


Bronwyck's Gun
D: 1-4, FT: 1-8, RNG: 10, FD: 1-25
Wgt: 90, Spd: 6, HPs: 100
Clarington Rifle
D: 1-15, FT: 1-10, RNG: 15
Combine with a Fancy Pistol to make a Hand Cannon
Wgt: 110, Spd: 8, HPs: 100
Sold by Gun Smiths
Droch's Warbringer
D: 20-40, FT: 1-10, RNG: 15
Wgt: 80, Spd: 8, HPs: 80
Add an Ancient Gun Chassis to a Large Bore Vendigrothian Rifle
Fancy Pistol
D: 2-9, FT: 2-5, RNG: 10
Combine with a Clarington Rifle to make a Hand Cannon; combine with a Charged Accelerator Gun to make a High Velocity Pistol
Wgt: 80, Spd: 8, HPs: 90
Sold by Gun Smiths
Fine Revolver
D: 3-12, FT: 3-9, RNG: 15, TH +5
Add an Engine Muffler to make a Hushed Revolver
Wgt: 50, Spd: 12, HPs: 80
Combine Revolver Parts and a Revolver Chamber
Flintlock Pistol
D: 1-6, FT: 1-3, RNG: 8, TH -5
Wgt: 60, Spd: 4, HPs: 70
Sold by Blacksmiths and Gun Smiths
Hand Cannon
D: 5-20, FT: 1-10, RNG: 12
Wgt: 80, Spd: 8, HPs: 80
Combine a Clarington Rifle and a Fance Pistol; agree to kill Darion Maug for Pollock in the Boil, Sammie White in Tarant
Hand Crafted Flinklock
D: 2-6, FT: 1-4, RNG: 15
Wgt: 80, Spd: 5, HPs: 70
Join Broken Flintlock Pistol with Small Metal Tube
Hunting Rifle
D: 2-14, FT: 1-10, RNG: 15
Add a Revolver Chamber to make a Repeater Rifle; add a Large Pipe to make an Elephant Rifle
Wgt: 120, Spd: 6, HPs: 100
Sold by Blacksmiths and Gun Smiths
Large Bore Vendigrothian Rifle
D: 5-25, FT: 1-7, RNG: 15
Add an Ancient Gun Chassis to make Droch's Warbringer
Wgt: 110, Spd: 5, HPs: 100
Vendigroth Ruins
Long Range Rifle
D: 2-10, FT: 1-5, RNG: 20, TH +10
Wgt: 100, Spd: 7, HPs: 100
Gun Smith in Ashbury
Looking Glass Rifle
D: 10-30, FT: 1-15, RNG: 25, TH +20
Wgt: 100, Spd: 1, HPs: 80
Combine a Looking Glass and a Marksman Rifle; William Thorndop in Ashbury
Marksman Rifle
D: 4-14, FT: 3-9, RNG: 20
Add a Looking Glass to make a Looking-Glass Rifle; add anaesthisizer to make a Tranquilizer Gun
Wgt: 110, Spd: 4, HPs: 100
Sold by Gun Smiths
Old Flintlock Pistol
D: 1-5, RNG: 5, TH: -10
Wgt: 70, Spd: 2, HPs: 60
Sold by General Store Clerks, Gun Smiths, and Junk Dealers
Old Revolver
D: 1-5, FT: 1-2, RNG: 8, TH: -10
Wgt: 90, Spd: 4, HPs: 70
Sold by General Store Clerks and Gun Smiths
Repeater Rifle
D: 5-12, FT: 1-8, RNG: 15
Wgt: 120, Spd: 14, HPs: 100, Bullets: 2
Hieronymous Maxim in Caladon
D: 2-9, FT: 2-5, RNG: 10, TH: +3
Wgt: 80, Spd: 8, HPs: 90
Sold by Gun Smiths
D: 2-10, FT: 1-5, RNG: 15
Wgt: 100, Spd: 6, HPs: 100
Sold by Gun Smiths
Rusted Rifle
D: 1-10, FT: 1-3, RNG: 15
Wgt: 120, Spd: 4, HPs: 30
Sold by Gun Smiths
Sharp Shooter's Pistol
D: 3-12, FT: 3-9, RNG: 20, TH +15
Wgt: 45, Spd: 12, HPs: 80
Gun Smith in Tarant
D: 1-10, FT: 1-10, RNG: 5
Wgt: 120, Spd: 4, HPs: 100
Sold by Gun Smiths