- You begin the game at Chicagorg Station which is suddenly attacked by RAM forces.
- Head back into the station through the same door you left it.
- Go south to the Officer's Lounge and then enter the room to the west. An officer will tell you to that you must activate the missile defence from Missile Control to the east.
- Head east down the hallway to the far end.
- Go north and enter Missile Control on the right. You will be attacked by Terrines.
- After you have defeated the Terrines, Charge the technician and then Dive on Grenade that he releases to regain control of Missile Control. The RAM forces will be beaten back and you will be given a reward.
- Your party will be shuttled to Salvation III station in orbit around Earth. You will be greeted by Carlton Turabian who will welcome you to the station and invite you to meet him at headquarters for your first assignment.
- Enter the weapons depot by headquarters to sell the equipment you collected at Chicagorg and buy new equipment for your party.
- Go to headquarters at the west end of the station to receive your first assignment from Carlton Turabian. After this, you can train everyone in your party to level 3.
- Return to the Rocket Bay at the east end of the station to begin your assignment.
- After a few days you will find a derelict spaceship and will dock with it to investigate.
- Enter the room right across from the entry and play the tapes you find throughout the room to learn a little bit about what has happened on the ship. In the bottom corner of the room you will find Dr. William's sigma code.
- After your first battle with one of the gennies crawling around the ship, some of your party members will begin to notice some unusual symptoms. Eventually, they will become worse until they lose consciousness. After a while, they will awaken again and attack your party, forcing you to defend yourselves.
- To remove the parasite that is affecting your party, go to the Medical Lab on Deck 4. Either Reprogram the automated surgeons or provide Dr. William's or Dr. Vilnikov's sigma code to have your party cured. Return again at any time to heal your party.
- Continue up to deck 5. Approach the console on the left in the room at the back of the deck to meet Scot.DOS. Move to the console to the right to reconnect him with the rest of the ship.
- To get the information Scot.DOS needs to learn how to defeat the gennies infesting the ship, visit the medical lab. If you already have, Scot.DOS will will be able to tell you what you need to do immediately.
- Go down to deck 1 and in the room in the southeast corner you will find the Argon.
- Head back up to deck 2 and enter the Air Control Room in the southwest corner of the deck. The ECGs will start to die off, but one of them will reverse the air control and they will start reviving again.
- Return to deck 1 and approach the console on the east side of the deck. Select one of your party members to Jury Rig the controls. If they are unable to, Scot.DOS will guide them. When the ECGs approach, Stand and you will successfully restore the flow of Argon throughout the ship.
- As you begin to leave deck 1, a self-destruct sequence will begin.
- Hurry up to Deck 6 and approach the console on the north side of the deck to stop the destruct sequence.
- You will be fired upon by a creature from the airlock. When you approach, you will be attacked by two Stage 3 ECGs.
- After you have defeated the gennies, Shoot the gennie in the airlock before its charge explodes and the ship will be cleared of ECGs.
- When you return to Salvation III station, Carlton Turabian will greet you and congratulate you on your success.
- Speak to Carlton at headquarters and he will give you your next assignment and then you will be able to train your party memebers to level 4.
- Return to the Rocket Bay and you will be able to fly your ship around the inner solar system.
- Before going to the Asteroid Base on Ceres, visit some of the bases on the planets and asteroids to find better equipment for your team. In particular, you should equip each person with at least Heavy Combat Armor, Protective Googles, and an ECM Package.
- Go to the Asteroid Base on Ceres, the largest asteroid in the Asteroid Belt.
- As you walk in, you will be meet by some guards. If you successfully Bluff, they will think you are there to help them and you will be able to freely wander the base without being attacked by soldiers. Otherwise, you will encounter random battles with RAM Warriors and Robots.
- Go west from the entrance and enter the briefing room to the north. You will be told that children are trapped on the lower level.
- There are two elevator shafts on the south end of the floor that lead down to the lower level. If you succussfully bluffed, you must take the one on the west side. Otherwise you have to take the one near the center.
- Near the center of the lower level are two doors that can only be opened using a Demo Charge from either the some RAM soldiers on the upper level if you bluffed, or in the room in the northeast corner of the center-most intersection. Behind these doors, you will find the missing children.
- The information you are seeking for this mission can be found in the Computer labs at the north end of the level. Either Reprogram the computers, or provide a keycard and passcode 'DNA'. You can get the keycard either from a room near the west side of the level or from one of the children after you fight a battle in the southeast corner of the level after rescuing them. The password can be learned either from the children when you rescue them, or in a room to the west of where the children can be found.
- Enter the eastern elevator shaft after you have rescued the children and learned what you could from the computer labs. One of them will have a rope that will allow you to climb back up the upper level.
- Lead the children to the east docking bay at the north end of the level where a rescue ship is waiting to take them to safety.
- Return to your ship in the west docking bay and leave the Asteroid Base.
- After you leave the Asteroid Base, you will be attacked by pirates. They will board your ship and keep attacking until you surrender or are destroyed.
- You will waken in a holding cell on the pirate ship. Guards will appear and escort you to Talon, the captain. He will allow one of your team members to challenge him in single combat, but you cannot win, since your party has been stripped of their weapons and armor. Guards will escort you back to your cell.
- To break free from the cell you can either try to Bypass or Reprogram the security field. After you have disabled the field, Buck Rogers will appear and join your party. He will also have your equipment with him. If you are unable to break the security field, just Wait and Buck will free you when he appears.
- Enter the cell at the east end of the hallway to find the equipment Buck hid there.
- At the north end of the level, you will find the autodoc. Reprogram it and your team can return here at any time to heal.
- Take the ladder up to the second level. To the west is the Armory where you can find some powerful equipment and some Demo Charges, which will come in handy later.
- Enter Talon's cabin to the north. Buck can disable the trap on the door and use the computer if you are unable to do so yourself. You will learn of a vulnerability in the pirate ship.
- Charge into the dining area to the south and defeat the pirates there. Enter the galley to the east and place a Demo Charge there. This will throw the pirates into a state of panic.
- Head down the ladder to Engineering on level 4. There will be much fewer enemies here now than there were before you set off the charge in the galley.
- Destroy each of the three sets of consoles on this deck and the power plant will die.
- If you want to take out Talon, head up to the Bridge on level 1 and fight him and the last of the pirates. You don't need to fight him, however, to escape the ship.
- Go to the second level and enter your ship through the air lock on the east side of the level. You are now free from the pirates. Buck will leave your party at this time.
- Return to headquarters on Salvation for your next assignment from Carlton Turabian. Your next goal is Mars. He will also tell you Jason Dupare is being held in the Radium Mines of Thule and will ask you to free him. This isn't part of the main quest and isn't necessary for you to do to finish the game.
- Head to Mars and land in the Mars High Desert. You will be intercepted by a RAM Scout ship and will need to either bluff or fight your way through.
- Fly due east and enter the Desert Runner Village.
- After you enter the village, you will be surrounded by desert runners. Defeat the combat robot they bring out and you will be accepted as allies. If you attack them instead, RAM will attack the village after the battle and they will accept you as allies against a greater threat.
- If you fought the robot instead of the desert runners, enter the palisade in the center of the village. Tuskon, the war chief, will tell you his plan for fighting the RAM forces. Once they arrive, your party will jump out and surprise them.
- Spread out through the town and defeat the RAM forces you encounter. After you win three random encounters, they will be defeated and Tuskon will call for a meeting.
- Enter the building in the center of the town and a medic will heal your wounds. Tuskon will approach and tell you that more RAM warships are approaching. The enemy will arrive you will have to fight some more.
- After three more battles, the RAM forces will be defeated again.
- Return to the Main Building again and Tuskon will tell you that even more RAM forces are coming. He will ask you to look for explosives and a homing device so that they can set a trap.
- There are a number of buildings that contain the homing device and explosives that you need. Look at my map of the town for their exact locations.
- Return to the Main Building once you have the equipment you need and set up the explosives and homing device. After you and all the villagers have fled the village, the RAM troops will land and be destroyed as the explosives go off. Tuskon will tell you to meet him at a blue rock to the northwest where he will begin preparing an army to retaliate against RAM.
Gradivus Mons
- Fly northeast to the blue stone where you will meet Atha. Go with Tuskon into the basement of Gradivus Mons.
- Inside the base, you will enter a room with Desert Apes held in cages. Approach the control panel and open all the cages. If Tuskon is with you, he will soothe the apes and they will not attack you. You will now be able to get through the guard posts without being attacked.
- Climb out of the basement to the Main Level using the ladder in the southeast corner of the level.
- Head south and then straight east to the main gates. Use the controls at the north end of the room to open the gates and let the desert runners in.
- Head all the way back west, then south, and then east to find the elevator to the upper level. You cannot use the elevator unless you let the desert runners in and they disable the security system.
- Go north and then west and you will find the laser that RAM was using to attack the desert runners. Use the controls to the north to overload the laser.
- You now need to warn the desert runners in the base that it is about to blow. Intercom stations can be found on each level. To get to the one in the southwest corner of the upper level you need to pick the door's lock or use a Demo Charge to blow it up. Tuskon will use the intercom to give the signal for retreat.
- Return to the main level and leave through the front gates where you will find Atha waiting for you. The base will explode and you will have won a major victory for the desert runners and NEO against RAM.
- Return to your ship and leave Mars.
- Return once again to headquarters on Salvation. Turabian will tell you that Venus is your next destination.
- Fly to Venus and land in the Venus Lowlands. A little while after you leave your ship, you will be surrounded by Lowlanders. They will join with you, however, when RAM forces ambush you. Leander will offer to join you after the battle.
- Enter the village to the north. You will find that RAM has invaded the town and killed many of the lowlanders.
- In the northeast corner of the town, you will meet some lowlanders who are planing to escape. The leader will ask you to retrieve the medical kit from the main building in the town and will give you a security code.
- Enter the building on the south edge of town, east of the entrance. If one of your characters has a high Stealth ability, you can steal the keys from the officer. Otherwise you will have to fight him and some robots for it.
- Go to the main building on the west side of the village. Use the keys and security code to enter the supply closet where you will find the medical kit along with some other equipment.
- Take the medical kit to the group waiting in the northeast corner of the village. They will leave the village and give you some valuable information.
- Before you leave the village, enter the building nearest the northeast corner. Inside you will find a child. Take him with you and then leave the village.
Space Elevator Ruins
- The RAM Base is well defended, so you need to find a better way in. Just southwest of the village you will find the ruins of an old space elevator.
- Head south through the ruins and climb down the ladder.
- At the south end of the passage, your path will be blocked by a locked door. Enter the room to the east and Interrogate the technician for a security card. Either Tie him up or Kill him, but don't Let him go or he'll summon the guards.
- Open the door with the security card and head down the hallway to the east. Follow the passage north to its end where you will find a Detonator Keycard.
- When you enter the large domed room in the center of the area, you will see many gliders that RAM is planning on using to wipe out the lowlanders.
- Exit the room through the door in the northwest corner and to the west you will find the Control Box. Use the keycard to cause all the gliders to self-destruct.
- In the northeast corner of the area, you will find a tunnel that will take you to the base.
Venus RAM Base
- The tunnel will take you to the second floor of the RAM base, in one of the barracks.
- Take the elevator in the northeast corner of the floor to the third level. In the northwest corner, you will find some lowlander prisoners. They will ask you to find Landon, their leader, and will teach you the victory code.
- Head down to the fourth floor. In a hallway directly south from the elevator, you will use the secret code the lowlanders taught you to summon Landon. If Zane is in you party, he will leave to join his father. Landon will tell you the location of the Retinal Lockpick.
- Head up to the top floor and enter Lab 2 in the northwest corner. Under one of the floor tiles you will find the Retinal Lockpick.
- Return to Landon on the fourth floor and he will ask you to find the secret door.
- The secret door can be found at the west end of the room with the Ursadders west of the elevator.
- Return to Landon again after you have found the secret door and he will then ask you to bring the other prisoners.
- Go back to the third floor and speak with the lowlander prisoners. They will leave to meet Landon.
- Return to Landon one final time and he will thank you for your help before leaving with the other lowlanders. The tunnel is too acidic for you to follow him.
- Go up to the first floor and leave through the front gate on the west end of the building.
- Return to your ship and head back to Salvation to give your report.
- After you return to Salvation from Venus, Turabian will meet you and tell you that RAM has kidnapped Atha, the desert runner, and demands that you meet them at Juno. Turabian will tell you that your current mission is too important to try to save Atha. He will order you to Mercury. Look below for a walkthrough for this side quest.
- Fly to Mercury and dock at Mariposa III.
- To get out of the hanger and into the station, you will use the Blue passcards that you found at the Martian Base. Inside, you will meet Wilma Deering who will give you some information and then take the blue passcards from you.
- The entrance to the core of Mariposa III is in the northeast corner of the area. The safest way to get there is through the bazaar in the northwest corner.
- To get to the doomsday laser, you need to pass all the way through the core to the upper level. Unfortunately, weapons mounted in the core above the fourth level will cause severe damage to your team unless you can convince the Sun King in the northeast corner of the fourth level to turn them off.
- You need to find three medallions to offer as a gift to the Sun King before you will be allowed to see him. One can be found on each of the first three levels.
- The Copper Medallion can be found in the southwest corner of the first level. Try to grab the medallion before it is sucked up by the maintenance robot. If you are too slow, you will have to fight security robots and then take the medallion from the rubble after the battle.
- Enter the closet in the southeast corner of the second level and keep searching until you find the Silver Medallion.
- The Gold Medallion can be found in the southeast room of the third level. If your rogue is unsuccessful in bypassing security, you will have to fight the robots to gain the medallion.
- Take all thre medallions to the northeast corner of the fourth floor and will be received by the Sun King.
- You must tell the Sun King that you speak French or he will kick you out (say 'oui'). It doesn't matter if you tell him you are the dancers or not, but you must agree to give him the laser for him to turn off the weapons in the core.
- Reenter the base core and climb all the way up to the top.
- Once you leave the core, enter the emergency stairs in the northwest corner of the area. An alarm will go off.
- Climb up to Weapons Control at the top of the stairs.
- Enter the Power Room to the south and Climb to shut off the main power for the doomsday laser.
- Pass through the door in the southeast corner using the Retinal Lockpick you found on Venus and continue into the laser area.
- Enter the large room south of the doomsday device where you will be able to destroy it. You will have to fight enemies both before you destroy the laser and after.
- After the laser has been destroyed, the base itself will begin to self-destruct. Head back to the stairs to the northwest and climb down to Escape Pod Control.
- To leave Mariposa III, you need to enter one of the pods in Pod Bay 3 or 4. Either use a Demo Charge to blow down the door to the pod bay or enter the Pod Control Center near the southeast corner of the level where Scot.DOS will give you clearance to enter the pod bays.
- Once you have left Mariposa III, it will explode and the threat of the Doomsday Device will be over.
Side Quests
Talon's Base
Thule Prison
RAM Prototype
Comm Center
Wilma Deering