Prison.
- In the southeast corner you'll find a stairs leading into the basement.
- Use the Key of Prison on the locked gates in the southwest corner of the basement and then speak to the elves
using the Movable Mantle to free them. They will give you the Key of Philips in return
- Go to the northwest corner of the main floor and then head east to find a locked door to the second floor. Use the
Key of Philips to unlock the door and ascend the stairs.
- Near the southeast corner of the second floor you'll find the Large Shield.
- In a room near the center of the floor you'll face Natela. Attack him when he charges at you and if you can
hurt him faster than he can hurt you, you'll be able to defeat him. You'll receive the Silver Sword
after the battle.
- Exit the castle and the east entrance to the castle will now be open. Pass through it to reach the Dwarf Desert.
Dwarf Cave
- Pass through the first two areas of the Dwarf Cave by jumping across the gaps over the lava.
- Near the northwest corner of the third area, you'll find the Magic Sword which will help you defeat
the enemies in this area more easily. You'll need to cross some lava to reach the chest.
- In the fourth area you'll find the Wind Crystal and the Protective Ring. The
Protective Ring will raise your defence, but will consume MPs for as long as you have it
- On the east side of the area you'll find the entrance to Silence Cave. Pick up the Moon Stone at the back
of the cave.
- On the east side of the third area you'll find an exit to the cave.
- Return to Denegul where you'll meet Mathias near the entrance. He will tell you that
Princess Felicia is being held by Ella in the Dwarf Cave and will urge you to rescue
- Show the Moon Stone to the old dwarf in the northeast part of the town and he will give you the
Freezing Pot.
- Return to Dwarf Cave and use the Freezing Pot in front of the shallow lava in the northwest corner
of the fourth area to reveal a hidden opening.
- Pass through the opening and you will meet Princess Felicia who will ask you for help before being
taken away by Ella.
- Continue on and you will have to face Ella's pet Eardon. Hit its eyes when they are extended, jumping at the
same time to avoid its attack.
- Once Eardon is dead leave the cave and enter Hobbit Valley.
- Go north through Hobbit Valley to reach the town of Poper where you will find many of the people
have become sick.
- Speak to the town priest in the large building in the center of town. He will tell you that they need the Mint from
Siegfried Castle to cure their sickness.
Siegfried Castle
- On the west side of Hobbit Valley you'll find the entrance to Siegfried Castle.
- On the main floor of the castle you'll find the Force Sword and the
Defensive Ring. The stairs to the basement is in the northeast corner of the floor.
- In the basement you'll find the Power Ring, the Thunder Armor, and the
Maxim Shield. In the southeast corner you'll find the Mint.
- Return to Poper and give the Mint to the priest in the church.
- Go through the window on the right behind the priest to enter the basement and speak to each of the spirits in turn. The
second last spirit will give you the Star Staff and the last will give you Duma's Key.
- Return to Siegfried Castle and use Duma's Key to open the door in the center of the main floor
and face Duma. To defeat him, draw his hands to the lower part of the screen and then run forward and hit
him in his face when the plates open, jumping over the fireball he fires at you. Once he is defeated, you will receive
the Water Crystal and the Key of Siegfried.
- Use the Key of Siegfried to unlock the door in the northwest corner of the main floor and ascend to the top
floor of the castle where you will meet Thor and Battler. Once they leave, step on the teleporter
to go to the Gnome Tree.
- Enter the large tree to find Lilaty, a town of gnomes.
- Speak to the old gnome northwest of the town entrance to learn about the Nymphs and receive the Angel's Bell.
- The female gnome in the northeast corner of Lilaty tells you that there is a liar in town and will give you the
Truth Fire.
- You'll find the liar near the center of town just south of the well. Equip the Truth Fire and tell him that
you think he is a liar and he will give you the Fur Mantle.
- Leave Lilaty through the north exit to reach the Gnome Plain and then enter the
Ice Cave. Make sure you have equiped the Fur Mantle before entering.
Ice Cave
- To the east of the entrance, you'll find a chest containing an Elixir. When used, it will restore all your
- Make your way to the northwest corner of the cave and pass through the door to face Thimale. Avoid the rolling
ball and destroy the six enemies along the side with your sword. Once all six have been destroyed, Thimale
himself will become vulnerable. You will receive the Life Ball once you have killed him.
- Pass through the north door to enter the Nymph Spring. Use the Angel's Bell at the end of the path to summon
the Nymphs. They will give you the Moon Staff and then send you to Phantom Hill.
Phantom Hill
- Climb your way up Phantom Hill until you find a hole in the ground. Enter to face the sorceress
- To defeat Ella, avoid or jump over her flame attacks and then strike her with your sword before she teleports
to a new location. As she loses health, she will start teleporting more quickly which will make her more difficult.
- After you have defeated her, leave the room and a new stairs will appear. Climb the stairs and then jump over the gap to
your right.
- On the other side of the gap you'll face Zerah, who will try to kill you. Before he can,
Mathias will appear and they will fight. Speak to Zerah after the battle and he will flee. Now
speak to Mathias who will give you the Thunder Crystal and will blow you to the Cloud.
Lagoon Castle
- Jump from cloud to cloud until you reach the floating island containing Lagoon Castle. Cross the drawbridge and
enter the castle.
- Go left to the west wing of the castle and climb to the third floor. Stand on the spot of moonlight and use the
Moon Stone to receive the Moon Blade.
- Return to the first floor and then take the stairs in the northwest corner of the main area to the second floor.
- In a room in the center of the second floor you'll find the king and queen who will ask you to rescue their daughter.
Take the Statue from the chest southeast from there.
- Head up to the third floor and take the stairs in the southwest corner to the fourth floor.
- You'll find the Moon Shield in the center of the north end of the floor. In the east wing, you'll find
a chest containing the Curing Ring which will convert MPs to HPs while you wear it.
- Near the northeast corner of the fourth floor you'll find a room where the princess is trapped behind
a glass wall. Use the Statue to free her and then enter the passage behind her to reach the fifth floor.
- On the east side of the fifth floor is a chest containing the Moon Armor.
- You'll find a passage on the south end of the floor that will take you to Battler. Avoid the floating demons
and the fireballs they fire at you and quickly attack Battler as he teleports around the room.
- Once Battler is dead, leave through the door at the back of the room and then jump north over the water to
reach the Secret Place.
Secret Place
- The elf elder in the building will tell you that Zerah has revived the evil spirit and must be stopped. Take
the stairs to the west to enter the Secret Place.
- In the northwest part of the dungeon, you'll find the Time Ring which will freeze all enemies while
equiped. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on boss enemies.
- Go to the western edge of the dungeon and then north to reach the end where you'll have to fight the
Evil Spirit.
- To defeat the Evil Spirit's first form, approach it and hit it with your sword repeatedly,
jumping over the fireballs it fires. You'll know you're doing damage as its eyes are closed one-by-one.
- The second form is much harder. Attack it with your sword but watch out for its whip. Use the
Curing Ring when you are weak to regain your HPs.
- Once you have defeated the Evil Spirit, head into the next room where you'll face
Zerah who is pretty easy to beat.
- After Zerah has fallen you'll be forced to fight Thor. While his attacks aren't very
strong, it's difficult to get close enough to hit him with your sword.
- Next, you'll have to fight a giant bird form of Thor. Attack when you can while dodging and jumping
over his attacks.
- Once you have beaten him, he will regain his senses, but it will be too late. Thor will give you his
pendant before dying.
- Return to the previous room to fight the Evil Spirit one last time. Once you have defeated it,
peace will finally return to the world.