
1) Train Station
2) Malachi Rench's Haunted Castle
3) 14 Trellis Way - Kendrick Wales' House
4) 12 Trellis Way
5) Theodore - Retrieve Theodore's Platemail
6) 10 Trellis Way
7) 14 Harbor View - Peony's Fyne Herbs
8) 12 Harbor View
9) 10 Harbor View
10) Town Hall
11) Mayor of Ashbury
12) Ashbury Hostelry
13) Side Arms and Saltpeter
14) Raymond's Fine Spectacles
15) Elven Trader
16) The Meager Draught
17) Fenwick's Fine Clothing and Accouterments
18) Ashbury Premium Armature
19) The Crooked Staff
20) Ashbury Sundries
21) Ship Captain
22) Captain Edward Teach
23) Geoffrey Tarellond-Ashe- The Ashbury Cemetary
24) Crematorium
25) Theo Brightstart
Kill the Wild Pigs
Move the Boulders
26) Ashbury Prison
27) Wise Woman
28) William Throndop
Side Quests:
The Ashbury Cemetary
Kill the Wild Pigs
Move the Boulders
Retrieve Theodore's Platemail

Other Areas:
Malachi Rench's Haunted Castle
