Side Quests
Arcomage Champion
100000 gold, Elfbane, Mind's Eye, Forge Gauntlets, Elven Chainmail
- Gina Barnes in Steadwick in Erathia will tell you about an Acromage championship. You will need to win an Arcomage game in all 13 taverns throughout Erathia.
- First you need an Arcomage Deck. Complete the quest to Find Darren Temper's Brother and you will find one.
- Victory conditions differ from place to place. When you win for the first time at a particular tavern, you will win a small prize of gold.
- Win a game of Arcomage in all 13 taverns: Harmondale, Erathia, Tularean Forest, Avlee, Deyja, Tatalia, Bracada Desert, Barrow Downs, Stone City, Evenmorn Island, Nighon, Celeste, and the Pit. You will not be able reach the last two until have you have chosen either the Path of Light or the Path of Dark.
- Return to Gina Barnes in Steadwick after you have won a game in all 13 taverns to claim your prize.
Bring Kerrid's Letter to the Faerie King
1000 gold
- Speak to Johann Kerrid in Pierpont in the Tularean Forest. He will give you a Sealed Letter to give to the Faerie King.
- Go to Avlee and enter the Hall Under the Hill.
- Go the east side of the mound to be teleported to a similar looking area directly below.
- Go the west side of this next mound to be teleported to a third area.
- Enter the mound from the north end and you will meet the Faerie King. Give him the letter and he will give you the Faerie Pipes.
- Return with the pipes to Johann Kerrid in Pierpont and he will reward you.
Find Darren Temper's Brother
Arcomage Deck, 750 gold
- Darren Temper in Harmondale will ask you to discover what happened to his brother who went to the White Cliff Caves.
- Enter the White Cliff Caves southeast of Harmondale.
- Take the left passage and follow it to the end where you find a pile of bones. Pick up the Arcomage Deck and the Scroll.
- Return to Darren Temper in Harmondale and show him his brother's deck. He will let you keep the deck and will give you 750 gold as a reward.
Get Parson's Quill for Norbert Thrush
2000 gold
- Norber Thrush in Steadwick in Erathia will give you a Sealed Letter to give to to Lord Markham in Tatalia.
- Travel to Tatalia and give the Sealed Letter to Lord Markham. He will give you Parson's Quill.
- Bring the quill back to Norbert Thrush in Steadwick for a reward.
- Mazim Dusk at the southern end of Mount Nighon will ask you to find his brothers remains.
- Go to the north end of Mount Nighon and enter The Maze.
- Use my map to find your way through The Maze. Haldar's Remains can be found in a chest in the northeast corner of the area.
- Return to MaZim Dusk with his brothers remains and he will reward you with 35000 gold.
- After you have become Great Druids and have chosen the Path of Light, speak to Anthony Green in the Tularean Forest again. He will ask you to return King Zokarr IV's bones to his coffin.
- Enter the Nighon Tunnels from Stone City in the Barrow Downs. Pick up Zokarr IV's Skull from the ground in the northeast corner of the area.
- Return to the Barrow Downs and enter the Barrows. Make your way to Zokarr's Tomb and click on his coffin to replace his skull.
- Return to Anthony Green in the Tularean Forest for your promotion.
- Speak to Thomas Grey in the School of Sorcery in the Bracada Desert again after you have been promoted to Wizards and haven chosen the Path of Light. He will ask you to find the Divine Intervention Spell.
- Enter the Hall of the Pit at the north end of the Deyja Moors and pass through into The Pit.
- In the northwest corner of the first area of The Pit, you will find the entrance to the Breeding Zone.
- Go north in the Breeding Zone and fall into the pit. Quickly run into the tunnel to the west to avoid the Behemoths. They can't follow you into the tunnel.
- Click on the center of the west wall in the room at the end of the tunnel to open a secret door.
- Go southwest and click on the button in the small room at the end of the hallway.
- Head back the way you came and follow the hallway to a room just north of where you were. Take the Divine Intervention spell from the chest in the north wall.
- Return to Thomas Grey in the School of Sorcery and he will promote all of your Wizards to Archmages and all others to Honorary Archmages.
- Speak to Frederick Org near the town hall of Steadwick in Erathia. Before he will promote you to Cavalier, he will tell you to clear the undead in the Haunted Mansion.
- Travel to the Barrow Downs and enter the Haunted Mansion in the northwest corner.
- Defeat all the undead in the mansion. There is a lever on the beds in the each of the rooms with paintings that will open a passage to the rest of the mansion.
- When all of the enemies have been defeated, return to Frederick Org and he will promote all of your Knights to Cavaliers and all others to Honorary Cavaliers.
- Leda Rowan in the Bracada Desert is the one who can promote you to Champion if you have already been promoted to Cavalier and have chosen the Path of Light. She will require that you win five knight wins at the arena.
- The only way to get to the Arena is from the stables in Harmondale on Sunday.
- Speak to the Arena Master and choose the difficulty level: Page, Squire, Knight, and Lord.
- After you have chosen, you will appear in the center of the area surrounded by enemies. Speak to the Arena Master again after you have defeated all the enemies to claim your prize.
- Win five victories at Knight difficulty and return to Leda Rowan in the Bracada Desert and she will pronounce you Champions.
- Speak to Sir Charles Quixote near the townhall of Steadwick in Erathia about being promoted to Crusader. He will tell you to defeat the dragon Wromthrax in Tatalia and will accompany you.
- Travel to Tatalia and enter Wromthrax's Cave in the mountains at the northern edge of the area.
- Defeat the dragon there and Sir Quixote will immediately speak up and promote your Paladins to Crusaders and the other member of your party to Honorary Crusaders.
- Speak to Anthony Green beside the Stables in the Tularean Forest about becoming a Great Druid and he will send you on a quest to visit the three Stonehenge Monoliths.
- Click on the altar in the center of all three stonehenge monoliths:
- Near the center of Avlee
- On the west side of the mountains of Tatalia.
- On one of the western islands on Evenmorn Island near the Grand Temple of the Sun.
- Speak to Anthony Green after you have visited all three altars and he will promote your Druids to Great Druids and all others to Honorary Great Druids.
- Sir Charles Quixote in Erathia will give you a quest to become heroes after you have been promoted to Crusaders and have chosen the Path of Light. He will tell you to free a damsel in distress.
- Go to the Deyja Moors and enter William Setag's Tower.
- Use the lift to go to the upper level and kill William Setag. Take William's Tower Key from his body.
- Click on the locked door in the northeast corner of the tower to free Alice Hargreaves.
- Return to Sir Charles Quixote in Erathia with Alice and he will declare you heroes.
- Ebednezer Sower in Pierpont in the Tularean Forest will challenge you to reach the Faerie King in the Hall Under the Hill.
- Go to Avlee and enter the Hall Under the Hill just west of the town.
- Go the east side of the mound to be teleported to a similar looking area directly below.
- Go the west side of this next mound to be teleported to a third area.
- Enter the mound from the north end and you will meet the Faerie King. He will promote your Archers to Hunters and all others to Honorary Hunters.
- Bartholomew Hume in the village south of Harmondale will send you on a quest to find the mediation spot in the Dwarven Barrows.
- Go south to the Barrow Downs and enter the Barrow near the northeast corner of the area.
- Each barrow has one or two passages to two other barrows; which one you go to is determined by the lever next to the passage. Use my maps to find your way through. To get to Zokarr's Tomb, go from Barrow IX to Barrow V then Barrow I then Barrow VI and then finally Zokarr's Tomb.
- Click on the pool in Zokarr's Tomb and Bartholomew Hume will speak to you telepathically. He will promote any monks to Initiates and all non-monks to Honorary Initiates.
- Speak to Bartholomew Hume in the village south of Harmondale again after you have been promoted to Initiates and have chosen the Path of Light. He will send you to Avlee to defeat the remnants of Baa.
- Travel to Avlee and enter the Temple of Baa at the southern end of the area.
- Circle around the pit to the east but be careful not to fall in. Follow the passage and at the end you will see the High Priest of Baa.
- After you have killed the Hight Priest, return to Bartholomew Hume to be promoted to Masters and Honorary Masters.
- Lawrence Mark in Harmondale will ask you to retrieve the Perfect Bow from the Titans' Stronghold if you have been promoted to Warrior Mages and have chosen the Path of Light.
- Travel to Avlee and enter the Titans' Stronghold in the southeast corner of the area.
- The enemies here are very difficult, so be careful. You may be able to sneak by with an Invisibility spell.
- The Perfect Bow can be found in a chest in a room near the west side of the area.
- Return to Lawrence Mark with the Perfect Bow and he will promote all Warrior Mages to Master Archers and all Honorary Warrior Mages to Honorary Master Archers.
- Speak to Daedalus Falk in the northwest corner of the Deyja Moors. He will promise to promote you to Priest if you find the Map to Evenmorn Island.
- Travel to Tatalia and enter the Tidewater Caverns on the island on the west side of the area. You need to use the Water Walk spell to get there.
- The Map to Evenmorn Island can be found in a chest in a hidden room on the lowest level of the grounded ship. The entrance is just before the opening to the large cavern on the west side of the area.
- Return to Daedalus Falk with the Map and he will promote all Clerics to Priests and all others to Honorary Priests. He will let you keep the map which you can use in Tatalia on Sundays to get to the island.
- Rebecca Devine in Celeste can promote you to Priests of Light if you have already been promoted to Priests and have chosen the Path of Light. She will tell you to help the order of the Sun on Evenmorn Island in their battle against the Order of the Moon.
- Travel to Tatalia and go to the ship on Sunday between 6 am and 6 pm. If you have the Map to Evenmorn Island that you retrieved in your quest to be Priest, the Captain can sail you to Evenmorn Island.
- Enter the Grand Temple of the Moon near the center of the main island.
- Head north from the entrance into the sanctuary and click on the Altar of Evil to sanctify it.
- Return to Rebecca Devine in Celeste for your promotion.
- After you have been promoted to Hunters and have chosen the Path of Light, speak to Lysander Sweet near the southeast corner of the Bracada Desert about becoming Ranger Lords. He will send you on a quest to calm the Tularean Forest.
- Travel to the Tularean Forest and speak to the Oldest Tree on the island in the southeast corner of the area. It will tell you that the Heart of the Wood was stolen and taken to Tatalia.
- Now travel to Tatalia and enter the Mercenary Guild in the northeast corner of the area.
- Click on the bookcase in the room in the northeast corner of the area to reveal a hidden treasure trove. In one of the chests you will find the Heart of the Wood.
- Bring the Heart of the Wood to the Oldest Tree in the Tularean Forest.
- Speak to Lysander Sweet in Bracada Desert again and he will promote the hunters in your group to Ranger Lords and the others to Honorary Ranger Lords.
- At the northern end of the Erathian Sewers you will find William Lasker, the master thief. He will offer to promote you to Rogues if you complete a quest for him.
- Travel to Tatalia and go to Lord Markham's estate.
- You can fight your way through Lord Markham's estate, but the enemies are powerful. Instead, cast Invisilibity before you enter. You can weave your way patiently through the enemies and as long as you don't get too close to them, the enemies won't attack you.
- You can find the Vase on the mantle above the fireplace.
- Return to William Lasker in the Erathian Sewers and he will promote you to Rogues.
- Speak to Steagal Snick in the village in the northeast corner of Avlee and he will charge you to sabatoge the lift in the Red Dwarf Mines to trap the creatures below. He will give you a Worn Belt.
- Travel to the Bracada Desert and enter the Red Dwarf Mines in the northeast corner of the area.
- Take the second passage from the left and use the lift to descend to the lower level.
- Fight your way through the medusas to the lift engine on the east end of the dungeon. The medusas are immune to magic so you have to fight them with weapons.
- Click on the lift engine to use the Worn Belt to sabatoge the lift.
- Leave the mines and return to Steagal Snick in Avlee. He will promote Archers to Warrior Mages and all others to Honorary Warrior Mages.
- Thomas Grey in the School of Sorcery at the southern end of the Bracada Desert will promote you to Wizard if you are assemble a complete Golem.
- There are six parts that you need to find:
- The head can be found in the Bracada Desert itself. There is a regular one and a dented one. The dented one is at the north end of the main square. The normal one is on a hill near the Stables.
- The chest can be found in the Barrow Downs southwest of Stone City.
- The right arm is in a chest on the island on the west side of Tatalia
- The left arm is on an island in Avlee next to the Obelisk.
- The right leg in near the northwest corner of the Deyja Moors.
- The left leg can also be found in the Deyja Moors in the northeast corner.
- Return to Thomas Grey with all six parts and he will animate your golem for you. He will promote all Sorcerers to Wizards and all other to Honorary Wizards.
- Davrik in the tavern in Harmondale will ask you to find his signet ring which was stolen by bandits.
- Travel to Erathia, west of Harmondale, and enter the Bandit Caves hidden in the hills northeast of Steadwick.
- Defeat the bandits and take the Signet Ring from one of the chests.
- Return the Signet Ring to Davrik in Harmondale.
Retrieve the Lantern of Light
1000 gold
- Tarin Withern in the temple in Harmandale will ask you, the new lords of Harmondale, to find the lost Lantern of Light which was supposed to have been brought to Harmondale from Stone City.
- Go south to the Barrow Downs and enter the Barrow near the northeast corner of the area.
- Each barrow has one or two passages to two other barrows; which one you go to is determined by the lever next to the passage. Use my maps to find your way through. To get to Barrow II where the Lantern is located, go from Barrow IX to Barrow V and then to Barrow II.
- In the first chamber, click on the center of the north wall to open a door to the secret passage. In a small room off of this passage you will find the Lantern of Light in a chest.
- Return to Tarin Withern in Harmondale and he will give you a reward for the Lantern.
Retrieve the Season's Stole
7500 gold
- Speak to Gary Zimm in his tower on the north end of the Bracada Desert. He will ask you to retrieve the Season's Stole which was stolen by the Necromancers.
- Travel to the Deyja Moors and enter the Hall of the Pit in the northeast part of the area.
- Go to the north end of the Hall of the Pit and in the chest you will find the Season's Stole.
- Return to Gary Zimm with the stole for a reward.
The Missing Contestants
1000 Gold
- Lord Markham in his headquarters on the east end of the town on Emerald Isle will offer you an award of 1000 gold if you find proof of what happened to the missing contestants.
- Enter the dragon cave north of the town but do not confront the dragon. Grab the Contestant's Shield and anything else you can pick up while the dragon is killing the rats and then quickly leave.
- Bring the Contestant's Shield to Lord Markham and he will give you the reward.
Troglodytes in Stone City
2500 gold
- Spark Burnkindle in Stone City will ask you to defeat all the Troglodytes infesting the tunnels beneath the city.
- Head northwest, past the temple, and click on the button to use the lifts to descend into the lower tunnels.
- Destroy all of the Troglodytes and then return to Spark Burnkindle for your reward.