Save the Princess Astos and the Elf Prince The Earth Cave |
Gurgu Volcano The Ice Cave7 The Temple of Ordeal |
The Sea Shrine The Mirage Tower and the Floating Castle The Temple of Fiends |
- Enter the Castle of Coneria and speak to the king. He will ask you to save his daughter.
- Now enter the town of Coneria and buy equipment and spells for your party members.
- Go northwest to the Temple of Fiends and defeat Garland. Talk to princess Sara and you will all return to the castle.
- Talk to the king and he will order a bridge built north of the city. Princess Sara will give you the Lute.
- As you cross the bridge north of Coneria, a short introduction and some credits will be displayed. Now the game really begins!

- Visit Matoya in her cave north of Coneria. She can't see because her crystal ball was stolen.
- Go east to the town of Pravoka. Defeat the pirates in the northwest corner to liberate the town. They will give you their pirate ship which is harbored in the port just outside town.
- Sail southwest to Elfland. In the castle you will find that the Elf Prince has been put to sleep by Astos and needs Matoya's herb to recover.
- In the castle northwest of Elfland you will find someone who claims that his crown was stolen by Astos and taken to the Marsh Cave.
- Enter the Marsh Cave west of Elfland and retrieve the crown from the wizards on the lowest level.
- Bring the crown back to the person in the castle. He will reveal himself as Astos and will attack your party. Defeat him to get Matoya's crystal.
- Return the crystal to Matoya and she will give you an herb for the Elf Prince.
- Return to Elfland and give Matoya's herb to the chamberlain. The Prince will waken and will give you the Mystic Key.
- Use the Mystic Key to open the locked doors in Coneria Castle, Elfland Castle, Astos' Castle, the Marsh Cave, the Temple of Fiends, and the Dwarf Cave. Be sure to get the TNT in Coneria Castle.
- Take the TNT to Nerrick in the Dwarf Cave. He will use it to create a canal just south of the cave.

- Sail west through the new canal to Melmond. The vampire has attacked this town and has destroyed the clinic.
- Enter the Earth Cave southwest of Melmond. Defeat the vampire on the third level and take the Ruby from the chest behind it.
- Leave the Earth Cave and enter the Titan's Tunnel to the west. Give the ruby to the Titan to pass through.
- South of the Titan's Tunnel is Sarda's Cave. He will give you the rod.
- Return to the third level of the Earth Cave and use the rod to destroy the object blocking the stairs.
- Countinue down to the fifth floor and defeat Lich, the Earth Fiend. Go to the altar behind Lich to restore the Earth Orb. Behind the altar is a warp that will take you out of the cave.

- Sail to Crescent Lake on the far eastern edge of the continent. Speak to the twelve wise men in the forest clearing on the east side of the town. One of them will give you a canoe.
- Enter the river behind the town and canoe west up the river. Take three rights and two lefts to get to Gurgu volcano.
- The lava squares in the volcano will hurt each member of the party by one hit point, though you won't encounter any enemies on these squares. In a room in the top-left corner of one of the levels, you will find an Ice Sword.
- On the bottom level of the volcano, the path will branch out in eight different directions. Go west to find some Flame Armor guarded by a Flame Dragon. Go southwest to find Kary, the Fiend of Fire.
- Defeat the Fiend and step on the altar behind her to restore the orb. Step on the teleporter to leave the volcano.

- Return to Crescent Lake and go to your ship. Sail to the port just north.
- Canoe up the river to the west. Take two lefts, go straight through, then take another left to get to the Ice Cave.
- When you enter the room with the holes in the Ice Cave, fall into one of the holes to drop to the lowest level.
- You'll find the Ice Armor guarded by Ice Dragons on the west side of this level.
- Take the stairs in the bottom-right corner of the level.
- Fall in the hole in the room to the east. You will be back in the first room with the holes, but in the middle of them. Defeat the Eye guarding the chest, take the Floater from inside, and then drop into one of the holes again.
- Take the stairs up again, and climb the stairs in the northeast corner of the next level to leave the cave.
- Return to Crescent Lake. Use the Floater in the desert south of the town to raise the airship. This will allow you to fly across the world. You'll only be able to land it in grassland squares.

- Fly north to the string of islands between the two northern continents and enter the caves on the islands to speak to the Dragons of Cardia.
- Speak to the King of the Dragons, Bahamut, in the southeast cave on the forested island. He will ask you to show proof of your courage.
- The Temple of Ordeal is just east of the islands of Cardia. You will have to keep flying east for a while to find a place to land the airship and hike back to the Temple. Alternately, you can sail your ship to the area just north of the castle and enter the river with your canoe.
- Step into the throne in the room in the top-left corner to continue to the second level.
- You need to step into the pillars to move around the level. The first three times you have to make a choice of pillars, walk into the bottom ones. For the fourth choice, walk into the third from the top. Climb the stairs to ascend to the highest level.
- Take the Tail from the treasure chest at the end of the last hallway. Defeat the Zombie Dragon and step into the throne to leave the Temple.
- Return to Bahamut with the Tail and all your characters will receive a class promotion.

- Fly to the desert on the northwest continent and enter the separate desert area on the north end. Buy the bottle from the Caravan master.
- Fly to the town of Gaia in the mountains in the northeast corner of the world. Go to the small lake at the north end of the town and use the Bottle to release the Fairy. She will give you some Oxyale.
- Return to the northwest continent and enter the town of Onrac on the east coast. Enter the Sea Shrine from the southeast corner of the town. You need to have the Oxyale to enter.
- Climb to the top level of the shrine to visit the Mermaids. You will find the Slab in the room in the northeast corner of the level by walking behind the room in the northwest corner.
- Descend to the lowest level of the shrine to fight Kraken, the Fiend of Water. Defeat him and stand on the altar to restore the orb. Step into the teleporter to leave the Shrine.

- Fly to Melmond and give the Slab to Dr. Unne. He will teach you Lefeinish.
- Go to the town of Lefein on the southern tip of the northeastern continent. You will have to land your airship a long ways away and hike the distance back to the town. One of the citizens of the town will give you the Chime which will allow you to enter the Mirage Tower.
- Go to the northwestern continent and canoe up the river into the waterfall. At the southwest end of the cave you will see a robot who will give you the Cube which will allow you to enter the Floating Castle.
- Return to the northeast continent and enter the Mirage Tower in the center of the great desert.
- Climb up to the third level from which you will be able to enter the Floating Castle with the Cube in your posession.
- Find the Adamant in a chest in the lower-left corner of the second level of the castle.
- The forth floor repeats itself, so just go twice in one direction, then twice in a direction perpendicular to it (e.g. go south twice, then east twice).
- Defeat Tiamat, the Fiend of Air, on the top floor of the Floating Castle. Step on the altar to restore the orb and then step on the teleporter to leave the Castle and Tower.

- Fly to the Dwarf Cave and give Smith the Adamant. He will make the Xcalber for you.
- Return to the Temple of Fiends north of Coneria. Approach the black orb and you will travel 2000 years into the past.
- Climb to the top level of the Temple and play the Lute in the middle of the level to reveal a stairway.
- The first level below ground is the earth level. You must defeat the Fiend of Earth to descend to the next level.
- The next three levels are the levels of fire, water, and air, respectively. You must defeat the Fiends of those elements to descend to the lower levels.
- In the southeast corner of the air level you will find the most powerful weapon in the game, the Masmune. Any character class can equip it.
- Below the air level you confont Garland again. He will reveal his true form as Chaos. Defeat Chaos to restore peace to the world.