Beggar's Nest

1) To the City Core
2) Gate Captian Ergus 3) Siril's Bakery Siril the Baker 4) Ambush Site 5) The Shining Serpent 6) Temple of Helm Bertran - A Lost Soul Priest of Helm - Holy Merchant |
7) Aldo - Aldo and Hector
8) Thomas Wheelwright Wagon Repair Hector - Aldo and Hector 9) Kestral's House 10) Jemanie's House 11) Warehouse Drawl: Weapon Rack: |
12) Snake Cult Estate - Need - Estate Ward Stone to enter
Desk: Bookshelf: 13) Body of Marcus 14) To/From Great Graveyard (The gates will be opened after you have defeated Gulnan) 15) Wizard Lab - Kindling Wood |