- You begin the game in the throne room of Tantegel Castle where King
Lorik will commission you on your quest. Speak to him again at any time to save
your game.
- Open the three chests in the throne room using the Take command. You'll find
120 gold, a Torch, and a Magic Key.
- Use the Door command to open the door with the Magic Key and head down the
stairs to the main floor of the castle.
- Talk to the other people in the castle to learn more about your quest and then
- Enter Brecconary to the east. Use the 120 gold you have to buy
some equipment. I usually prefer to buy the Club and some
- Battle the Slimes and
Red Slimes in the forest and mountains north of
Tantegel and Brecconary to gain experience points and gold to purchase better
equipment. As you get stronger, you'll be able fight more difficult enemies to
receive more experience points and gold. The further you go from the castle,
the harder the enemies will become. You will spend most of the game battling
enemies like this to become more powerful.
- To the northwest you'll find Erdrick's Cave in the middle of a
desert. Enter the cave and use a Torch or cast the
Radiant spell to see your way around the cave. Descend to the
second level and open the chest to find Erdrick's Tablet. On the
tablet are instructions from Erdrick that list three items you need to find to
reach the Dragonlord.
- Further to the northwest you'll find the town of Garinham, where
you'll find more powerful weapons and armor available for purchase. The top
half of the town is blocked by a magic door, so you won't be able to reach
it yet.
- Go north and then east from Tantegel Castle across two bridges and then head
north to find the village of Kol in the middle of a forest. Here
you'll be able to purchase the Full Plate. Search the forest
tile four tiles south of the Bath to find the Fairy Flute.
- To the west of Kol, you'll find some steps leading down into a cellar where
an old man will request that you bring him the Silver Harp to
prove your bravery.
- Far south of Kol near the bridge you'll find a
cave in the middle of a swamp. Enter the cave
and head straight south until you find the exit. When you leave the cave you'll
be on the South Island.
- Go south around the mountains and then west to find Rimuldar on
an island in the middle of a lake. You can purchase the
Broad Sword and the Magic Armor in the weapon shop
here. Go around the north end of the town on the far side of the river and
you'll find a shop that sells Magic Keys. Buy six
of them.
- Return to Tantegel Castle and use a key to open the door in the
northern part of the castle. Walk two tiles beyond the east wall and then head
straight south. You'll find the castle cellar in the southeast corner of the
map. Take the Stones of Sunlight from the chest.
- Enter the town of Garinham in the northwest corner of the world
and use a Magic Key to open a door into the north part of town.
Walk into the darkness three tiles east of the west wall and then go east to
find the entrance to Garin's Grave.
- Descend to the second level and then take the stairs in the southwest corner.
Take the next stairs down to the fourth level and then back to the third where
you see a chest. Inside, you'll find the Silver Harp.
- Return to the old man in the cellar west of Kol. He will take the Silver Harp
and disappear, leaving you free to take the Staff of Rain from the
chest behind him.
- Enter the Swamp Cave south of Kol and about halfway down on the
east side you'll come across a Green Dragon. The Dragon can be
a very difficult enemy in the earlier part of the game so you may need to
return again later when you are stronger. The Sleep spell may
be helpful.
- Once you have slain the dragon, use a Magic Key to open the
door and speak to Princess Gwaelin, who will thank you for rescuing her and
will ask you to escort her back to the castle. She will not accept no for an
- Return to the castle with Gwaelin and
speak to King Lorik who will thank you for rescuing his daughter. Gwaelin
will give you an item called Gwaelin's Love that will allow
you to speak to her at any time. When used, she will tell you how much
experience you need to reach the next level and your current location
relative to the castle.
- From the west coast, head all the way south across two bridges to the very
southwest corner of the map. Cross the bridge to the east and follow the
forest northeast, skipping the first bridge, but crossing the second into
the small swamp. Directly south is the town of Cantlin which
is guarded by the Golem. Use the Fairy Flute to
put the Golem to sleep and he'll be an easy enemy. In Cantlin, you'll be able
to purchase the Flame Sword and the Silver Shield.
- Enter the town of Haukness in the great desert in the southeast
part of the world. Step on the forest tile between the ruins of two buildings
on the east side of the town and you will be attacked by an
Axe Knight. Once you have defeated it, search the ground to
find Erdrick's Armor. This armor will protect you from swamps
and barriers and will heal one hit point for every step you take.
- Enter the large swamp south of Cantlin and search the ground at the point 70
tiles south and 40 tiles east of the castle to find
Erdrick's Token. You can use Gwaelin's Love to
determine your exact position relative to the castle.
- Go to the southern island and cross the bridge south of Rimuldar. Enter the
cellar near the southern tip and speak to the old man. If you have the
Stones of Sunlight, the Staff of Rain, and
Erdrick's Token, he will combine the stones and the staff
into the Rainbow Drop.
- Go to the northwest corner of the southern island to the point where the
island that Charlock Castle is on is only one tile away. Use the
Rainbow Drop to create a bridge to the island.

- Enter Charlock Castle and enter the throne room at the back.
Search the square directly behind the throne to reveal a stairwell which will
bring you into the heart of the castle.
- You will not have any choice of direction until you reach the fourth floor.
Take the stairs on the west side of the floor down to the fifth floor.
- On the fifth floor, if you take the stairs near the southeast corner, you
will eventually find a chest that contains the strongest sword in the game:
Erdrick's Sword.
- Return to the fifth floor and take the stairs near the northwest corner and
you will eventually reach the lowest floor of the castle where you will find
the Dragonlord.
- The Dragonlord is the most difficult enemy in the
game. Your level will probably need to be at least twenty, though you
shouldn't have any problem if you've achieved the maximum level of thirty.
Conserve your MP before fighting him, since your success will depend on having
a lot of magic. Don't agree to his terms or the game will end (badly). Once
you have defeated the Dragonlord's first form, his true self will be revealed.
Although challenging, the battle is pretty staight forward. Keep attacking
him with Erdrick's Sword and cast Healmore whenever your hit
points fall below fifty.

- Once you have defeated the Dragonlord, you will find the
Ball of Light, which will eliminate all the monsters in the
- Return to Tantegel Castle where you will find King Lorik
waiting for you. He will offer you his kingdom, but you will decline his
offer and head off with Gwaelin to find your own kingdom to rule.