Side Quests
- Read the Barghest contract from the notice board in front of the inn in the Outskirts.
- You'll find Barghests around the Outskirts at night. Collect the skulls of ten of them.
- Bring the 10 Barghest skulls to Abigal for 100 orens and two Mandrake Roots. You can sell any other skull you have to her at any time for 5 orens.
- Speak to Declan Leuvaarden in the inn in the Outskirts and he will agree to pay you 200 orens if you can find out what happened to his friend.
- Enter the cave beneath the city walls in the northwest corner of the Outskirts and defeat the Echinops there. On one of their remains, you'll find Human Remains.
- Show the Human Remains to Declan back at the Inn. He will demand that you give his friend a decent burial as you agreed.
- Ask the Reverend if you can bury Declan's friend in the Chapel. If you have lit the Eternal Fire Shrines he will agree and the Chapel will become unlocked.
- Enter the Chapel and take the stairs down into the basement. Place the Remains in the sarcophogus and the King of the High Hunt will appear. Unless you answer "There's no destiny, only coincidences", "No.", and "I'll prove there's no destiny. I shall give you what I have but do not expect" to the questions he asks, the ghost of Leo will appear and you will have to fight it. It will leave behind a Red Meteorite.
- Return once more to Declan at the Inn to collect your 200 oren reward.
- Read the Drowner contract from the notice board in front of the inn in the Outskirts.
- You need to have an entry in your Journal for Drowners to collect on this contract. You can learn about them from an old townswoman in the village in exchange for food, or from the book Swamp Monsters.
- You'll find Drowners along the river during the night. Kill three of them and take their Brains.
- Bring the Drowner Brains to the Reverend to collect your reward.
- Pick up the Ghoul contract from the notice board in front of the inn in the Outskirts.
- In order to collect Ghoul Blood, you must have an entry in your journal for Ghouls. Get this by reading The Tome of Fear and Loathing: Volume 1.
- Fight Ghouls in the Crypt and take the Blood from three of them.
- Bring the Blood to Kalkstein in the inn to receive your reward. If he's not in the Inn, he may be near the Merchant's Gate.
- You will find a powerful Ghoul named Ozzrel in the Crypt in the Outskirts after you have finished the Buried Memories quest. Kill him and take his Head.
- Bring the Head to the Royal Huntsman in the village for a 200 oren reward.
- After you have completed the Strangers in the Night quest, you will find a Drowned Dead named Nadir by the river near the mill at night in the Outskirts. Slay it and take its Head.
- The Royal Huntsman in the village will give you 200 orens for the Head.
- In the fishing village part of the Outskirts, you'll find a dwarf being harrassed by a bunch of travellers. Intercede on his behalf and kill the racists.
- After the battle, the dwarf will thank you for your help and reveal himself as your old friend Zoltan Chivay. Pick up a Dice Box from one of the bodies to begin the A Game of Dice quest.
- After you have spoken to Vesna Hood in the Country Inn in the Outskirts, you'll find her being accosted by Bandits on the road outside the Inn at night. After you have killed them, she will ask you to escort her home.
- Escort Miss Hood west to her grandmother's house, protecting her from the big bad wolves that will attack you along the way. If Vesna dies, you will fail the quest.
- Once you arrive safetly outside Vesna's grandmother's house, she will thank you for you help. As a reward she will offer to meet you at the old mill after sunset if you bring some wine.
- Meet Vesna outside the Mill at Dusk and give her some wine. You can buy Mettina Rose and Toussaint Red from her in the inn. You and Vesna will then add to the growing rumor that the Mill is haunted.
- Take and read the Alghoul Contract from either of the notice boards in front of the Hairy Bear Inn and the Dungeon in the Temple Quarter to begin this quest.
- Kill three Alghouls and take their Marrow. You can learn about Alghouls from the Tome of Fear and Loathing, Volume II. You'll find them in the Viziman Cemetary and in north part of the Swamp at night.
- Bring three portions of Alghoul Marrow to Kalkstein in the Temple Quarter to claim your reward.
- Kill the Cockatrice in the Sewers beneath the Temple Quarter and take its Head.
- Bring the Cockatrice Head to Vincent Meis for 400 orens. You will find Meis in the Temple Quarter either near the gate to the Trade Quarter in or the Dungeon.
- In the Swamp you'll find the Coccacidium, a powerful Archespore which sprouts from the ground in various places. Slay it and take it's head. The best tactics to use against it is Igni and strong Silver.
- Take the head to Vincent Meis in the Temple Quarter for a 400 oren reward. You can also claim the reward in chapter III from the Royal Huntsman in the Trade Quarter.
- When you enter the abandoned hut in the northeast corner of the Swamp you will realize that it is the home of a cannibal.
- If you completed the Pilgrimage quest, you will find Gramps inside the hut. Otherwise, you'll find him by the landing. Speak to him to learn that he is the cannibal.
- If you choose to let him go, he'll give you the Formula for Hanged Man's Venom. If you attack him, he'll flee and you'll have to fight him along with several Echinops outside his hut.
- Take and read the Dog Contract from either of the notice boards in front of the Hairy Bear Inn and the Dungeon in the Temple Quarter to begin this quest.
- Kill Dogs around the Temple Quarter and take the Tallow from their bodies. You'll need to do this at night since you have to draw your sword before you can attack them.
- Bring six units of Dog Tallow to the gravedigger near the entrance to the cemetary to claim a 100 oren reward.
- Take and read the Drowned Dead Contract from either of the notice boards in front of the Hairy Bear Inn and the Dungeon in the Temple Quarter to begin this quest.
- Kill Drowned Dead and take their Tongues. You can learn about them from Shani in the hospital in the Temple Quarter during the Old Friend of Mine quest or from Swamp Monsters. Drowned Dead are most abundant in the Swamp.
- Bring ten Drowned Dead Tongues to Siegfried to collect the bounty.
- Take and read the Echinops Contract from either of the notice boards in front of the Hairy Bear Inn and the Dungeon in the Temple Quarter to begin this quest.
- You'll find Echinops in the Swamp. Read Curses and the Cursed to add them to your journal.
- Take three Echinops Rootstalks to the Gardener outside the Hospital in the Temple Quarter for a reward.
- At Dawn, you will find a Con Artist standing outside the entrance to the sewers in the Temple Quarter. Agree to help him retrieve his ring and he will give you a Key to his family's crypt.
- Use the Key to enter the Crypt in the Sewers and grab the Family Ring from the chest.
- Return to the Con Artist with the ring. You'll learn that the ring doesn't actually belong to him, which isn't surprising given his label.
- Ask Yaren Bolt in the Swamp for witcher work and he will ask you to collect Beggartick Blossoms. If you accept, they will be added to your journal.
- You'll find Beggartick plants in the Swamp northeast from the Golem Cemetary. Gather five blossoms.
- Bring the blossoms to the Ferryman by the landing to collect 400 orens.
- Return to Yaren and give him his half of the money.
- After you have returned to the Swamp with Vivaldi's Letter as part of the Worth it's Weight in Gold quest, this quest will become available. You must choose to either help Yaevinn of the Scoia'tael, or Siegfried of the Order of the Flaming Rose.
- To help Yaevinn, speak to him in the nonhuman encampment and agree to help him attack the Order. Go southwest to the Golem Cemetary and kill all the knights there. Return to Yaevinn in the nonhuman camp and he will give you a reward and tell you what he has learned about Berengar.
- To help Siegfried, speak to him in the Golem cemetary and agree to lead an attack against the Scoia'tael. Enter the nonhuman camp to the northeast and kill the Scoia'tael there. Speak to Siegfried again to receive a reward and to hear what he has learned about Berengar.
- In one of the houses in the Slums of the Temple Quarter, you will encounter a Thug who will ask for you help investigating a Haunted House.
- Enter the Abandoned House next to Ramsmeat's House that the Thug marked on your map and you will be attacked by him and a bunch of his cronies.
- After you have killed the bandits speak to the Half-Elf. She will thank you for rescuing her and will ask to meet you later in the nonhuman district.
- Speak to the Half-Elf again in her home. She'll give you a lesson in Elvish and give you a "special" reward.
- After performing the autoposy with Shani, speak to the Gravedigger and share your suspicions about Raymond. He will not let you into the Cemetary unless you get permission from Vincent or you have Thaler cancel his debts.
- Either ask Vincent for a Vizima Cemetary Pass or speak to Thaler about clearing the Gravedigger's debts. You'll need to complete their respective Suspect quest before they'll help you.
- Return to the Gravedigger and he'll give you the Key to the Cemetary as well as Petri's Philter Formula.
- Use the Key to enter the Cemetary and then enter the Crypt to the north.
- Use the Aard sign to knock down the weak wall near the crypt entrance and click on Raymond's body in the room behind it. This will also prove that Javed has been disguising himself as Raymond if you hadn't already learned this from the autopsy.
- Return to the Gravedigger and give him back his Key.
- After completing Flowers and Gold, ask Yaren Bolt for more work and he will ask for your help dealing with monsters and the Vodyanoi.
- Follow the road to the south back to the village. Along the way you come across three groups of monsters: Bloezuigers, Drowners, and Echinops. After you kill each group, your quest journal will be updated.
- Tell Vaska about the lumberjacks' trouble with the Vodyanoi and she will tell you how they can make peace with them.
- Return to Yaren and tell him that you need to sacrifice his axe to the Vodyanoi. He will reluctantly hand it over.
- Place Yaren's axe on the Vodyanoi Altar by the Clay Pits. At midnight, the axe will be replace with a Vodyanoi Amulet.
- Bring the Amulet to Yaren and he will reward you with 400 orens.
- At the beginning of chapter II, Jethro will give you a Silver Sword to fight the Cockatrice in the Sewers. He will let slip that they got the sword from the fence Thaler.
- After you have left the Sewers, ask Thaler in his house in the Temple Quarter about the sword. He claims to have bought it from a dice player in the Inn.
- Ask the Gambler in the Hairy Bear Inn about the silver sword and he will tell you that he won it from the Gardener.
- Speak to the Gardener in the Hospital Garden to learn that the sword comes from a witcher named Coen. Apparantly Shani knew Coen.
- Visit Shani's house at night and ask her about Coen. You may have to reenter several times before you can convince grandma to let you pass. Shani will suggest you talk to Zoltan about the blade.
- Ask Zoltan what he knows about Silver Swords to complete this quest. He will give you an Earth Rune.
- Speak to Conrad in the Hairy Bear Inn in the Temple Quarter at night. Agreed to fetch the special wine for him.
- Enter the abandoned house near Detective Raymond's House and defeat the Graveirs in the basement. You will find three bottles of Very Old Wine in the crate.
- Bring the wine back to Conrad in the Hairy Bear Inn. Unfortunately, he doesn't have any money to pay you. You can either give him one bottle and keep the other two for yourself, or you can keep all three of them. You can sell them for 80 orens each.
- Visit Shani in St. Lebioda's Hospital during the day. She's too busy to chat, but if you ask if you can help, she'll ask for 5 Celandine plants.
- Gather 5 Celandine plants and bring them to Shani. You can gather them in the Swamp or buy them from the Gardener or the Herbalist in the Temple Quarter. In reward, you can receive an anatomy lesson about Drowned Dead.
- After the autopsy from the Anatomy of a Crime quest, speak to Shani again in her home to learn that she wants to host a party. She will ask for your help with the alcohol.
- Bring Shani a bottle of Mettina Rose, a bottle of Cherry Spirit Cordial, and a bottle of Temerian Rye. You can buy all these from the Waitress in the Hairy Bear Inn. She will thank you for the booze and ask you to invite a friend.
- There are three different people you can invite: Siegfried, Zoltan, and Carmen. Choosing Carmen will give you the most interesting dialog, but she will charge you 100 orens.
- Enter Shani's house at night to begin the party. You'll see Dandelion there who is amazed to see you alive.
- At some point during the party, your guest will ask you to retrieve something from downstairs. Siegfried will ask for Grandma's Cordial, Zoltan will ask for Grandma's Pickles and Lard, and Carmen will ask for Grandma's Diary. The difficulty is that you are drunk and Grandma will throw you out if she catches you. To avoid being caught, stay out of the light cast by the fireplaces. Of course, it's easier to just grab the item before the party even starts.
- Bring the item back to your guest and then talk to Dandelion to hear him sing.
- After the party, give Red Roses to Shani to show your appreciation for her party. She will in turn show you hers.
- Ask Gramps near the docks in the Swamp for witcher work and he will ask you to escort him to the Melitele shrine.
- Go west to the Altar of Melitele. When you reach the altar, Gramps will thank you for your help and will tell you something about Berengar.
- Ask Coleman in the Hairy Bear Inn in the Temple Quarter for witcher's work and he will ask you to check out a haunted house for him.
- Note: If you talk to the detective Raymond before finishing this quest and you helped the Scoia'tael in the first chapter, Coleman will be killed and you will fail this quest.
- Enter the abandoned house near Detective Raymond's House and defeat the Wraiths inside.
- When you return to the Hairy Bear Inn, you'll notice that Coleman is gone. Ask the Innkeeper about him to learn that he sometimes does business on the Dike.
- Head out the gate on the west side of the Temple Quarter. If you didn't let Siegfried help you fight the Cockatrice, you'll have to bribe one of the guards 60 orens to pass. On the other side, you'll see Coleman talking to the guards. He will pay you 100 orens and confess that he is helping Vincent against the Salamandra.
- Return to the Hairy Bear Inn and tell the Innkeeper that you found Coleman. You can either tell him where Coleman is for 500 orens or lie and say that you lost track of him.
- Hildegard Zollstock will agree to give you 200 orens if you can put her late husband to rest. You'll find her standing outside the gate to the cemetary in the Temple Quarter at noon.
- Return to the same spot at midnight and destroy the Wraith there.
- Return once more at noon to collect your reward from Hildegard.
- Ask Zoltan if he knows of any work for a witcher and he will tell you that Leuvaarden is looking for help. You can find Zoltan wandering the Temple Quarter, in Vivaldi's house, or in the Hairy Bear Inn.
- Speak to Leuvaarden on the Dike and ask him about the trouble he's having. He will offer you 400 orens to rid the dock in the Swamp of Drowners.
- Pay the Ferryman 5 orens and he'll take you to the Swamp. Kill all the Drowners around the landing at night.
- Return to Leuvaarden on the Dike and tell him that the landing is safe to receive your 400 oren reward.
- After questioning the witness held by the city guard in the hospital and talking to Raymond again, he will give you a List of Suspects. Read this list to find Leuvaarden's name on it.
- Leuvaarden with reject the idea that he is working for the Salamandra.
- You can find proof of Leuvaarden's innocence in three ways: follow the Wanted quest, complete the autopsy, or discover Raymond's body in the Cemetary Crypt during the Gravedigger's Gratitude quest.
- Tell Leuvaarden that you know he is innocent and he'll give you 500 orens and tell you something about Azar Javed.
- Kalkstein will be added to your list if you ask him about Berengar, or when you overhear the city guard prisoner say his name in the hospital in The Crown Witness quest.
- If you challenge Kalkstein, he will deny any connection to the Salamandra.
- You will learn that Kalkstein is innocent by performing the autopsy and concluding that either Ramsmeat or Azar Javed is responsible or by discovering Raymond's body in the Cemetary Crypt during the Gravedigger's Gratitude quest.
- Tell Kalkstein that you know he is innocent and he'll tell you something valuable about Azar Javed.
- When you attempt to question the city guard prisoner in St. Lebioda's Hospital, you'll be set upon by Ramsmeat's men. This leads you to suspect him.
- You'll find Ramsmeat in the back room of the Hairy Bear Inn or in his home. To get inside, either bribe one of the bouncers, or kill them them and grab the Key from their bodies. He claims that the men attacked the hospital to retrieve his man and denies any involvement with Javed.
- You will learn that Ramsmeat is innocent by performing the autopsy and concluding that either Kalkstein or Azar Javed is responsible or by discovering Raymond's body in the Cemetary Crypt during the Gravedigger's Gratitude quest.
- Tell Ramsmeat that you have proof of his innocence and he will give you some information about Azar Javed.
- Ask Thaler about the Silver Sword you got from Jethro at the beginning of the chapter II and you'll learn that he has some of Berengar's gear. This will make you suspicious.
- If you ask Thaler what his connection to Salamandra is, he'll deny any involvement.
- You can find proof of Thaler's innocence in three ways: follow the Old Friend of Mine quest, complete the autopsy, or discover Raymond's body in the Cemetary Crypt during the Gravedigger's Gratitude quest.
- Tell Thaler that you have found proof of his innocence to end this quest.
- The assassin attack in the Sewers will lead you to suspect Vincent Meis, since he is one of the few people who knew you'd be down there.
- Ask Vincent how the Salamandra investigation is going to learn about a secret meeting in the Slums at midnight. You'll find Vincent in the Temple Quarter either by the gate to the Trade Quarter or in the Dungeon.
- Enter the Warehouse in the Slums at night to interrupt a meeting between the Salamandra and Vincent. No matter what you say, the situation will end in battle.
- After you have killed all the Salamandra, talk to Vincent at his post. You suspect him, but don't have any proof.
- Follow The Rat sidequest until you learn that Coleman is helping Vincent against the Salamandra. You can also find proof of Vincent's innocence by performing the autopsy or by discovering Raymond's body in the Cemetary Crypt during the Gravedigger's Gratitude quest.
- Tell Vincent that you have found proof of his innocence. In return he will tell you something about Azar Javed and will give you a City Guard Signet Ring.
- Ask Jethro in the Dungeon about the Professor's release to learn that it was bought using money from Vivaldi's Bank.
- Confront Vivaldi in his home in the nonhuman district of the Temple Quarter. He will deny any involvement.
- Ask Zoltan about Vivaldi's bank to learn that Vivaldi no longer owns it, so he can't be guilty. You can find Zoltan wondering around the Temple Quarter, in Vivaldi's house, or in the Hairy Bear Inn. You can also find proof of Vivaldi's innocence by performing the autopsy or by discovering Raymond's body in the Cemetary Crypt during the Gravedigger's Gratitude quest.
- Tell Vivaldi that you have discovered proof of his innocence and he will tell you something about Azar Javed.
- Take and read the Wolf Contract from either of the notice boards in front of the Hairy Bear Inn and the Dungeon in the Temple Quarter to begin this quest.
- Kill ten Wolves and take their pelts. You'll find wolves in the Swamp north of the Druid Grove and in the Cave at the south end.
- Bring all ten pelts to Jean-Pierre by the landing in the Swamp for your 150 oren reward.
- Ask Carmen in the Temple Quarter for witcher work and she ask you to protect her girls from thugs. She'll mark three trouble locations on your map.
- Visit each of the three locations marked on your map at night and kill the assassins threatening the girls.
- Speak to Carmen again to claim your reward. You can either take 200 orens or come to an arrangement where you receive the services of the prostitutes in the area by merely giving them flowers.
- In the Druid's Grove on the west side of the Swamp, you will meet Yaevinn. Ask him for witcher's work and he will give you a letter to give to Vivaldi in Vizima.
- Return to Vizima and give Yaevinn's letter to Vivaldi in his home in the Temple Quarter.
- Leave Vivaldi's house and reenter it. Speak to him again to receive his reply.
- When you return to the Druid Groove in the Swamp, you will not be able to find Yaevinn. Ask one of the Druids to learn that he rejoined the other elves.
- You'll find Yaevinn in the nonhuman camp in the Swamp. Give him Vivaldi's Letter.
- At the beginning of chapter III, Triss will give you a Letter of Safe Conduct. Apparently, Velerad has declared a state of emergency in Vizima. You will be required to show the pass to an officer that confronts you as you leave Triss' house.
- After the Posh Reception quest, you will find Count de Wett and Thaler arguing outside the Inn. The Count has an edict that releaves Thaler of his post. Side with Thaler and he will thank you and invite you into the Inn for a conversion.
- Reenter the Inn and speak to Thaler. He will show you the edict granting him authority from the king which has both the kings seal and signature. The new edicts lack the King's signature and must be fakes, which is a serious crime.
- During the Lock and Key quest, you will meet a man named Radovid who was talking to the Salamandra through a mirror. He will deny involvement with them and claim to be your ally.
- After you have finished the Lock and Key quest and have given the Seeing Stone to Triss, speak to her in her home in the Trade Quarter. She will mark the source of the communication on your map.
- Enter Radovid's hideout off of the marketplace in the Trade Quarter. After speaking with Radovid for a while, you will discover that he is the King of Redania and that he has intentions towards the princess Adda.
- Take and read the Archespore Contract from the notice boards in front of the New Narakort Inn in the Trade Quarter to begin this quest.
- To complete this quest, you need to have an entry for Archespores in your journal. Do this by reading Curses and the Cursed.
- Kill three Archespores and take the Archespore Juice from their remains. You'll find them in the Swamp.
- Bring the three vials of Archespore Juice to Jethro in the Dungeon in the Temple Quarter for a reward.
- You will meet Carmen by the landing in the Swamp. She is looking for a lycanthropy cure for her man. Agree to ask the druids for a potion for her.
- Speak to the Hierophant in the Druid Grove on the west side of the Swamp. He will reveal three ways lycanthropy can be cured.
- Go to the Temple Quarter and ask Carmen who her lover is. She will refuse to tell you.
- During the Lock and Key quest, you will learn that Vincent Meis is the Werewolf.
- Speak to Carmen in or outside the Eager Thighs Brothel in the Temple Quarter. Tell her that you have spoken to the Heirophant who has suggested a shirt of Fool's Parsley Leaves.
- Collect 5 Fool's Parsley Leaves and bring them to Carmen. You can find them growing in the Swamp or buy them from the druids.
- Leave and reenter the area and speak to Carmen again to learn that the shirt of Fool's Parsley did not cure Vincent.
- Visit Kalkstein in the Mage's Tower in the Swamp and ask him if he can make a potion to cure lycanthropy. He will agree to make the potion for you.
- Leave and reenter the tower and speak to Kalkstein again. He will give you the Lycanthropy Cure, but it is missing one ingredient yet: the tear of a virgin.
- There are three ways you can get a virgin's tear:
- Ask one of the nurses in St. Lebioda's Hospital in the Temple Quarter.
- If you ask enough of the townswomen wandering the Temple and Trade Quarters, you'll eventually find one who will give you her tear.
- Siegfried will give you a tear if you helped him in the Gold Rush quest. He is standing outside the Cloister of the Order of the Flaming Rose in the Temple Quarter.
- Once you have collected a virgin's tear, give the Lycanthropy Cure to Carmen.
- When you speak to Carmen again, she'll tell you that the potion didn't work either. Tell her about the last possible cure: true love. Unfortunately, Carmen doesn't believe that Vincent loves her.
- Speak to Vincent Meis at his post in the Temple Quarter during the day. Tell him that Carmen loves him and that if he loves her in return, he can be cured of his lycanthropy.
- Visit Carmen one more time to learn that Vincent has returned her love and has been cured.
- Patrick de Weyze in the New Narakort Inn in the Trade Quarter will ask you to find his sister who he believes was bitten by a vampire.
- Enter the House of the Queen of the Night on the west side of the Trade Quarter and speak to the Blue-eyed Lass.
- To spend the night with her pay her 500 orens, or show her the House of the Night Signet Ring and only pay her 300 orens, or give her a Sapphire. Speak to her again and comment on the mark on her neck.
- Return to Patrick de Weyze in the New Narakort and tell him that his sister works in the brothel. He believes that someone there is controlling her mind and will ask you to investigate further.
- Enter the House of the Queen of the Night again and ascend to the upper floor. To get past the Bodyguard, bribe him with orens, show him the House of the Night Signet Ring, or beat him in a fistfight.
- Speak to the Lady of the Night on the second floor. You will then be given a choice: either kill the vampires or leave them alone and they'll spend the night with you. If you kill them, the Blue-eyed girl will run away and de Weyze will refuse to pay you.
- If you choose not to kill the vampires, de Weyze will arrive with a troop of knights after you have been rewarded by the vampires. You now have
three options:
- Attempt to remain neutral. Unfortunately, they will all turn on you and you will be forced to kill them all. Only the Blue-eyed girl will survive and she won't be very pleased.
- Betray the vampires and help the knights slay them. de Weyze will not be pleased that you consorted with them in the first place and will not reward you.
- Aid the vampires against the knights. The Queen of the Night will thank you for your help and reward you with 200 orens. The Blue-eyed girl will also thank you.
- Take and read the Cockatrice Contract from the notice boards in front of the New Narakort Inn in the Trade Quarter to begin this quest.
- You'll find Cockatrices in the Cave in the Swamp. Collect five of their Feathers.
- Bring the feathers to the scribe on the main floor of town hall in the Trade Quarter to collect your reward.
- Dandelion in the New Narakort Inn in the Trade Quarter has lost his lute. Outdrink him (7 drinks) to learn that the lute is in the home of a merchant whose daughter he was giving "lessons" to.
- Leave the Inn and enter the Merchant's House marked on your map. You'll need to either bribe the merchant and beat him in a fistfight to pass.
- Head up the stairs and talk to the daughter. Tell her that if she gives up the lute, it will prove Dandelion meant nothing to her. You can sleep with her if you offer to cheer her up.
- Take Dandelion's Lute from the Trunk and leave the house.
- Return to the New Narakort and give Dandelion his Lute. You can return in the evening to hear him play.
- Ask Yaevinn in the Druid Grove on the west side of the Swamp for work and he will ask you to investigate the Elven Ruins in the Sewers beneath Vizima.
- Go to the eastern end of the Sewers where you will meet a bunch of Scoia'tael standing in front of the entrance to the ruins. They will ask you to enter the ruins and destroy the evil that drove them out.
- Enter the ruins and slay the Bruxa inside. Yaevinn will appear and give you 300 orens in reward.
- Take and read the Fleder Contract from the notice boards in front of the New Narakort Inn in the Trade Quarter to begin this quest.
- Fleders can be found in the Cemetary and in the warehouse next to the bank during the Gold Rush quest. Take the Fangs from three of them.
- Bring the Fleder Fangs to Velerad in the Guardhouse in the Trade Quarter to collect 250 orens.
- Take and read the Ghoul Contract from the notice boards in front of the New Narakort Inn in the Trade Quarter to begin this quest.
- To complete this quest, you need to have an entry for Ghouls in your journal. Get this by reading the Tome of Fear and Loathing, Volume I.
- Kill at least twelve Ghouls and take their blood. You'll find them in the Cemetary and in the Swamp.
- Bring the twelve vials of Ghoul Blood to Kalkstein in the Mage's Tower in the Swamp.
- Take and read the Graveir Contract from the notice boards in front of the New Narakort Inn in the Trade Quarter to begin this quest.
- You need to have an entry for Graveirs in your journal to complete this quest. Get this by reading the Tome of Fear and Loathing, Volume I.
- You'll find Graveirs in the Cemetary and in the Swamp. Kill five of them and take their bones.
- Show the five Graveir Bones to Velerad in the lower level of the guardhouse in the Trade Quarter to receive your reward.
- Take and read the Kikimore Contract from the notice boards in front of the New Narakort Inn in the Trade Quarter to begin this quest.
- To complete this quest, you need to have an entry in your journal for Kikimore Workers. Get this by reading The Wonderful World of Insectoids.
- Kill ten Kikimore Workers and take their claws. You'll find them in the Trade Quarter at night and in the Swamp.
- Bring the claws to Velerad in the lower level of the guardhouse in the Trade Quarter to receive your reward.
- You will find a Distressed Nurse standing outside St. Lebioda's Hospital in the Temple Quarter around noon. She is concerned about her grandma.
- If you visit the nurse's grandma during the day, she will get very annoyed and kick you out.
- Reenter grandma's house during the night and slay the Fleder in the cellar.
- Speak to the Distressed Nurse again around noon to receive your 50 oren reward.
- Slay Moa, a Royal Wyvern in the northwest part of the Swamp and take her head.
- Bring Moa's head to the Royal Huntsman for 600 orens.
- A Desparate Merchant on the Dike will ask you to recover his uncle's ring.
- You will find the uncle's body on a small island just northwest of the Shrine of Melitele in the Swamp. Take the Ring from his body.
- Give the Ring to the Desparate Merchant on the Dike for a 100 oren reward.
- Siegfried outside of the Cloister of the Order of the Flaming Rose in the Temple Quarter will ask you to investigate a number of disappearances in the Cemetary.
- Enter the Cemetary and approach the Temple Ruins where you will find a talking Ghoul named Vetala. Agree to spare his life and he will tell you that Elves are responsible for the deaths.
- Confront the Scoia'tael in front of the entrance to the crypt and they will admit to being responsible for the murders. You will be given a choice: chase them down and kill them or rescue the people still inside the Crypt.
- Let the Scoia'tael go and enter the Crypt. Defeat the Ghouls and Alghouls threatening the remaining survivors on the east side of the crypt.
- Return to Siegfried in the Temple Quarter to receive your reward. You will receive a bonus for rescuing the survivors instead of getting revenge on the murderers.
- In the Swamp east from the Golem Cemetary you will find a large wolf wandering the area. Slay him, and take his head.
- Bring the head to the Royal Huntsman in the Trade Quarter for 600 orens.
- Take and read the Wyvern Contract from the notice boards in front of the New Narakort Inn in the Trade Quarter to begin this quest.
- Collect the meat from three Wyverns. You can find them in the northwest corner of the Swamp.
- Bring the meat to the innkeeper of the New Narakort Inn in the Trade Quarter to collect a 200 oren reward.
- Take and read the Alp Contract from the notice boards outside the Country Inn in Murky Waters to begin this quest.
- To complete this quest, you need to have a entry in your journal for Alps. Get this by reading Vampires: Facts and Myths.
- You'll find Alps in the Crypt by the Lakeside and in the Crypt in the Fields.
- Bring 5 Alp Fangs to Tobias Hoffman, the chief of the Village, to receive 250 orens.
- You'll find an ancient Cemetaur named Ureus behind a wall at the south end of the Crypt in the Fields. Slay it and take its Head.
- Bring the Cemetaur Head to Tobias Hoffman, the chief of the Village to recieve 800 orens.
- Take and read the Basilisk Contract from the notice boards outside the Country Inn in Murky Waters to begin this quest.
- Kill three Basilisks and take their Hides. You'll find them on the west side of Black Tern Island.
- Take the Hides to Julian in the Country Inn for 250 orens.
- Toruviel, who you'll find in or just outside the Elven Cave at the Lakeside, will give you 20 gold to buy bread from the village.
- Buy four or five loaves of Bread from the Baker in the Village. Unfortunately, it will cost you 5 oren each, not 4.
- Give the Bread to Toruviel at the Elven Cave.
- Take and read the Devourer Contract from the notice boards outside the Country Inn in Murky Waters to begin this quest.
- You need to have an entry for Devourers in your journal to complete this quest. Read the The Tome of Fear and Loathing: Volume II.
- You'll find Devourers at night in the Fields and south of the Village.
- Bring 10 Devourer Teeth to Abigail or the Healer in the Healer's Hut next to the Inn in Murky Waters to receive 300 orens.
- Take and read the Giant Centipede Contract from the notice boards outside the Country Inn in Murky Waters to begin this quest.
- You'll find Giant Centipedes in the fields south of Murky Waters by the ruins. Kill four of them and take their Carapaces.
- Give the Carapaces to the Elven Craftsman in or just outside the Elven Cave at the Lakeside to receive 250 orens.
- Ask the Hermit at the south end of the Fields if he has any work for you and he will ask you to drive off the Wild Hunt who are haunting the nearby Druid Circle.
- Collect at least two Mandrake Roots from the nearby barrows.
- Approach the Druid's Circle at night to find three Wraiths.
- Once you have killed them, three more will appear as well as the King of the Wild Hunt. Place a Mandrake Root on the Druid Lantern to drive him away.
- After you have killed the second group of Wraiths, a third group will appear. Place a Mandrake Root on the Druid Lantern to drive the King of the Wild Hunt away again.
- Speak to the Hermit again after you have killed all nine Wraiths to claim your reward. You can choose between the book Vampires: Facts and Myths, a Key to your own hut, or the Wreath of Immortelles. You don't derive any real benefit from the Hut, but the Wreath can be used in the Heat of the Day quest. The Hermit will also give you a Pouch of Salt.
- At the Lakeside near where you first arrive, you'll find Naiad, a water nymph, whose necklace was stolen by Zephyr. Agree to help her and she'll tell you how to find him.
- Kill the groups of Drowners at the Naiad's three bathing locations at the Lakeside, on Black Tern Island, and southeast of the Village.
- Once you've slain all three groups Zephyr himself will attack you. Slay him and take the Turquoise Necklace from his body.
- Return the Turquoise Necklace to Naiad by the Lakeside and you can choose to be rewarded with Descriptions of the Vodyanoi, an Earth Rune, or you can have her heal you whenever you want. She will also give you a Red Ribbon, a talisman for repelling Drowners.
- Inside the Crypt by the Lakeside you'll finally find Berengar. Help him fight the monsters inside. Once you have defeated the last group of monsters, he will agree to speak with you outside.
- Leave the Crypt and speak to Berengar at his campsite. He explains that the Salamandra forced him to help them, but that he got away from them as soon as he could.
- Speak to the Lady of the Lake on Black Tern Island. She will ask you to speak with Berengar.
- Talk to Berengar again to learn that he has no interest in destiny.
- Tell the Lady of the Lade of Berengar's decision and she will promise to give you a gift at some future time.
- Once you have completed the Heat of the Day and Ripples quests, speak to Lady once again and she will knight you at the Altar of Dagon and give you Aerondight.
- On your way back to your boat you will meet Berengar who will tell you everything about his involvement with the Salamandra. You can choose to attack him or spare him. If you kill him, you will receive his Medallion.
- Mason Harn by the collapsed bridge south of Murky Waters needs your help driving off the griggs that are preventing him from finishing his repairs on the bridge.
- Ask the Healer or Abigail in the Healer's Hut next to the Inn about the griggs. She will tell you that you need to placate them by returning the Cat Harness that was stolen from them by another tribe of griggs.
- Enter the Crypt in the Fields. You'll find the Cat Harness on the Santon in a large room on the east side.
- Once you have the Cat Harness, speak to the Healer again to learn what to do with it.
- Place the Cat Harness on the Santon near the Collapsed Bridge south of the Village and you'll receive the Four-leaf Clover.
- Give the Four-leaf Clover to Mason Harn and he'll offer you a choice or rewards: Specters, Wraiths, and the Damned, 400 orens, or the help of his son Pat.
- Inside the Blacksmith's house in the Village, his wife will tell you that he has been fooling around with a Succubus. She will ask you to bring her nine handfuls of Shimmering Dust to drive her away.
- When you leave the house, the Blacksmith will propose a counter-offer: collect nine handfuls of Shadow Dust to merely put the Succubus to sleep and he will reward you instead.
- If you choose to help the Blacksmith, collect nine portions of Shadow Dust from Devourers and give them to him. You can find them at night in the Fields and south of the Village. He'll reward you with a Red Meteorite or 500 orens.
- On the other hand, if you choose to help the Blacksmith's wide, collect nine portions of Shimmering Dust from Noonwraiths and give them to her. You'll find them in the Fields during the day. She will reward you with Plants of Barren Lands.
- Kill Teyu, a renegade vodyanoi priest, and take his Head. You'll find him wondering the eastern side of the Fields.
- Bring the Head to Tobias Hoffman, the village chief, in his home in the Village. He'll reward you with 800 orens.
- Take and read the Wyvern Egg Contract from the notice boards outside the Country Inn in Murky Waters to begin this quest.
- Kill three Royal Wyverns and take the Eggs from their remains. You'll find Royal Wyverns on Black Tern ISland.
- Bring three Eggs to the Innkeeper to collect 250 orens.
- Take and read the Bloedzuiger Contract from the notice boards outside the hospital in Old Vizima to begin this quest.
- Read Swamp Monsters to get entry for Bloedzuigers in your journal.
- You can find Bloedzuigers in the Swamp Cemetary. Kill ten of them and take their Blood.
- Take the ten vials of Blood to the Eldest Druid in the Druids' cave in the Swamp Cemetary to receive a reward of 200 orens.
- You will find a Garkain named Vesper near the entrance of the cemetary in the Swamp. Slay it and take its Head.
- Bring the Garkain Head to the Royal Huntsman in the Druids' cave to the northwest for a reward of 1000 orens.
- Take and read the Bruxa Contract from the notice boards outside the hospital in Old Vizima to begin this quest.
- Read Vampires: Facts and Myths to get an entry for Bruxae in your journal.
- You can find Bruxae in the cemetary in the Swamp at night and in the Ancient Crypt. Take three vials of their Blood from their bodies.
- Bring the three vials of Bruxa Blood to Captain Jean-Pierre in Old Vizima to receive a reward of 300 orens.
- Take and read the Cemetaur Contract from the notice boards outside the hospital in Old Vizima to begin this quest.
- Read the Tome of Fear and Loathing: Volume II to get an entry for Cemetaurs in your journal.
- You'll find Cemetaurs in Old Vizima and in the Ancient Crypt. Take the Jaws of five of them.
- Show the five Jaws to the Desperate Father outside the Striga's Crypt in the Swamp Cemetary to collect 250 orens.
- Take and read the Garkain Contract from the notice boards outside the hospital in Old Vizima to begin this quest.
- Read Vampires: Facts and Myths to get an entry for Garkains in your journal.
- You'll find Garkains in the cemetary in the Swamp at night. Take the Saliva from two of them.
- Give the two vials of Garkain Saliva to Kalkstein in his laboratory in Old Vizima to collect 250 orens.
- Antoinette in the throne room of the Castle will ask you to give 300 orens to each of her cousins hiding in the swamp.
- Give 300 orens each to each of Antoinette's cousins in the Swamp Cemetary. Cousin Buse is in a Refugees' Cave near the cemetary entrance, Cousin Corbin is in the Druids' Cave, and Cousin Ramerot is in a Refugees' Cave at the south end of the area. Each cousin will give you a Receipt in exchange for the gold.
- Show all three Receipts to Captian Jean-Pierre in Old Vizima to receive a reward of three Dragon's Dream bombs.
- A vampire named Lilly resides in the Swamp Cemetary at night by the Circle of Elements. Slay her and take her Head.
- Bring the Bruxa's Head to the Royal Huntsman in the Druids' cave to the northwest to receive a 1000 oren reward.
- Take and read the Wraith Contract from the notice boards outside the hospital in Old Vizima to begin this quest.
- Read Specters, Wraiths, and the Damned to get an entry for Wraiths in your journal.
- You'll find Wraiths in the Swamp Cemetary, Raven's Crypt, and the Ancient Crypt. Collect four vials of Death Dust from their remains.
- Give the four vials of Death Dust to Kalkstein in hist laboratory in Old Vizima to receive 300 orens.
- Speak to Eskel in Kaer Morhen in the Prologue after you have cured Triss. He will tell you about Fistfighting and you'll have a brief sparring match.
- You'll find you first opponent in the country inn in the Outskirts. Beat Fat Fred to receive some alcohol and food, a Gold Diamond ring, or 100 orens.
- Your next Fistfight opponent is Butter Bean in the Hairy Bear Inn in the Temple Quarter. Beat him to win two bottles of Mandrake Cordial, a Gold Necklace, or 150 orens.
- In the Trade Quarter you can fight Andrew Gablodda in the New Narakort Inn. Beat him to win a Red Meteorite and a Svarog Rune Stone, an Earth Rune and a Svarog Rune Stone, or 300 orens.
- The fistfighter of the fourth chapter is The Rock, who you will find in the Country Inn in Murky Waters. Beat him to win a Yellow Meteorite, a Moon Rune or 500 orens.
- Your final opponent in Zdenek, who you'll find in the Refugees' Cave at the south end of the Swamp Cemetary. After you've beat him once, leave the cave and reenter to fight a rematch. As a reward for beating him a second time, you get to keep his Tooth.
- In the fishing village area of the Outskirts you'll find a Dice Box on the bodies of the Racists who were attacking Zoltan Chivay.
- Speak to Zoltan in the inn and show him the dice. He will teach you about Dice Poker and offer to play a game with you.
- Speak to him again after you have played him, win or lose, and he will tell you that you need to win a number of games before you can play professionally. He'll mention three novices you can play in town, which will begin the Dice Poker: The Novice quest.
- Once you have beaten three novices, speak to Zoltan again. He will tell you you need to beat four professionals to really get into the big leagues.
- After beating four professionals, you can play against Sharpers. Tell Zoltan about your accomplishments; he will be impressed.
- After beating three sharpers, you will definitely be a master player.
- At the beginning of the fifth chapter, you'll have a chance to play King Foltest in the Castle. If you beat him, you'll become a dice poker legend (even though you swore never to tell anyone).
- This quest will appear after you have played a game of Dice Poker with Zoltan and asked him about playing for serious money. See A Game of Dice.
- There are six Novice poker players in the game:
- Odo in his home at the south end of the Outsirks in chapter I.
- Haren in his home by the river in the Outsirks in chapter I.
- Mikul by the Merchants' Gate or Miller Gate in the Outsirks in chapter I.
- Carmen inside or just outside of the Eager Thighs Brothel in the Temple Quarter in chapter II.
- The Gardener in St Lebioda's Garden in the Temple Quarter in chapter II.
- Vaska in the village in the Swamp in chapter II.
- Once you have beaten at least three novices, you can challenge a professional player to end this quest.
- After you have beaten three Novice poker players, you can challenge any professional player to begin this quest.
- There are five professional players in the game:
- Thaler in his home in the Temple Quarter in chapter II.
- Munro Bruys in the Hairy Bear Inn in the Temple Quarter in chapters II and III.
- Count Velerad in the lower level of the Guardhouse in the Trade Quarter in chapter III.
- Count de Wett in the upper level of the Guardhouse in the Trade Quarter in chapter III.
- The Hierophant in the Druid Grove in the Swamp in chapter III.
- Once you have beaten four professionals, you be able to challenge a sharper.
- After you have beaten four Professional poker players, you can challenge any sharper to begin this quest.
- There are four sharper players in the game:
- Koster in the Gambling Den in the Trade Quarter in chapter III.
- Chireadan in the Elven Cave at the Lakeside in chapter IV.
- Dandelion in the Country Inn in Murky Waters in chapter IV.
- The gambling ghost in the ruins south of Murky Waters in chapter IV.
- Beat three sharpers to complete this quest.
- Ask Haren in the Outskirts for more work after you have completed the Strangers in the Night quest and he will give you a Package to give to Coleman in Vizima.
- At the end of Chapter I, you will be imprisoned by the City Guard and all of your stuff will be confiscated by them, including the Package.
- After killing the Cockatrice in the Sewers and reclaiming your goods from Jethro in the Dungeon in the Temple Quarter, you'll discover that the Package is missing. Ask Jethro about it and you'll learn that it contained illegal goods and that you aren't getting it back.
- Note: If you talked to the detective Raymond before finishing this quest and you helped the Scoia'tael in the first chapter, Coleman will be killed and you will fail this quest.
- Speak to Coleman in the Hairy Bear Inn. You can tell him that the guards confiscated the package, you can give him 100 orens to compensate him for the it, or you can simply tell him that you lost the package. If you choose either of the first two options, the quest will be over.
- If you choose the third option, Coleman will be quite angry will you and you will be attacked by bandits the next time you are outside of the inn at night.
- After you have dealt with the Bandits, speak to Coleman once more. He won't bother you anymore about the package.
- Speak with Vaska in the Swamp in chapter II again after clearing the Clay Pits of drowners. If you ask for witcher work, she will beg you to find a missing boy who she believes was kidnapped by the druids to be turned into a dryad.
- Enter the Druid Grove on the west side of the Swamp during the day and ask one of the Druids about the missing boy. He will scoff at the idea that they would kidnap a boy to turn him into a Dryad and will suggest you speak with the Dryad herself to confirm.
- Ask Morenn the Dryad about the missing boy and she will deny any knowledge of him. She will also offer to show you were little dryad girls come from if you can prove yourself to her by bringing her a Wolf Pelt.
- Slay one of the Wolves north of the grove or in the Cave to the south and take their Pelt. Do not kill any of the wolves inside the grove.
- Bring the pelt back to Morenn and answer "Intimacy without procreation can be good" and then "Sex relieves stress, improving body and mind." to experience first hand where little dryads come from.
- Tell Vaska that the Druids didn't take the boy, but that you will keep looking for him.
- In chapter III, enter the Cave in the Swamp and defeat the Salamandra. You will find the missing boy there.
- After you have spoken to the boy, speak to Vaska again to give her the good news.
- Read the Arrest Warrant from the notice board in front of the inn in the Outskirts. It looks like the Professor is a wanted man.
- At the beginning of Chapter II, you'll see the Professor being released from the prison. After gaining your own freedom, ask Jethro about the Professor and the reward on his head to learn that the reward was put out by a private citizen and that he has a contact at the Hairy Bear Inn in the Temple Quarter.
- You'll find a Messenger in the Hairy Bear Inn at night who will buy Salamander Badges for 10 orens apiece. Outdrink him (5 drinks) and ask him about work to learn that Leuvaarden is his employer.
- Talk to Leuvaarden on the Dike and ask him why he is paying for Salamander badges. Once you give him three of the badges to prove you're on his side, he'll pay you 600 orens and offer you a large reward if you dismantle the Salamandra. You should have collected at least three badges by now. If not, you can usually find them on the Assassins running around the nonhuman district of the Temple Quarter at night.
- The quest will be completed when the Professor is killed at the end of chapter three as part of the Unforgiven quest.
- You'll find Zahin Schmartz in the Temple Quarter either on Merchant Street or in his home (he has taken over Detective Raymond's house). He'll ask you for any teeth you can find.
- There are several items Zahin will buy from you:
- A Beast Fang for 25 orens
- A Barghest Skull for 50 orens
- A Fleder Fang for 100 orens
- A Devourer Tooth for 125 orens
- A Cemetaur Jaw for 150 orens
- An Alp Fang for 150 orens
- Zdenek's Tooth for 250 orens
- After you have given him all these teeth, he will reward you with the Mahakaman Rune Sihill.