Side Quests
Beggar's Nest: Aldo and Hector
- Near the center of the Beggar's Nest you will see Aldo, whose wagon is broken. He is reluctant to leave his wagon and will ask you to find his assistant Hector, who was supposed to find a replacement part.
- Enter Thomas Wheelright Wagon Repair in the southeast corner of the district where you will meet Hector. He will ask you to come with him to tell his master that he could not find a wagon part.
- Escort Hector to Aldo. When Aldo learns that there is no spare part to be found, he will abandon his wagon and head to safety with his wife and Hector.
Beggar's Nest: A Lost Soul
- In the Temple of Helm in the southeast corner of the Beggar's Nest, Betrand is looking for his brother Marcus.
- At the north end of the district, near the gate to the Graveyard, you will find Marcus' body. On his body you will find a staff, his journal, and some gold.
- Tell Betrand in the Temple of Helm of his brother's death and return both the staff and the journal to him for experience, a small reward, and 3 alignment points toward good. You can try to lie to him about his brother possessions to keep the powerful magic staff, but you will not receive a reward.
Trouble in No-Man's-Land
- Between the City Core and Blacklake, you will find No-Man's-Land. At the entrance, Cendran will ask you to kill the half-orc Loxar who has wrecked havoc in the area and killed many people.
- You will find Loxar in the Ruined Tower to the north. Kill him and take his head.
- Bring Loxar's Head to Cendran to prove you have killed him and he will thank you for your deed.
Blacklake: Samuel's Rescue
- Speak to Thurin in the Board Lade Bare in Blacklake. He will offer you a reward for the safe return of Sammuel, one of his men.
- Look at the walkthrough for details on how to get into Meldanen's Estate.
- At the south end of the building, you will find the prison cells. Take the key from the chest and open Samuel's cell door. He will thank you for rescuing him.
- Return to Thurin in the Board Lade Bare for a reward.
The Great Tree: Animal Rescue
- Offer to help Nyatar, by the Great Tree in the City Core, rescue the animals from the zoo and he will give you a Zoo Key Copy, a Transport Via Plants Scroll, and a Scented Fetish which will allow you to communicate with the animals.
- Enter the Zoo in Blacklake and use the Zoo Key Copy to open the door to the east.
- Follow the hallway all the way around the zoo and enter the grove at the end of the hallway. Use the Transport Via Plants Scroll on the tree to create a portal for the animals.
- Reenter the zoo and go through the first door on the right.
- Kill the Master of the Pens in the second room and pull the lever there to open the cages.
- Speak to each of the animals and tell them to go to the tree to escape.
- Once all four animals have left, return to the grove and invite each of them to enter the portal.
- Nyatar in the City Core will reward you when you return to him.
Docks - The Masterson Amulet
- Speak with Hemmel Masterson near the southwest corner of the Docks District. He will tell you about how he gave his locket to Callik who promised to give his family safe passage out of the city, but didn't carry through.
- Follow the walkthrough for the main quest to find Callik in the Sewers. After you have killed him, you can take the locket from his body.
- Return the locket to Hemmel Masterson for a small reward.
Hints of a Cult and Treachery
- After each of the Waterdhavian creature components have been given to Aribeth, you will be ambushed by four assailants. Look at my maps of the four districts of Neverwinter to learn the locations of these attacks.
- In each of the attacks, one of the attackers will have a note on him containing their instructions. These notes will hint about an active cult in Neverwinter and a traitor.
- Give each of the notes to Fenthick in the Halls of Justice to receive a reward.
Henchmen Quests
- All of the mercanaries available for hire in the City Core will tell you about themselves when asked. The higher your level, the more they will share with you, until eventually, you will learn of a particular item they are looking for. Find that item for them and they will reward you with a special magical item that can be upgraded in future chapters.
- Daelan is looking for his mother's Brooch found in a chest on the boat in the southwest corner of the Docks district. Return it to him and he will reward you with the Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +1.
- One of the reasons Boddyknock Glinckle came to Neverwinter was to learn the secret to making Leaven Bread. Give him the recipe found in Siril's Bakery on the west side of the Beggar's Nest, and he will reward you with his Lantanese Ring +1.
- Linu La'neral is responsible for the loss of the Silver Chalice of Moonbow and needs to find it back. It can be found in Meldanen's room in his estate in Blacklake. She will give you her Pendant of the Elf +1 in return for it.
- Grimgnaw was sent to Neverwinter to find Alaganda, a fellow member of his order who fled. Bring him her Silver Ring, found in a house in the northwest corner of No-Man's-Land, and he will give you his Amulet of the Long Death +1.
- Sharwyn needs the Celestial Elixer to cure her mother. It can be found in the Tanglebrook Estate in the Peninsula. She will give you her Belt of the Performer +1 in return.
- Tomi Undergallows is looking for a forgery to prove his innocence in Calimport. It can be found in Thomas Wheelwright Wagon Repair in the southeast corner of the Beggar's Nest. Show this to him and he will reward you with his Ring of the Rogue +1.
Moonstone Mask: Art Theft
- Ophala Cheldarstorn in the Moonstone Mask in the City Core will ask you to acquire three items for her if you can persuade her to trust you.
- Enter the Rumbottom Estate in the center of Blacklake, and at the back of the building you will find Rumbottom in his bedroom. He will challenge you, but will back down if you threaten him. Take the Portrait of Sir Reginald Rumbottom III from one of the chests.
- The Gilded Urn can be found in the Hodge Estate in Blacklake. It is located in a chest in the northwest corner of the building. It appears Hodge has fled, anticipating your arrival.
- In the Androd estate in the northwest corner of the Docks district you will find the Gaudy Statuette. It can be found in a chest of drawers in Androd's private chamber. He will not try to stop you when you come for it.
- Ophala Cheldarstorn will reward you well for each of the items you bring to her.
Temple of Tyr - Never's Tomb
- Speak to Oleff in the Hall of Justice and offer to help him search for Halueth Never's Tomb. He will give you a Letter to show to Briley in the tomb in the Peninsula.
- In the Moonstone Mask in the City Core, a man named Gilles will offer you a large reward if you bring him the artifacts you find in the tombs instead of bringing them to Oleff. He will tell you about an item he took from one of the people working in the tomb as he died. You can force Gilles to give you the Quill, but then you won't be able to sell him the other artifacts. Give Jacob's Quill to Oleff for a reward.
- Go to the Peninsula District and enter one of the houses on the east side of the area. Enter the tomb and show Briley the Letter from Oleff and he will unlock the chest and tell you what he knows about the tomb.
- Open the chest and take the logbook and the three artifacts. The logbook will reveal the locations of three other tombs.
- The first artifact, the Ancient Chronicles of Halueth Never, can be found in the tomb in the Great Graveyard. Place the Ceremonial Shield in the chest outside the tomb to enter. Be careful: the sarcophagus is protect by a powerful trap.
- The second artifact, an Ancient Symbol of Tyr can be found in the tomb in the Aquaducts accessed from the Silver Sails Trading Company by the Docks. See the walkthrough for the main quest to learn how to get to the Aquaduct. Place the Ceremonial Sword in the chest to enter the tomb.
- The final artifact, Halueth's Rusted Armor can be found in Never's Tomb off of a house in the southwest corner of Blacklake.
- Speak to Telma to learn the password and then click on the bookcase and say "Halueth" to enter a secret passage.
- Place the Ceremonial Arrow in the chest to open the door to Never's Tomb.
- The swords guarding the tomb are very difficult, so you may want to just grab Halueth's Rusted Armor from the sarcophagus and leave again.
- Give Halueth's Rusted Armor to Oleff in the Hall of Justice for a final reward including an Amulet of Will +3.
Cloaktower: Membership
- If you are a mage, speak to Eltoora Sarptyl in the Many-Starred Cloak in the City Core about gaining membership. For you first task, you have to collect four items for her: a bit of clay, a flask of water, puff of fog, and some kindling wood.
- These four items can be found in Wizard's labs in each of the four city districts each guarded by a mephit.
- Once you have collected all four items, return to Eltoora Sarptyl and give them to her. Step into the portal to begin the next challenge.
- Collect the four wands from the woodpile, the diving pool, the stones, and the Alchemist's Apparatus.
- Use the four wands on the Minogon in this order: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, to destroy it. If you do anything wrong, it will attack you.
- Reenter the portal and speak to Eltoora Sarptyl who will welcome you into the guild. She will give a Many-Starred Cloak.
A Devil's Deal
- On the main floor of Helm's Hold, you will see an imprisoned demon standing next to an altar who will ask your to release him.
- Take the Black Grimoire from the bookcase in the room to the south. Use it on the altar to either release the demon for a reward, or banish him.
- If you banished the demon, take the Book of Helm from the bookcase in the room next to the stairs to the upper level and use it on the altar to summon the Guardian Spirit of Helm. He will give you a reward for freeing him.
North Road: Gerrol's Wife
- As soon as you leave Kendrack's Mercanary Barracks in Port Llast, a farmer boy will apporach you and ask for you help in rescuing his mother. He will direct you to his father, Gerrol, just outside of the north gate.
- Leave Port Llast through the north gate to the North Road where you will meet Gerrol standing outside his home. He will ask you to rescue his wife Leah from a band of bugbears led by Dergiab, an Ogre Mage.
- Enter the caves to the northwest. In the Bugbears cave, you will find Leah in the prison near the center of the area. She will thank you for freeing her.
- Return to Gerrol and you will see that Leah has returned safely. Gerrol will reward you for her rescue.
North Road: Dergiab's Head
- In addition to wanting his wife Leah back, Gerrol will ask you to kill Dergiab, the leader of the monsters who have been terrorizing him.
- Dergiab can be found in the Ogre Caves, which can be accessed via the Bugbear Caves.
- Once you have killed Dergiab, take his head and show it to Gerrol to prove that you have killed him.
North Road: Mutamin's Challenge
- Inside the Green Griffon Inn, you may overhear several of the adventurers talk about a competition. Ask Mutamin about this and he will tell you about his dungeon race and give you the key to his basement.
- Enter the basement and give Jaroo 500 gold pieces to enter the dungeon.
- There are two paths you can take to reach the dungeon exit. Examine my map to find your way through.
- In the southeast corner of the third level is a puzzle. Open the chest behind the door labeled "19" to find the key to the room exit.
- Near the northeast corner of the third level, you will encounter invisible enemies that cannot be defeated by normal means. Lure them to the Pillar of Light to the west to destroy them. You will find the Crystal Egg in a chest in the next room.
- The dungeon exit can be found in the southeast corner of the level. Place the Crystal Egg in the chest and speak to the statue to leave the dungeon.
- Speak to Jaroo outside the dungeon to be anounced the winner. Go to Mutamin to collect your prize.
South Road: Erik's Despair
- If you ask Ingo, a farmer in the northeast part of the Farmland region, for work, he will ask you to cheer up his son.
- Enter Ingo and Erik's house and speak to Erik. He will tell you that he showed his mother's brooch to Constance, but now she won't give it back, and he will offer you a reward for its return.
- Speak to Constance in the O'Deel House to the southwest. Her family is in desparate need of money, so she won't sell the brooch to you for less than 250 gold.
- Return to Erik with the brooch for a decent reward (more than you paid Constance for it, ironically).
South Road: Peter and the Wolves
- In the Farmlands region, Pete O'Deel will complain about a pack of wolves which have been killing his herds and will offer you a reward if you kill their leader.
- Enter the Wolf Den at the top of the waterfall to the east. Inside, you will find Silverback, the leader of the pack.
- Silverback will surrender to you once she is almost dead. If you can't persuade her to leave the cattle alone, you will have to kill her and take her head.
- Return to Pete O'Deel for your reward.
Charwood: The Village of Eternal Night
- Take the South Road from Port Llast through the Haunted Forest to reach Charwood. The town is very eerie and the villagers seem forgetful and confused.
- Speak to the gate guard and he will open the gate to the castle for you.
- Take the key from the chest in the center of the foyer and use it on one of the three doors. If you choose the doors to the left or right, you will have to fight your way through, but the way is clear behind the center door and you will be rewarded with some magic armor at the end.
- Speak to The Guardian to learn about your role as the Judge. She will give you the key to the door to the north.
- Behind this door, you will find two staircases that lead to Karlat's Chambers and Quint's Chambers. In each of these areas, you will need to find the key to open the door to the brother's room at the south end of the area. Speak to each of the brothers to hear their side of the store and to get a written oath from each of them. Read each of their journal's to learn more about what happened.
- If you want the full story, you need to summon the demon Belial. In Karlat's Summoning Chamber, place a Fire Beetle's Belly on the Ritual Brazier. Cast Protection From Evil on yourself and the cast Burning Hands on the Ritual Brazier either by casting the spell directly, using a scroll, or using Karlat's Burning Wand. Learn the truth from Belial and get a signed Oath from him as well.
- Return to The Guardian to render your verdict. To find Belial guilty, The Guardian will need the Oath you collected from him. You can either imprison them all for eternity by telling the Guardian to continue guarding the phylactery, or you can release them all by keeping it yourself.
- Outside of the Castle, you will find that the Village of Charwood is gone - only ruins lie there now. The mayor will thank you for what you have done and reward you with 500 gold as well as some other treasure.
East Road: The Simpleton's Mother
- Inside Jax's Barracks on the East Road you will meet Revat, a simpleton, who's mother has been captured by trolls. He will ask you to rescue her and will give you his ring.
- You will find Janis, Revat's mother, in the Storage Area of the Troll Caves. Give her Revat's Ring to free her from her backfired spell.
- Speak to Revat again in Jax's Barracks and he will reward you for saving his mother.
East Road: Jax's Barracks
- In the center of the Archaeologists' camp on the East Road you will meet Jax who will tell you about his expedition to find the ruins of the creator race and the attack of the Trolls. He will hire you to find the ruins and bright back evidence of the Creator Race.
- Enter the Troll Caves from any of the entrances in the area. At the end of the third level, you will find the entrance to the Creator Ruins.
- Near the entrance of the Creator Ruins, your path will be blocked by a Seal Guardian Golem, who will not let you pass without a ring.
- There is a chest in the southeast corner of the level, guarded by a Battle Horror, which contains the Golem Signet Ring. Give the ring to the Seal Guardian Golem in exchange for the Seal Key, which will open the seal behind it.
- On the second level, another Seal Guardian Golem will block your way. He will not let you pass without a password.
- The password can be found in a chest near the southern end of the level. Give the Golem the password and he will give you the Seal Key to open the second seal.
- The third Seal Guardian Golem will attack you as you approach him on the third level. The key for this seal can be found on the body of a thief in one of the rooms to the south.
- Behind the last seal you will encounter three Creator Sorcerers.
- A fourth Creator Sorcerer will attack you in the last chamber on the third level. Once he is almost dead, he will surrender to you and answer your questions about him and his race. The surrender was only a ruse to regain his strength, however, and he will attack you again at the end of your conversation.
- In one of the chests, you will find the Complete History of the Creator Ruins. Step on the portal to return to the top of the Troll Caves.
- Give the book to Jax for a decent reward.
Port Llast: The Werewolf Hunter
- Neurik, the priest of the temple in Port Llast, will tell you the story of how Sir Karathis Ironheart came to Port Llast to hunt the Grey Wolf, and took four of the town's boys with him to a cave where the werewolf was hiding. He left the cave infected with lycanthropy and infected three of the four boys as well. Neurik will give you four Silver Charms which should remove the curse from the four who have been afflicted.
- In the Alliance Arms Inn you will find Andor, the only body to escape, speaking with Alhelor, a merchant who specializes in werewolf hunting merchandise. Andor will give you the appoximate locations of his four cursed freinds.
- The first boy, Urth, is hiding in his parents' home in the southwest corner of Port Llast. Enter his room on the second floor and fight him. When he is almost dead, he will surrender. Convince him to put on a Silver Charm from Neurik and he will return to his normal self. He will give you his ring in gratitude.
- Bran can be found in the Wolf Cave along the South Road. Convince him to wear one of the Silver Charms and he too will give you his ring.
- In the southeast corner of the East Road you will find Geth, who will also give you his ring for curing him with a Silver Charm.
- Bring each of the three rings to Neurik in the temple for a reward.
- Once all three boys have been cured, seek out Sir Karathis Ironheart in the cave east of the Green Griffon Inn. Once you have cured him with the last Silver Charm, he will give you his Journal.
- Show Sir Karathis Ironheart's Journal to Neurik. He will ask you to find Ahlelor and kill him.
- Enter the Alliance Arms Inn to discover that Alhelor is gone. Andor will tell you that he last saw him going to his house.
- Enter Alhelor's house to the southeast. Once you have killed him, take his Tooth and give it to Neurik to prove you have killed the Grey Wolf.
Neverwinter Wood: Spirit of the Wood
- Speak to Archdruid Aawill in the center of the Druid Encampment. Offer to help him heal the Spirit of the Wood and he will give you permission to enter the Neverwinter Wood.
- Inside the wood, find the three missing druids (see the next quest walkthrough below). They can each give you information about how to reach the Spirit of the Wood.
- Speak to the Nymph inside her home in the Deep Woods. She will tell you about a possible way to reach the Realm of the Spirit where the Spirit of the Wood is hiding. Take the Ceremonial Dagger from the chest nearby.
- Click on the altar in the southeast corner of the Heart of the Forest. Plunge the Ceremonial Dagger into your chest to enter the Realm of the Spirit.
- In the Realm of the Spirit you will find Relmar, the dwarf from the cult who poisoned the Spirit of the Wood. He was abandoned in the Realm of the Spirit by his friends and has gone mad. After he attacks you, take his journal to find proof that the cult is based in Luskan.
- Search the rubble in the northwest corner of the Realm of the Spirit to find the Spirit Poison Antidote.
- When you approach the Spirit of the Wood, it will attack you. Once you have defeated it, use the Spirit Poison Antidote to cure it and you will return to the Heart of the Forest.
- Return to the Druid Encampment and speak to Archdruid Aawill for your reward.
Neverwinter Wood: The Missing Druids
- In addition to asking you to discover what harm has fallen the Spirit of the Wood, Archdruid Aawill, in the Druid Encampment, will ask you to find three missing druids who went into the wood and have not returned.
- The first druid can be found in the Nymph's Home in the Deep Woods. The nymph had lured Terari into her home and imprisoned him there.
- Orlane has been taken by spiders to their cave in the Deep Woods. Defeat the Spider Queen in the southeast corner of the cave and then click on the Spiderweb Cocoon to free him.
- The third druid, Bree, is being held captive by the witch Setara in her home in the Heart of the Forest. Give Setara the Mirror of Vanity, which can be found in the Nymph's Home, and she will give you the key to Bree's cell.
- Return to Archdruid Aawill after all three of the druids have been freed for a reward.
Neverwinter Wood: The Druid's Circle
- If your character is a druid, speak to Jaer in the northeast corner of the Druid Encampment about joining the grove. She will tell you about the circles and the challenges you must make to ascend through the circles.
- When you are ready, speak to Jaer to challenge Welcar, defender of the fourth circle, and you will be teleported to the fighting pit. If you win, you will become the defender of the fourth circle and will receive its ring.
- As you gain experience as a Druid, you will be able to challenge the defenders of each of the other circles through Jaer. Each time you win, you will be granted a ring for that circle.
Henchmen Quests
- Like the first chapter, the henchmen will tell you more of their story as your level increases and in the end will require a particular item. Give them the item they are looking for, and the their previous gift will become stronger. For each henchmen, you must have completed their quest in the first chapter for their quests to be available in this one.
- Daelin is looking for the Notched Axe of his mother's murderer, who will attack you on the third level of Mutamin's Challange. In return, he will upgrade the Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe.
- The Lantanese Ring Boddyknock Glinckle gave you in the first chapter will become stronger when you give him the Prism Blossom Seed, found on the first level of the Creator Ruins.
- Linu La'neral seeks the journal of her late husband, which can be found on his body near the northwest corner of the Troll Caves on the East Road. Give this to her, and the Pendant of the Elf she gave you before will become stronger.
- Grimgnaw is looking for a special artifact to release some of his brothers and sisters from the torment of undeath. Give him the Corpse Hand, found in the Arcane Brother's Tomb by the Green Griffon Inn and the Amulet of the Long Death will grow in power.
- Sharwyn needs a Lock of Nymph's Hair, which can be found in the Nymph's Home in Neverwinter Woods. Bring this to her and the Belt of the Performer she gave you will become stronger.
- Tomi Undergallows desires the Star of Calimshan found in a chest in the barracks in Wanev's Tower on the South Road.
Port Llast: Bounty Hunt
- Kendrack, the mayor of Port Llast, will offer you a bounty for five fugitives who escaped from the Waterdeep prison. He will give you clues to the locations of four of the criminals, though he does not know where their leader would be.
- The first four criminals can be caught in any order. You will always have the option of either killing them outright, are just taking their ears and letting them go free after they tell you where one of the other criminals is hiding.
- Delilah can be found in a room on the second floor of Jax' Barracks on the East Road.
- Stirge is hiding in the hollow of a tree in the northwest corner of the Farmland area.
- In the northwest corner of the Druid's Encampment off of the East Road, you'll find Wyvern.
- Zor, the Minotaur, is staying in the Green Griffon Inn on the North Road.
- After you have brought back the ears of each of the four fugitives to Kendrack, he will tell you that their leader, Yesgar, has kidnapped his daughter. He will give you the key to the Port Llast Mines where he believes Yesgar is hiding.
- Follow the North Road from Port Llast and enter the Port Llast Mines. The mine key will unlock the first door in the mines.
- At the east end of the mines you will fight Yesgar. After you have defeated him, you will again have the option to kill him or just take his ear and let him go.
- In the next room you will find Kendrack's daughter, Shaldrissa. Once you have freed her, she will return to her father in Port Llast.
- Speak to Kendrack again in Port Llast to receive his thanks and Yesgar's bounty.
Port Llast: The Serpent Gems
- Elaith "The Serpent" Craulnober is waiting in the Alliance Arms Inn, looking for someone to help him "buy" passage to Evermeet. Agree to find the three gems he needs and he will give you the key to Wanev's Cottage.
- Use Wanev's Cottage Key to enter Wanev's Cottage by the east gate of Port Llast and descent to the basement.
- At the end of the hallway, you will find some stairs that lead up into the kitchen. Place a Slaad's Tongue, a Fire Beetle's Belly, and two Skeleton's Knuckles into the brazier to create a portal to the laboratory, where you will find Wanev's Wardstone in a chest.
- Leave Port Last through the south gate and approach Wanev's Tower from the southwest quarter of the South Road where you will see Lerk the Troll. He will open the gate for you if you have Wanev's Wardstone, but you will have to fight him and bash down the gate if you do not.
- You can either enter Wanev's Tower through the main entrance if you have Wanev's Wardstone, or you can enter through the cellar entrance to the west.
- If you have Wanev's Wardstone, the denizens of the tower will leave you alone. Make your way through the tower to the second floor.
- Step into the center of the circle to teleport to Wanev, who will attack you. Once he has surrendered, demand his Gem from him and he will give you the key to his summoning room where the Gem is located.
- Use the key to open the door behind Wanev to the Summoning Room. At the north end of the area, you will find Wanev's Gem in a chest.
- You can optionally seal the portal as per Wanev's request by killing Galgash to the southwest and then placing his heart on the brazier next to the portal. Wanev will reward you for this.
- The second gem you need is held by Zamithra who is staying in the Green Griffon Inn. When you speak with you, she will invite you to her room.
- Follow Zamithra to her room on the second floor and demand her gem. She will shamefully admit defeat and leave the room. You can take the gem from the chest.
- The final gem is in the possession of Setara, a witch in Neverwinter Wood. She will give you the gem if you give her the Mirror of Vanity which can be found in the Nymph's Home in the Deep Woods.
- Bring all three gems to Elaith in the Alliance Arms Inn for a decent reward.
Port Llast: Five Tomes of Imaskaran
- On a hill in the northeast corner of Port Llast, the wizardress Eltoora will promise you a fair reward for each of the five tomes of Imaskaran you find. She will also tell the approximate locations of each of the tomes
- The Tome of Fire is on a bookshelf in Karlat's Chamber in Castle Jhareg in Charwood.
- The Tome of Death can also by found in Castle Jhareg in a chest in Quint's Chambers.
- The Tome of Life is held by the undead Brother Tomas in his tomb near the Green Griffon Inn.
- The Tome of Ice can be found on a bookshelf on the main floor of Wanev's Tower on the South Road.
- The Tome of Resonance in on a bookshelf in Setara's Home in Neverwinter Wood
- After you have given Eltoora each of the tomes, you can create the item referenced in the book in her lab. The recipes for each of the items can be found on a bookshelf near the center of the lab. Place the mentioned items into the chest and then cast the required spell on the chest to create the items.
Luskan: Erb's Delicate Problem
- Speak to Erb on the second floor of the Wink and Tickle in Luskan and he will explain to you his problem. He needs to get his ring from Lady Jadale before her husband discovers it.
- Enter Lady Jadale's estate next to the Cutlass in the southeast corner of the town. Persuade her to give you the ring either through logic, lies, or threats.
- Return to Erb with his ring for your reward.
Luskan: The Harlot's Husband
- In her room on the second floor of the Wink and Tickle in Luskan, Yvette will tell you her story and ask you to get her daughter back from Galrone, the child's father.
- Galrone can be found in one of the buildings in the slums at the north end of Luskan. He will only hand over the child if you pay him off. You should be able to talk him down to 250 gp. Another alternative is to just kill him, and take the baby from his body.
- Bring Yvette's baby to her in the Wink and Tickle to recieve her thanks and a reward.
Luskan: Nine Lives
- In the Cutlass in the southeast corner of Luskan, you will meet a distraught mother named Londa, whose nine children were taken by High Captian Baram.
- Read the main walkthrough for details on how to enter Baram's Sewers. Near the southeast corner of his Lair, you will find a spider nest. Kill the spiders and then free the Nanny from the Spiderweb Cocoon to the south. She will tell you that all the children are dead and will give you the Child's Bear as proof.
- Return to Londa with the Child's Bear and tell her what happened. She will give you the Key to her husband's vault in the southwest corner of the Sewers.
Luskan: The Ghoul Lords
- In the southeast part of the Luskan Sewers you will find an Outcast Ghoul. He will ask you to take the Amulet from his brother.
- To the east, you will find a Ghoul Lord. Once you have slayed it, take the Amulet of Power from its remains.
- Give the Amulet of Power to the Outcast Ghoul and he will reward you with the Sewer Control Key and the Lever of Water.
Luskan: Colmarr's Fantabulous Contrapulator
- Colmarr, in his shop in Luskan will tell you about his Fantabulous Contrapulator, which can create magical potions. He will let you use it if you are able to repair it.
- The device is missing three levers:
- The Lever of Stone can be found in a common chest on the main floor of the Wink and Tickle brothel behind a locked door.
- The Lever of Wind is in a chest in the southeast corner of the Luskan Sewers, guarded by a Ghoul Lord.
- The Lever of Water can also be found in the Luskan Sewers, held by a Ghoul Outcast. He will give it to you if you give him the Amulet of Power held by his brother, the Ghoul Lord.
- You will find the Contrapulator in northwest corner of the Luskan Sewers. Place the three levers in the slots next to the Lever of Fire to repair the device.
- The Contrapulator can create potions for you if you toggle the four levers into various positions and pull on the Activation Switch.
Luskan: Saving Evaine
- Elynwyd in the Cutlass in the southeast corner of Luskan will tell you how High Captian Kurth kidnapped his sister Evaine. He will give you his signet ring if you promise to rescue her.
- Read the main walkthrough to learn how to enter Kurth's Lair.
- In the northeast corner of Kurth's main chamber, you will find the cell where Evaine is locked up. Use the Prison Key to unlock the cell and then give her Elynwyd's Signet Ring to show her that you were sent by her brother to rescue her. She will use her magic to leave the place.
- Speak to Elynwyd again in the Cutlass to receive your reward for rescuing his sister.
Luskan: The Ruins of Illusk
- Near the southwest corner of the Luskan Docks, there is an abandoned house with a statue outside. The inscription on the statue is a prophesy that a hero from the south will break the three seals and defeat the evil Voleron trapped inside the ruins.
- Enter the building and defeat the Skull Warrior. Place its head on the altar to break the first seal and allow you to enter the Ruins of Illusk.
- In the southeast corner of the first level of the ruins you will find the second seal guarded by a Fallen Hero. Once you have defeated the Hero, place his heart on the altar to break the seal.
- The third seal is in the northwest corner of the second level. Defeat the Water Elemental Guardian and then place the Blessed Water on the altar to break the final seal.
- Defeat the evil Voleron on the third level. At the back is a portal which will return you to the surface.
Rolgan's Trial
- Speak to Neurik in the Temple of Tyr in Beorunna's Well. Volunteer to serve as defense for Rolgan and he will give you a notebook that contains a list of all the witnesses and jurors in the trial.
- All the people listed in the notebook can be found around the camp. Speak to each of the witnesses to hear their side of the story and speak to the jurors to learn how they feel about the case (some of the jurors can be bribed).
- One of the key witnesses to speak to is Zed. He will be reluctant to speak to you because of his injury. Heal him either by giving him a healing potion, casting a healing spell on him, or using a healing kit on him and he will become much more cooperative. He will admit that Griff spiked Rolgan's drink and that he cheated.
- Another important witness is Lodar. Keep buying him drinks and eventually he will also tell you the truth about Griff's dirty tricks.
- Speak to Neurik again to begin the trial. As the trial progresses, you can determine where each of the jurors stand based on what they are holding in their hand. If they are holding a torch, they believe Rolgan innocent, if a weapon, guilty, and if they hold nothing, they are neutral. You need at least three torches to win the trial. If you convinced either Zed or Lodar to tell the truth, you shouldn't have any problem winning.
- After the trial, speak to Neurik once again and you will be compensated, even if Rolgan was found guilty. The better your success, the more you will receive.
Recover the Star Sapphire
- Husher Clay in the Trading Post in Beorunna's Well will offer you a reward if you can bring back Layenne Cheroux's Star Sapphire.
- Go north into Coldwood and continue north to the next area where you will find many undead.
- The entrance to Layenne's Tomb can be found near the northeast corner of the area.
- At the south end of Layenne's Tomb you will find a chamber with five pedestals. You will need to place four special gems on the four pedestals around the outside before you can take the Star Sapphire from the center one.
- You will find the Gem of Pain and the Gem of Misery in the two chambers in the northwest corner of the tomb. Destroy all four Glyph Generators to destroy the Iron Golem blocking the way.
- The Gem of Duty can be found in the sarcophagus in a room north of the Succubus.
- The final gem, the Gem of Honor can be found in Layenne's sarcophagus itself in the northeast part of the tomb, which is guarded by a Bone Golem Champion.
- Place the four gems on the correct pedestals by matching the color of the gems with the color of the glyphs on the pedestals. Once all four gems have been placed correctly, you will be able to take the Star Sapphire from the center pedestal.
- Bring the Star Sapphire back to Husher Clay in Beorunna's Well for a reward.
The Siege of Fort Ilkard
- Travel south from Beorunna's Well, through the Countryside, to Fort Ilkard.
- Speak to Commander Damas in his lodge and he will offer you a reward to destroy the catapults attacking the fort.
- Leave the fort through the breach to the southwest and kill the Uthgardt protecting the catapults along the fort walls. Once the Uthgardt operating a catapult are dead, click on it to destroy it.
- Once you have destroyed both ballistas and all four catapults, speak to Commander Damas again for your reward. He will offer you a further reward for the head of the Uthgardt commander.
- Climb up the cliffs in the southwest corner of the area and then head north to the Uthgardt command post where you will find Subchief Arness.
- Return to Commander Damas once again with the head of Arness for a handsome reward. He will offer you yet another reward if you can bring him the head of the Elk tribe's Chief: Zokan Thunderer.
- Enter the Orc Lair to the northwest. In the room behind their leader Guzud, you will find Uncas, a member of the Elk Tribe who was captured by the orcs as he searched for a cure to the Wailing Death that the Elk Tribe have contracted. He will give you the Feather of Peace which marks you as a friend to the Elk Tribe.
- Head west to the Homesteads and approach the Elk Tribe Keep to the northeast.
- Speak to the guard at the gate and he will open it for you when he sees the Feather of Peace.
- Zokan can be found near the center of the keep. He will reveal that Commander Damas infected them with the plague. He believes that Damas also has a cure which is why they have been attacking the fort. Agree to get the cure for him and he will give you the Plague-Ridden Blankets that Damas had given them.
- Confront Comander Damas in his quartes in Fort Ilkard with the Plague-Ridden Blankets and he will admit to giving the Elk Tribe the Wailing Death. He will offer to sell you the cure for a large amount of money. If you kill him for it instead, you will have to fight your way through the defenders of the fort.
- Bring the cure to Zokan in the Elk Tribe Keep and he will give you the Uthgardt Ceremonial Spear as a reward.
- Alternately, you could just kill Zokan and bring his head to Commander Damas for a reward.
Investigate the Elk Tribe
- Yusam, at the west end of the camp at Beorunna's Well, will ask you to investigate why the Elk Tribe joined with the forces of Luskan, and why they have killed all his envoys.
- Read the walkthrough for The Siege of Fort Ilkard to learn how to reach Zokan, the leader of the Elk Tribe.
- Show the Dreamcatcher that Zokan gave you for curing the tribe of the plague to Yusam and he will reward you for your help with the Elk Tribe.
Save the Supply Lines
- Rolkid in the Mercenary Enclave in Beorunna's Well will tell you about the bandits who are raiding their supply lines. He will offer a bounty for the heads of the leaders of the two bandit groups who are causing the problems.
- Vaath can be found in the southeast corner of the first area of Coldwood north of Beorunna's Well. Bring his head back to Rolkid to collect the bounty.
- In the northwest corner of the Fort Ilkard area, you will find the Orc Lair.
- Near the center of the Orc Lair you will find Guzud. Like Vaath, he will plead for his life and offer you gold after you have defeated him. To collect the bounty from Rolkid, you will have to kill Guzud and bring him his head.
- After you have given Rolkid the heads of the two bandit leaders, he will ask for one more target: Obould Many-Arrows, a powerful orc chieftain.
- Obould's lair is found in the first area of Moonwood.
- Fight your way through the orcs and drow to Obould's chamber near the center of the cave. Slay him, and you will be able to take his head.
- Bring Abould's head back to Rolkid in Beorunna's Well and he will give you a large reward.
Deliver Eckel's Note
- In the Settler's Barracks in Fort Ilkard you will meet Eckel who complains about the money he is losing because he was drafted into defending the fort. Offer to help him and he will give you a note to give to his wife.
- Head east to the Homesteads and enter Eckel's house at the west end of the area.
- Give Eckel's Note to Galia and she will reward you for your help.
Plant the Ultarg Tree Seeds
- West of the entrance to the Creator Race Ruins south of Fort Ilkard, you will find the entrance to the gardens. There you will meet Sapphira, a wild mage who will explain to you the nature of the time sink that the ruins exist in. She will ask you to plant some Ultarg Seeds in the past for her.
- Reenter the ruins and use the Time Crystal Sapphira gave you on the Sun Dial in the northwest corner. You will be transported into the past.
- Enter the gardens in the past and plant the Ultarg Seeds beneath the red warding rune.
- Use the Time Crystal on the Sun Dial to return to the present.
- Return to the garden in the present and you will see the Ultarg Tree rising about the red warding rune. Speak to Sapphira for your reward.
Working for Akulatraxas
- In the center of the second area of Moonwood you will find the cave of the green dragon Akulatraxas. I you speak to her in a flattering manner, she will tell you how the Hill Giants are trying to steal her eggs and will ask you to kill the Hill Giant Chieftain.
- The Hill Giant Lair can be found west of Akulatraxas' cave. The Chieftain is in the southwest corner of the second level.
- Take the Hill Giant Chieftain's head to Akulatraxas and she will reward you with some gold from her hoard.
Gorgotha the Gold Dragon
- In a cave near the center of the Spine of the World area in Moonwood, you will find a gold dragon named Gorgotha. She will offer you a reward if you bring her the head of Klauth who is threatening her eggs.
- Enter the Fire Giant Lair to the north and then enter the eastern area.
- Slay the Blue Dragon in the Dragon Dungeon on the east side of this area and then place the Dragon Sphere, found in a nearby fountain, on the Dragon Orb Pedestal to absorb the dead dragon's essence.
- Enter Klauth's lair and give him the Dead Dragon Sphere to cause him serious injury. Once you have killed him, take his head.
- Return to Gorgotha in her lair with Klauth's Head and she will reward you.
Henchmen Quests
- Like the first and second chapters, the henchmen will tell you more of their story as your level increases and in the end will require a particular item. Give them the item they are looking for, and their previous gift will become stronger. For each henchmen, you must have completed their quest in the second chapter for their quests to be available in this one.
- To prove himself worthy of the Red Tiger Tribe, Daelin seeks the Uthgardt Spear. Zokan Thunderer in the Elk Tribe Keep will reward you with it if you cure his people, or you can kill him and take the spear from his body. Daelin will reward you with the Amulet of the Uthgardt +4.
- Boddyknock Glinckle is on a special mission from the priests of his people to find a Dragon Scale. You can find one of these in some rubble in the cave on the west side of the Spine of the World. In return for this item, he will give you the Prophyro's Ring +4
- Linu La'neral is looking for a Volcanic Oak, which is special to her goddess. Among some stones in the Ruins south of Fort Ilkard you will find a Volcanis Oak Seed. Give this seed to Linu and the power of the Pendant of the Elf will be fully unlocked.
- To enter the inner circle of his order, Grimgnaw must find a weapon blessed by a member of the inner circle. In a chest in the southeast corner of the first area of Coldwood next to the bandit leader Vaath, you will find a Dagger. Give this to Grimgnaw and he will give you the Amulet of the Silent Lord +4
- After telling you a tale about Tamorlyn's quest to understand love, Sharwyn will tell you that she is looking for his song. Tamorlyn's Song can be found in a sarcophagus on the east side of the Creator Race Ruins south of Fort Ilkard. Give her this song and the Belt of the Performer will become more powerful.
- Tomi Undergallows is looking for the ashes of a powerful warrior as a gift for his former master. Take The Ashes of Running Wolf from an Urn near the entrance of the Elk Tribe Keep and give them to Tomi and he will give you the Ring of the Rogue +4
Rescue Leesa
- In chapter 4, Luce in the Moonstone Mask on the west side of the City Core will tell you how she lost her little sister somewhere in the War Zone to the south.
- You will find Leesa, Luce's little sister, in the northeast corner of the War Zone. Tell her that it is safe to leave and she will return to her sister.
- Speak to Luce in the Moonstone Mask and she will thank you for saving her sister.
Neverwinter Under Siege
- Trancor in the Mercenary Enclave on the west side of the City Core will ask for you help in repelling the invaders. He will ask you to destroy the catapults and the Siege Golems.
- Enter the War Zone to the south. Just northwest of the large gate in the center of the area you will find three catapults guarded by three catapult commanders. Once you have slain the commanders, destroy all three catapults.
- The two Siege Golems in this area are impossible to defeat in battle. To destroy them, you must kill each of the wizards controlling them.
- The wizard controlling the golem in the northwest can be found in the house just north of the large gate in the center of the area. He is guarded by a Balor Lord.
- The second wizard is in the house just south of the gate. He too is guarded by a Balor Lord.
- After you have defeated both wizards and destroyed all three catapults, return to Trancor to receive his thanks for your help in the war.