Neverwinter Nights

Creator Ruins

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3
1) To/From Troll Caves
2) Crate: Prism Blossom Seed
3) Helmed Horror
4) Battle Horror
Large Chest: Golem Signet Ring
5) Seal Guardian Golem - Give it the Golem Signet Ring for the Seal Key
Use the Seal Key to open the seal behind where the golem was standing
6) To/From Level 1
7) To/From Level 2
8) Small Chest: Creator Scroll
9) Seal Guardian Golem - Speak the password from the Creator Scroll for the Seal Key
Use the Seal Key to open the seal behind where the golem was standing
10) To/From Level 3
11) To/From Level 2
12) Thief's Body: Stolen Seal Key
13) Scroll Chest: 2 History Scrolls
14) Seal Guardian Golem - Use the Stolen Seal Key on the seal behind the golem after you defeat it.
15) Synsilliusarian (Creator Sorcerer)
16) Chest: Complete History of the Creator Ruins
17) Portal to the Troll Caves Storage Area