Side Quests
Aaron's Chest- Snipes, near the top of the Old Mine, will offer you 10 ore to lure Aaron away from his chest.
- Speak to Aaron nearby and tell him that Ian wants to see him but you don't know why.
- Once Aaron has left, speak to Snipes again for the 10 ore he promised you, and buy the key he offers you for 30 ore.
- Open Aaron's chest and inside you find some ore, a Healing scroll, and a bottle of Beer.
- Head down the mine and you will find Aaron standing near Ian. He is not very happy! Sell him his key for 20 ore.
- On the highest level by the Free Mine you will see Baloro, who will promise you a superb weapon if you bring him a number of food items: 5 apples, 2 bottles of rice schnapps, 5 bottles of beer, 3 loaves of bread, 2 pieces of cheese, and 2 bunches of grapes.
- These items can be found throughout the colony. They can be bought from various merchants, found in camps and houses, and taken from other people.
- Return to Baloro when you have all the items he wanted. However, he will have no weapon for you and will laugh at your naivette.
- Speak to Baal Kagan in the New Camp and offer to help him sell his swampweed. He will give you 10 samples to distribute.
- Give the samples out to 10 difference rogues or mercenaries in the camp. They will each pay you 10 ore.
- Return to Baal Kagan after you have distributed all 10 samples and you can then choose your reward: 100 ore, three scrolls (three of Charm, Fist of Wind, Pyrokinesis, Sleep, Telekinesis), or an item that will give you Guru Baal Tyon's support for joining the brotherhood.
- Ghorim in the southwest corner of the Swamp Camp will tell you how exhausted he is and will ask you to send over his replacement Harlok.
- You will find Harlok smoking a pipe in the northeast part of the camp next to Fortuno. He will refuse to do his job.
- Knock Harlok out and when he comes to he will agree to replace Ghorim.
- Return to the area where Ghorim was and Baal Orun will thank you for what you did and give you a task of his own.
- Be polite to Horatio in the Rice Fields of the New Camp and he will tell you that he can teach you how to strike harder if you give him a good reason.
- Speak to Jeremiah in the distillery of the tavern; he will tell you how much he hates the Rice Lord. He figures Horatio could probably teach him a lesson but won't because of his beliefs.
- Return to Horatio and tell him you want to be stronger so you can teach the Rice Lord a lesson and he will train your strength +5.
- Once you have found Diego outside the south gate of the Old Camp in chapter 4, ask him what he and Milton's plans are. He will ask you to warn Gorn and Lester about what's happened in the Old Camp and ask them to meet at their usual location.
- You'll find Gorn with Saturas at the top of the New Camp. Pass on Diego's message.
- Lester is in the library of the Stone Fortress where you met him in the previous chapter. Pass on Diego's message to him as well.
- Before leaving with Gorn to recapture the Free Mine in chapter 4, he will let you know that Wolf wants to speak to you before you go to the mine.
- Wolf will ask you to bring him some minecrawler armor plates so that he can make some armor from them and will teach you how to remove these plates from Minecrawler Warriors.
- Kill at least 8 Minecrawler Warriors in the Free Mine and collect their Armor Plates.
- Give Wolf 15 Armor Plates and he will begin working on the new armor.
- Speak to Wolf again in the next chapter to pick up the Crawler Plate Armor.
- Approach Baal Tondral in the southeast corner of the Swamp Camp and he will lecture at you for a little while. He will also ask you to find new souls for the brotherhood.
- In the northwest part of the camp you'll find Melvin; he will you tell you that he switched from the Old Camp where his friend Dusty remains.
- Enter the Old Camp and speak to Dusty at the southern end of the outer ring. Offer to pay the 100 ore he needs to bribe the guards and to escort him to the Swamp camp.
- Leave the Old Camp through the south gate and give the guard 100 ore when he challenges you.
- Make your way east to the Swamp Camp with Dusty in tow and speak to Baal Tondril again. He will thank you for bringing a new discipline and will promise you his support for joining the Brotherhood.
- Dexter in the Old Camp will ask you to get a recipe from Guru Kalom.
- Go east to the Swamp Camp and enter the Alchemy Lab in the northeast corner. If you ask Kalom for the recipe, he will refuse you.
- In the lab, lockpick the box on the left (right, right, left, right) and take the recipe.
- Return to the Old Camp and give Dexter the recipe.
- In the New Camp, ask Gorn about a place to stay and he will tell you that Shrike, a rogue, has taken one of the mercanary huts without permission. Gorn will offer it to you if you drive him off.
- Attack Shrike nearby and tell him to get lost once he gets back up again.
- Report your success to Gorn. You can now sleep in that hut whenever you want.
- Speak to Snaf the cook on the north side of the Old Camp. He has a new recipe he wants to try but needs you to collect some ingredients for him.
- In a ruined building on the east side of the camp against the castle wall you will find three Meatbugs. Kill them and take the Bugmeat.
- Hell Mushrooms can be found just outside the south gate of the camp. Collect at least five and return to Snaf.
- Give Snaf the 8 items he was looking for and he will give you three servings of Meatbug Ragout. He will continue to give you three more servings every day you see him.
- Defeat the Skeleton Mage in the cave beneath Fog Tower on the east side of the Colony and read the book Chromanin found on its remains.
- The second book is found on the top of the ruined tower in the ruins at the top of the high mountain in the Orc Lands south of the Old Camp. You'll need to jump up from ledge to ledge to reach the top.
- The third is found on the east side of the large mound that divides the river north of the Old Camp in two.
- The fourth is found beside the lake outside of the New Camp across from the deserted fisherman's hut.
- The fifth is found by the shipreck on the beach on the east side of the colony.
- Return to the cave under Fog Tower where you fought the Skeleton Mage to find the first book. You will discover a corpse carrying the sixth and final book. When you read it, two skeleton mages and a host of skeletons will appear and attack you. Unfortunately, there is no great revelation or treasure for having finally completed this difficult quest.
- After you have convinced Harlok to replace Ghorim, Baal Orun will charge you to collect the swamp weed from the novices in the swamp.
- Enter the swamp just southwest of the camp itself and you will find Balor, who will give you 50 Swampweed. If you press him and give him 50 ore, he will mention Cipher from the New Camp, who may be willing to buy the swampweed harvest from you.
- Speak to Viran in the southeast corner of the swamp and ask for the swampweed harvest. He doesn't entirely trust you and will ask you to prove your loyalty by killing all the bloodflies nearby.
- Kill all the bloodflies within 20 paces and return to Viran for his half of the harvest.
- Reenter the camp and give the Swampweed to Cor Kalom in the northeast corner.
- Report your success to Baal Orun to gain his approval and to receive a Sleep scroll.
- If you badger Cor Kalom in the Swamp Camp for a better welcome after he has made you a Novice, he will give you some weed to give to Gomez.
- Approach Thorus at the entrance to the castle in the Old Camp, and he will let you enter the castle once you show him the weed.
- Enter the main keep, and give the weed to Bartholo in the kitchen in exchange for 500 ore.
- Return to Cor Kalom in the Swamp Camp with the ore to complete your mission.
- After talking to Diego about joining the Old Camp, speak to Thorus again at the entrance to the castle, and ask him if there is anything he needs done. You'll need to push him a little, but he will eventually ask you to take care of Mordrag, a member of the New Camp and a thorn in his side.
- You'll find Mordrag by the southern gate of the Old Camp. Instead of attacking him, warn him about the trouble he's in and then following him to the New Camp. He'll kill the enemies along the way, but you'll still get the experience points for the kills.
- When you reach the New Camp, Mordrag will give you his ring. You can show this to Roscoe to gain access to Lares in the New Camp.
- Report your success to Thorus back in the Old Camp to gain his support for joining them.
- Ulbert guards the storeroom in the Old Mine. Give him a drink and he will be a lot more cooperative. It turns out the key to the chests has disappeared.
- You will find Aleph in a side passage near the top of the mine. Buy the key off of him for 30 ore.
- Return to the Storage Room and lure Ulbert away. You can then use the key to open the chests. Inside you'll find ore, scrolls, and food.
- The next time you approach Ulbert, who is standing next to Ian, he will disappointed that there was no grilled meat. After you apologize for your mistake, he will return to his post, none the wiser.
- Sly, on the west side of the Old Camp, will tell you that the guard Nek is missing and will ask you to look for him.
- In the northeast part of the camp you will find Fletcher who has taken over Nek's duties in his absence. He believes one of the diggers in the area knows where Nek is.
- Speak to Snaf, the cook. Apparantly, he sent Nek looking for Hell Mushrooms outside the camp.
- Leave the Old Camp through the south gate. In a cave to the south guarded by Molerats you will find Nek's body.
- Take the Amulet from Nek's body and give it Sly in the Old Camp. He will agree to vouch for you to Diego.
- At the top of the Rice Fields in the New Camp Lefty will ask you to distribute water to the peasants and will attack you if you refuse.
- Speak to the Rice Lord nearby and tell him that Lefty sent you. He will give you 12 bottles of Water.
- Give the Water to 12 of the peasant in the field and return to Lefty. He will inform you that this is your new job and will demand you do it every day. If you miss a day, he will attack you. The only way to get out of the job is to knock him down. When he gets back up, inform him that distributing water to the peasants is now his job.
- Speak to Baal Kagan in the New Camp and he will tell you how his assistant Baal Isidro hangs around in the tavern all day instead of helping him sell swampweed.
- Enter the tavern and tell Baal Isidro that Kagan plans to have him replaced. Offer him a drink as well, as he will give you all of his weed.
- Speak to Baal Isidro again and give him his share of the profit. You don't actually have to sell the weed, just as long as you have 200 ore on you.
- Alternately, you can give the whole value of the weed (400 ore) to Lares to impress him and help you join the Rogues.
- In fact, you can both give 200 ore to Isidro and 400 ore to Lares. After you sell the weed, you'll be short 200 ore, but you'll receive more experience points.
- Once Cor Kalom makes you a Novice for the Swamp Camp, he will tell you to suppress the rivaling weed production in the New Camp.
- The New Camp weed producers can be found in a small cave near the lake just east of the New Camp. Warn Jacko about the trouble he's in and he will clear out.
- Report your success back to Cor Kalom.