Prologue- You begin the game washed up on the beach. Nearby you'll find the only other survivor Sara. Talk to her and she will suggest you look for a weapon.
- Pick up all the goods you can find on the beach and search the bodies of those from the ship. On the east side of the beach you'll find a body holding a Hunting Knife.
- Go to the west end of the beach and then follow the mountain wall a little ways into the bush and you'll be able to find a Small Shield.
- Speak to Sara again and she will start to follow you.
- Follow the path away from the beach and eventually you will find an abandoned house. Sara will wait outside.
- Enter the house and grab the key by the bed. Use the key to open the chest and grab everything inside, particularly the Frying Pan.
- Leave the house and speak to Sara about what you found inside. Click on the fire to cook up the Raw Meat you have and then give some to Sara. She will suggest to continue to explore the island on your own while she rests a while.

- Before continuing from the abandoned house, drink from the Water Barrel at the back of the house to restore any lost HPs.
- Follow the path north and eventually you come to another house. Inside you'll find Jan, a member of the Bandit camp. He suggest you search the house for a better weapon.
- Grab the key from the cupboard and use it to open the chest upstairs. Inside you'll find a Sword and a Small Map of the Island.
- Speak to Jan again outside the house. He'll tell you about the island and will offer to lead you to the Bandit camp in the swamp or the Harbor Town. You can also tell him about Sara and he'll agree to help her.
- Along the road to Harbour Town, you'll come across the Novice's farm. If you speak to Tristan and complete the Help the Novices' Farm quest, he'll allow Tellar to show you the way to Harbour Town.
- As you head toward Harbour Town and explore the island, stay clear of the Warriors of the Order. If they see you they will attack you and if they knock you down you'll be brought to Volcano Keep and forcibly conscripted into the Order.
- You can't enter Harbour Town through the main gate. Instead, head around to the east side and pay the guard there 100 gold to pass through.
- In town you'll encounter many quests where you'll have to choose between aiding the Order or aiding the Don's men. You will need to join one or the other before you can proceed to the next chapter. NOTE: If you are caught wondering around by the Warriors of the Order, you will be taken immediately to the Order after being knocked down and conscripted as a Recruit. If you later try to join the Don's men by helping them in the town, you will be unable to complete the first chapter.
- To join the Bandits, you'll need to complete four of the following quests in Harbour Town:
- Once you have completed four of these quests, you can ask one of the Don's men where their leader in town is to learn that he is in an old storeroom behind the brothel.
- Enter Sonya's brothel and click on the picture frame in the room with the washtubs to reveal a secret passage. See Talk to the Bandit Chief of Harbour Town for more details.
- Speak to Scordo. He'll thank you for your help and give you a package to deliver to the Don. See A Package for the Don. He'll also give you a key that will open a door at the end of the passage which leads outside the town. You can now enter and leave Harbour Town at will through this passage.
- Head to the Bandit Camp in the swamp and speak to the Don. To gain access to him, you need to complete the An Audience with Don Esteban quest.
- Once you give the Don the package from Scordo, he will make you a member of the camp and offer to sell you some armor for 1000 gold. He will ask you speak to Inquisitor Mendoza on his behalf and offer to make peace with him so that he can learn what Mendoza's plans are.
- Go to Volcano Keep by taking the road north of Harbour Town through Tilda's farm. As a representative of the Don, the Warriors of the Order that you come across will no longer attack you.
- Enter the Monastery and head to the northeast corner where you will find Inquisitor Mendoza. Relay the Don's message to him and he will offer you a task to prove yourself to him.
- Follow Mendoza to the gate on the side of the volcano. Along the way he will tell you about how the gods were vanquished from the land and about the threat of the Titans and how the Holy Flame is the key to defeating the Titans. To unlock the gate to the Holy Flame, Mendoza will ask you to repare the disk that he had found and to find the remaining four.
- To join the Order, you'll need to complete four of the following quests in Harbour Town:
- Once you have completed four of these quests, a Warrior of the Order will tell you that Commadant Carlos wants to speak with you. This will trigger the Talk to the Commandant of Harbour Town quest.
- Speak to Commandant Carlos in the guard house in the northwest corner of town and agree to help him find the artifact smugler. Complete the Where are the Artifacts Disappearing To and Get Rid of Scordo quests.
- Speak to Carlos again and, if you completed the Medicine for Everyone quest, he will give you an Official Document which will give you access to the Monastery.
- Go north to the Monastery and Santiago will bring you inside. You'll need to complete the The Gate to the Keep to leave again.
- Master Pallas will speak to you and you will have to choose between becoming a Recruit or a Novice. He will also tell you that to gain rank in the Order, you'll need complete a test from each of the masters.
- To gain access to the upper Monastery, you'll have to complete the Basic Training quest. To gain access
to the Inquisitor and complete the chapter you need to complete the tests of each of the masters:
- Abrax - The Test of Master Abrax
- Cyrus - Severin's Artifacts
- Illumar - The Test of Master Illumar
- Ignatius - The Test of Master Ignatius, The Crystal of Fire
- Pallas - If you were consripted into the Order, you need to complete the Assist the Warriors of the Order in Harbour Town quest; otherwise, the help you already gave to Commandant Carlos to get his recommendation will be proof enough of your worth.
- Vitus - The Test of Master Vitus and if you were conscripted, you'll also have to complete Dalman Trusts you
- Once you have spoken to each of the masters and completed their tests report this to Master Ignatius and he will invite you to join the Convocation.
- Complete the A Worthy Weapon quest and then speak to Master Ignatius again. Follow him into Hall of the Flame and speak to Inquisitor Mendoza who will make you a full member of the Order and give you new armor to wear.
- Follow Mendoza to the gate on the side of the volcano. Along the way he will tell you about how the gods were vanquished from the land and about the threat of the Titans and how the Holy Flame is the key to defeating the Titans. To unlock the gate to the Holy Flame, Mendoza will ask you to repare the disk that he had found and to find the remaining four.

- Talk to Severin on Tilda's farm between the Monastery and Harbour Town. He will complain about Gnome attacks just before another one begins.
- After you have killed all ten Looting Gnomes, speak to Severin again and tell him that the Inquisitor has sent you to pick up the crystal disk. Unfortunately, it has been stolen by Gnomes. Severin will mark their location on your map.
- Follow the path to the east coast through the cave and north to the rope bridge marked on your map. There you'll find Hendrik. Agree to help him hunt the Gryger.
- Cross the bridge and then follow the path north until you reach the ruins.
- Enter the tunnel in the north wall and make your way through the ruins until you reach the Gyger. Kill him and take the Golden Crystal Disk from his body.
- Follow the path to the east coast through the cave and then north to the druid's hut which is marked on your map. You'll find Cyric there, but no sign of the druid. He'll suggest you search his hut.
- Inside the hut you'll find a torn sleeve. Show the sleeve to Cyric and he'll suggest you look around to figure out where Eldric was taken.
- Follow the road back south and speak to Jasmin at her home. She will offer you the services of her wolf if you buy her skins from her for 200 gold.
- Speak to Rufo the wolf and give him a piece of Raw Meat to gain his trust. Speak to him again and show him the druid's sleeve and he'll take off.
- Keep following Rufo to the various locations Eldric has been. At one stop, you'll find his staff in a Gnome camp.
- Eventually, Rufo will lead you to a temple entrance. Send Rufo home and then click on the barrier blocking the entrance to take note of it.
- Return to Cyrus at the druid's hut and tell him about the force field. Lead him back to the temple entrance.
- After he examines the barrier, speak to him again and he will give you three Destroy Magic Force Field scrolls which will allow you to bring down the barrier.
- Fight your way through the temple to the prison cells in the northwest corner. Kill the Watchman and take the Cell Key from his body.
- In a cell on the upper level you'll find Drok. Free him and he'll tell you about a hidden room.
- Head to the east side of the temple and use the winch to open the large gate. Click on the ring in the wall on the right just behind the gate to reveal a secret room.
- Kill the Lizard Priest and use the lever to open Eldric's cell. He will not fix the broken disk with the wizard Cyrus nearby.
- Talk to Cyrus and ask him for the Damaged Disk. He will give it to you and then leave for the Monastery.
- Speak to Eldric again and then follow him back to his hut. He needs a magically charged crystal to restore the disk which he has. He will give you the key to his chest.
- Enter Eldric's hut and take the magically charged crystal from Eldric's chest.
- Give the crystal to Eldric and then follow him to the nearby stone table where he will perform a ritual and then give you the restored disk.
- Head to the entrance of the Eastern Temple which is now open. Inside you'll find Maliko. Danilo, two other fighter, and the three treasure hunters have all entered the temple, but Maliko hasn't heard from any of them.
- Make your way down the passage and you'll find Adan and Dytar. Enter the southern passage and continue on until you find two ghouls and Danilo's body. Kill the ghouls and take the Old Coin and the Map from Danilo's body. Take the Old Bust from the sarcophagus in the next room.
- Continue on until you reach the end of the passageway. Pull the lever to open the gate and speak to Olf inside. He will give you another Old Bust in gratitude for rescuing him.
- Return to the first room and drop down through the trap door where you'll find Dirk.
- Continue down the passage and you'll reach a closed gate. Get to the other side by passing through the cave to the right or use a Nautilus Transformation spell to enter the small passage to the right of the cave entrance and thereby bypass the Ghoul. Pull the lever on the other side of the gate to open it.
- Turn the Winch at the end of the passage to open the portcullis leading to the swamp. Return to Dirk to tell him that you found an exit and he will give you the Old Bust that he found in thanks.
- Leave the temple through the exit to the swamp and make your way back to the temple entrance.
- Return to the large room in the center of the complex and place an Old Bust on each of the three altars to open each of the three gates.
- In the next room, the passage to the right leads to a spike trap. Instead go left and use the Nautilus Transformation spell to pass through the small hole in the wall.
- Continue through the passages. When you reach an apparant dead-end with a sarcophagus, you can find another passage opening up on a ledge nearby that leads you into an area that is not displayed on your map.
- Keep going and eventually you reach a Lizard Priest. Kill him and take the Golden Crystal Disk and the Teleport Eastern Temple stone.
- Speak to Patty on the coast outside of Harbour Town in chapter 2 and agree to go with her to discover what her father has left behind on the island. If you haven't already completed the Patty Wants to Leave Town quest to get Patty out of town, you'll need to do that first.
- Follow Patty west to the graveyard just before the swamp where she will give you her key.
- Make sure you have a Shovel in your inventory and click on the ground in front of the grave marked "Nameless Scoundrel" to dig up a treasure chest. Inside the chest is an Old Casket.
- Give the Casket to Patty and agree to help her find the treasure. She will mark the locations of the other nameless graves on your map.
- The first grave can be found by following the path south from the cemetary and then west toward the ruins. The grave can be found in a groto along the path. You'll come across Vasili who is spying for Captain Romanov.
- Another grave can be found west of the main gate of Harbour Town up against the mountain.
- You'll find the third grave west of the Monastery over the ledge on the other side of the pond. Use the Levitation spell to float down to its location without taking any damage.
- The fourth grave is just outside Leon's house northeast of Harbour Town.
- The final grave is on the southwest side of the small island found by taking the road south from the east gate of Harbour Town. You'll come across another spy of Romanov: Erikson.
- Return to the cemetary in the west and you'll find Erongo. Apparently, Romamov has kidnapped Patty.
- Follow Erongo to the entrance of the ruins where he will tell you where Captain Romanov is located.
- Follow the path north along the west coast to a cave behind the ruins where you'll meet Romanov. He will demand you retrieve the treasure for him in return for Patty.
- Enter the cave where you will find 6 marked graves, each containing a buried treasure chest (Tarras' has already been dug up). Open the chest buried with Dillinger to find Steelbeard's treasure. (Dillinger is the only one not mentioned in any of the notes you found with the other chests). You'll find a Golden Crystal Disk with the treasure as well as Steelbeard's Nautical Map.
- Leave the cave and give Steelbeard's Nautical Map to Captain Romanov in exchange for Patty's Cell Key. He will tell you where she is located.
- Follow the road to the ruins to the south and use Patty's Cell Key to free her. She will be outraged that Romanov has the map and will urge you to help her get it back.
- Go to the beach just outside the secret entrance to Harbour Town where you will find Romanov and his gang (they aren't always there -- I'm not sure if this is bug). Kill Romanov and take Steelbeard's Nautical map back from him.
- Don Esteban has the final disk. If you are a member of the Order, he will just give it to you. If you are a member of his band, you will need to give him all four of the other disks before he'll give you his. Also, he demands that the Inquisitor hand over Harbour Town to his control. He will promote you to "Fighter" and sell you the Armour of a Fighter.
- Return to Inquisitor Mendoza in front of the Volcano gate and give him the crystal disks.
- If you are a mage, Mendoza will send you to Master Ignatius to ask for the help of the mages. Ignatius will decline and commission you to go with Mendoza through the portal. If you are a Warrior, he will promote you to Commandant and give you some new armour.
- Mendoza will use the disks to open the gate and a group of Lizardmen will swarm out. Once all the Lizardmen have been defeated, speak to Mendoza again.

- Speak to Mendoza again and then follow him and his men into the cave. After winning another battle against the Lizardmen, Mendoza will task you with finding another mechanism to open the great gate before them.
- Enter the passage to the north and keep following it up a bunch of ledges and across a small gap until you reach a dead end with a couple Nautili. Cast Nautilus transformation and enter the tiny tunnel to proceed forward.
- Continue on into the main complex. You'll have to jump over a trapdoor that will drop you back to a previous tunnel.
- Continue through the next hallway and jump over the spike trap.
- Fall through the trap door in the center of the room and defeat the Brontoks there. Turn the winch you find in the next room.
- Return to Mendoza either by going back the way you came, using Levitate to float down through the window, or by using the Teleport Volcano Keep stone. Although you turned a winch, the gate is still closed, so he will ask you to enter the south tunnel to aid Rufus.
- At the end of the tunnel, take a side tunnel that leads you to a ledge that is level with the windows to the room and cast Levitate to cross over into the room. You may want to kill the Lizardmen there first with a long range weapon or spell. You'll find Rufus' body here.
- Kill the Watchman through the right doorway, take the Old Bust from his body, and pull the lever to disable the fire traps.
- Go through the left doorway now and stop before you hit the spike trap. Click on the wall on your right to break it down with a pickaxe. This will allow to you by pass the spike and fire traps in the main hallway.
- In the next room, you'll find another Watchman. Take the Old Bust from his corpse and place the two Old Busts on the Altars to open the gate.
- Turn the winch in the next room to finally open the Great Gate and speak to Mendoza again.
- Inspect the column that Mendoza was looking at to learn about the lord of the Saurians.
- Speak to Mendoza again and he'll ask you to scout the tunnel ahead through the Great Gate.
- Move to the open gate, but don't go too far forward or you'll be squashed flat. Cast Telekenisis on the lever to deactivate the trap so that you and the Warriors of the Order can move forward.
- Follow Mendoza and his men further into the cave until you reach a raised drawbridge. He will ask you to find a way to lower the drawbridge.
- Head down the tunnel to the right and you'll find a second raised drawbridge. Cast Telekinesis on the Winch in the other side or hit it with a long range weapon to lower the drawbridge and cross over.
- A little further into the cave you'll meet Brent, who was captured by Lizardmen. He suggests you look for a map and will recommend you talk to Jorganson.
- Through one of the side passages, you'll enter a swamp. Jorganson can be found at the far end. He'll tell you that a Lizardmen hunting party passed by recently and will tell you where to find them.
- Climb up the path near Jorganson and continue until you reach a large group of Lizardmen. The Watchman will have a cell key that you can use to free Drok again. He'll offer to fight with you against the Lizardmen.
- Leave the cave and head outside. Follow down the path and you'll eventually meat Eldric who will tell you that the hunting party was heading toward the hunter's hut.
- Keep following the to Jasmin and Hendrik's hut where you'll find them battling the Lizardmen. Come to their aid and defeat the Leader. You'll find a map on the leader's body. Jasmin will thank you for your help and Drok will leave you.
- Return to Inquisitor Mendoza in the Volcano and show him the map you found. Follow him to the weak spot that he found where he will tell you to bring Ethan to break through the wall.
- In the previous room, you'll find Vince (this seems to be a typo). Tell him that the Inquisitor needs him.
- Return to the Inquisitor and tell him that Ethan/Vince is working on the wall. He will command you to follow him again.
- The Inquisitor will stop in front of a sealed doorway and give you an Old Bust. Place it on the Altar and fight the Lizardmen behind the opening.
- Follow Mendoza to the other end of the room and click on the Inscribed Column to learn what you can.
- Return to Vince/Ethan and he will tell you that he could only create a small opening. Inform Mendoza of this and he will instruct you to enter the breach and then open the large drawbrige so that he and his followers can enter.
- Cast Nautilus Transformation to get to the other side of the wall. Turn right in the main hallway and on your left are some stairs leading to the upper level.
- Go south toward the main gate and kill the Gatekeeper. Take the Crypt Key from his body and then turn the winch to open the main gate and lower the drawbridge, allowing Mendoza and his men to enter the crypt.
- Use the Crypt Key to open the door to Ursegor's tomb on the west side of the crypt and speak to Ursegor's spirit. He will promise to help you open the Golden Gate if you free him from his curse.
- Grab the Lizard Bust from ontop of the sarcophagus and use it to open the three gates along the northwest side of the crypt to reach Zul Utur, Zel Zeret, and Zal Zaran. Kill them and take their skulls and the Soul Splinters.
- Return to Ursegor with the three Soul Splinters to set him free. In return, he will tell you how to open the Golden Gate.
- After setting Ursegor free, take his Skull from his sarcophagus.
- Place the four skulls on the four altars in front of the Golden Gate to the south. The order to place the skulls from the right-most altar to the left is as follows: Ursegor's skull, the Skull of the Undead Guardian, the Skull of the Undead Priest, and the Skull of the Undead Beast.
- Once the gate opens, Inquisitor Mendoza will tell you of his plans to use the titan inside to destroy the other titans on the mainland, even if it means the destruction of the island. When you oppose his plan, he will quickly head through the gate, closing it behind him, and set his men against you.
- After defeating the Order fighters, speak to Ursegor. Once you have told him what happened, he will tell you that the Inquisitor will not be able to control the titan, and that the only way to stop the titan is to become a Titan Lord. To do so, you will need to collect Ursegor's armor from the Saurian priests in the temples across the island. He will also tell you that you need the rune found in his sarcophagus to break through the magical barriers in the temples.

- Return to Ursegor's tomb and take the Destroy Magic Barrier Rune from the sarcophagus.
- If you aren't a mage, show the run to Master Illumar in Volcano Keep and he will create Destroy Magic Barrier scrolls for you. Alternately, you can create your own Destroy Magic Barrier scrolls if you have learned the Create Scrolls ability.
- If you are a mage, speak to Master Ignatius and then follow him into the hall to be made a Master of Magic and receive new Robes.
- Tell both Commandant Carlos in Harbour Town and Don Esteban about what has happenned in the volcano temple and ask for their help to receive a potion and some scrolls. (See Talk to Carlos About the Volcano Temple and Talk to Esteban About the Volcano Temple). If you are a Warrior of the Order, Carlos will declare you the new Inquisitor of the Order and give you some new armour.
- Enter the Plains temple located just northwest of Hilda's Farm. You'll need to defeat several Lizardmen to get inside, including a leader and a lizardman holding the Teleport stone to the temple.
- In the first large chamber, go west and cast Telekinesis on the lever at the end of the hall to avoid the ceiling trap.
- Cast Destroy Magic Barrier on the barrier to the north and click on the wall at the end of the hallway to break to down with a Pickaxe.
- At the north end of the next room you'll find an altar. Turn around and cast Telekinesis on the Priest's Bust at the other end of the room to bring it to you and then place it on the altar.
- Open the Sarcophagus in the next room to find the Armour Piece.
- Enter the temple housed by the bandits in the swamp and cast Destroy Magic Barrier on the magic barrier at the back of the temple.
- In the large chamber climb up the debris on the west side to reach the upper level and click on the wall in the southern archway to break it down with your pickaxe. Press the switch to open the center passage.
- In the next room, cast Levitation to get over the spike traps and pull the lever on the other side to disable them. Click on the Sarcophagus to release a Skeleton Warrior and take the Lizard Mage Bust from it after you defeat it.
- Return to the main chamber, climb up onto the platform in the southeast corner and cast Levitation to reach the upper level to the east.
- Click on the wall in the center archway to break it down and press the switch to open the passage through the southern archway.
- In the next room, open the Sarcophagus in the southeast corner to find another Lizard Mage Bust.
- Return to the main chamber and place both Lizard Mage Busts on the altars to open the door.
- In the final room, the only way to kill the Shadow Lord is by pressing one of the switches to activate the fire in the center of the room and lead the Shadow Lord through it. Take the Hammer of the Titan Lord from its remains.
- There are two temples with armor pieces in the large volcano caves in the north of the island. They can be entered from the west by climbing onto the plateau behind the bandit camp and going east, casting Levitation to get over the magma, or from the east by taking the east coast road all the way up through the Ogre camp. Maps of the area can be found on a corpse on the west side of the cave and on a skeleton on the east side.
- The entrance to the Western Volcano Temple can be found in the northwest part of the large magma cavern. When you reach the raised drawbridge, cast Levitation to cross to the level below the drawbridge and cast Destroy Magic Barrier on the magic barrier inside.
- Inside the temple, enter the passage on the right and click on the wall at the end to break it down with a Pickaxe.
- In the next room, cast Nautilus Transformation to enter a small crevice in the west wall to reach a cell. Kill Montares and take the Bust of a King from his body. To get out, either cast Nautilus Transformation again, or place the Bust of a King on the altar, go through the open door, and then turn around and cast Telekinesis to get the Bust back again.
- In the first room, there is a cell on the east side that contains another Bust of a King. Cast Telekineses from this side of the gate to grab it.
- Place both busts on the altars on the north side of the first room to open the door.
- Defeat the two Undead Priests in the next room and take the helmet floating in the room. One of the Priests is holding a Teleport Stone.
- To leave the room climb up to the ledge that rings the edge of the room up to the closed gates and cast Levitation to float across to the other side of the room where you can break down the wall with a Pickaxe.
- The next room also has a wall the can be taken down with a Pickaxe. Avoid the pit trap in the center of the next room and pull the lever at the end of the hallway to open the exit. A winch nearby will lower the drawbridge across the magma.
- The entrance to the Eastern Volcano temple is in the northwest part of the large eastern chamber of the Volcano Caves. Cast Destroy Magic Barrier to destroy the magic barrier and enter the temple.
- Click on the Map Column in the first room to gain a map of the temple and then enter the hallway to the east.
- At the end of the hall, pull the lever to open the gate, jump over the pit trap or in the middle of the next hallway or cast Telekinesis to take the Bust at the end.
- Drop down into the pit trap. To the east there is a spot you can dig to find a buried treasure chest. Inside, you find Titanwing.
- To the northwest, you'll find a wall that can be broken down using a Pickaxe.
- In the next room, before passing through the hallway to the west, cast Telekinesis on the lever at the other end to disable the ceiling trap.
- Cast Levitation to get across the lava and then Nautilus Transformation to crawl through the hole to enter the cell to the west.
- Take the Bust from this cell and pull the lever to open the gate. Another lever to the south will open a passage back to the first room.
- Place both Busts on the altars on the west side of the first room to open the door.
- Enter the next room and take the Shield of the Titan Lord above the table at the other end. To open the passage back to the first room, pull the lever in the alcove nearby.
- You can reach the Western Temple by taking the west road. At the beginning of the road you'll find Patty who will offer to help you fight the Lizardmen if you freed her in chapter 2.
- When you reach the river climb up into the river's mouth (Patty will leave you) and continue east into the tunnel and then climb up the ledges on the north wall when you reach a dead end.
- Continue east until the cave loops back to the west and climb up the ledges into the Western Temple.
- Cast Destroy Magic Barrier on the magic barrier to the north and conintue further into the temple.
- Jump over the small gap and the spike trap in the next hallway. Pull the ring in the wall in the next room to disable the spike trap and fall through the pit trap in the center of the room.
- Go south and you'll enter a large room. Click on the stone column in this room to gain a map of the temple.
- Enter the northeast passage and cast Levitation to pass over the two spike traps. Pull the lever on the other side to disable the trap and turn the winch to raise one of the walls blocking the eastern passage from the large room.
- Click on the rock in the center passage of the southern wall in the large room to break it down with a Pickaxe. Click on the switch behind it twice to open the southwest passage.
- Go through the southwest passage and turn left at the first intersection. Go south until you reach a large gap in the wall to your left and fire your bow or crossbow at the winch through the gap to lower a drawbridge.
- Return the way you came and turn left at the intersection. At the end of the passage you'll find another winch. Turn it to raise the second wall blocking the eastern passage from the large room.
- Return to the large room and press the switch twice more to open the southeast passage.
- Enter the southeast passage and cross the lowered drawbridge. Follow the ledge along the eastern wall of this chamber, jumping over the small gap in one part. Continue north to the end of the hallway to a winch which will raise the gate blocking the eastern passage from the large room.
- Return to the large room again and go through the eastern passage which is now completely open. At the eastern end of this next room you'll find a chest containing the final Armour Piece.
- Once you have collected all five pieces of the Titan Lord's Armour, visit Eldric in the northeast part of the island and ask him to repair it for you.
- Follow Eldric to the nearby stone table where he will perform a magic ritual and you will receive the Armour of the Titan Lord.
- Return to the spirit of Ursegor in the temple beneath the volcano and tell him that you have restored the Armour of the Titan Lord. He will challenge you to go through the gate and confront the Fire Titan.
- As you approach the gate, you will be met by Inquisitor Mendoza who will try to stop you. Kill him and take both the skull and the Ocular from his body.
- Place Ursegor's skull on the last altar and enter the gate to begin the final battle.
- The Final Battle against the Fire Titan is different from all the previous battles in the game. The titan has a series of attacks that you need to
avoid and at certain times he will be vulnerable to attack from the Hammer of the Titan Lord.
There is a pattern to his attacks, so you need to anticipate what's coming and plan accordingly:
- Many floor tiles will start glowing when they are about to disappear. Quickly move to a tile that isn't glowing to avoid being dropped into the magma below.
- The titan will frequently fire projectiles at you. Deflect then back to the titan with your shield and when you see the titan kneeling he is vulnerable to an attack with the Hammer of the Titan Lord. He has no health bar, so you may not realize you hit him.
- Sometimes, the titan will fire a ray that will move slowly toward you. Either run away from the ray or jump over it when it gets close.
- When you see the titan raise his foot, get ready to jump over the shockwave that he will create when he brings his foot down.
- After you have hit him several times with the Hammer, a cutscene will run showing the titan being forced back into his prison.