Name |
HPs |
Notes |
Aquamentus |
6 |
Hit it in the head to damage it. |
Bubble |
- |
Indestructable; you will be unable to wield your sword for a few seconds if they touch you. |
Bubble, Red |
- |
Indestructable; you will be unable to wield your sword permanently if they touch you. |
Bubble, Blue |
- |
Indestructable; you will be able to wield your sword again if they touch you. |
Darknut, Red |
4 |
Can only be damaged when hit from the back or sides. |
Darknut, Blue |
8 |
Can only be damaged when hit from the back or sides. |
Digdogger |
8 |
Play the recorder to make him vulnerable to your sword. |
Dodongo |
- |
To kill it, get it to swallow two bombs or stun him with a bomb blast and then hit him once with your sword. |
Gel |
1 |
Can be killed with the Boomerang. |
Gibdo |
7 |
Gleeok |
10 + 6 per additional head |
Hit one of the attached heads to damage it. As it receives damage its heads will start detaching and flying around the round shooting
fireballs at you. |
Gohma, Red |
2 |
Can only be hurt by an arrow fired into his open eye. |
Gohma, Blue |
6 |
Can only be hurt by an arrow fired into his open eye. |
Goriya, Red |
3 |
Their boomerangs can be blocked with your shield. |
Goriya, Blue |
5 |
Their boomerangs can be blocked with your shield. |
Keese |
1 |
They can be killed with the Boomerang. |
Lanmola, Red |
2 per segment |
Lanmola, Blue |
2 per segment |
Like Like |
9 |
They eat Magical Shields for breakfast, forcing you to buy a new one. |
Manhandla |
4 per mouth |
It moves faster as its mouths are destroyed; a well placed bomb can kill them completely. |
Moldorm |
11 |
It will get smaller as you damage it. |
Patra |
6 per red Patra; 11 for blue Patra |
You must destroy all the small circling red patras before the center one can be hurt. |
Pols Voice |
10 |
They can be killed with a sigle arrow. |
Rope, Red |
1 |
They will charge you whenever you are directly to the left, or right, or above, or below them. |
Rope, Flashing |
1 |
They will charge you whenever you are directly to the left, or right, or above, or below them. |
Stalfos |
2 |
In later dungeons, they will throw swords at you. |
Stone Statue |
- |
They are indestructable; some will shoot fireballs at you. |
Trap |
- |
Will fly quickly toward you whenever you are directly horizonal or vertical from them and then slowly return to their original
location; they are indestructable. |
Vire |
4 |
Breaks into two Keese when damaged but not killed. |
Wall Master |
2 |
They will send you back to the beginning of the dungeon if they grab you. |
Wizzrobe, Red |
4 |
They can only be damaged when they are visible and not flashing. Their spells can be blocked with the Magical Shield. |
Wizzrobe, Blue |
10 |
Their spells can be blocked with the Magical Shield |
Zol |
2 |
Breaks into two Gels when damaged but not killed. |