Name |
Exp. |
HPs |
AC |
Dam. |
Ghast |
650 |
12- |
Ghoul |
175 |
14 |
6-8 |
19 |
1-6 |
Giant, Fire |
8000 |
Giant, Frost |
7000 |
105-107 |
0 |
7-8 |
11-22 |
Goblin |
15 |
6 |
6 |
19-20 |
Goblin Archer |
25 |
6 |
Goblin Archer Marshal |
25 |
Goblin Elite |
45 |
9-11 |
4-6 |
19-20 |
Goblin Marshal |
35 |
Golem, Iron |
13000 |
Histachii* |
120 |
16-20 |
3-5 |
11- |
6 |
Lizard Man |
65 |
15 |
5-6 |
Lizard Man Shaman |
850 |
30-32 |
4 |
Lizard Man, Tough |
310 |
32-34 |
4-5 |
15- |
11 |
Minotaur, Blind |
3000 |
45-46 |
1- |
8-9 |
6 |
Mummy* |
3000 |
47-50 |
3 |
13-15 |
1-11 |
Mummy, Greater* |
8000 |
65-74 |
0 |
Myconid, Blue |
750 |
46-50 |
4- |
Myconid, Red |
1750 |
* These enemies can only be hurt by magical weapons
NOTE: This information in incomplete. Values for HPs, AC, and THACO given in
ranges means that the true value is somewhere in that range but has not yet
been determined exactly.