Temple Quarter

1) To/from Trade Quarter
2) Vincent's Post 3) Dungeon - Jethro 4) Thaler's House - Old Shelf: Conjunction of the Spheres 5) Hopital Garden 6) Gardener: sells herbal ingredients and flowers 7) St Lebioda's Hospital 8) Old Woman's House 9) Antiquary: sells books 10) Peasant Trader: sells food, drinks, and alcohol 11) Peddler: sells gifts and valuables 12) Herbalist: sells food, flowers, and herbal ingredients 13) Shani's House 14) Gate to Royal Castle (unpassable) 15) Kalkstein's House - Teleport Trunk: Swamp Monsters 16) Vivaldi's House - Old Shelf: Ithlinne's Prophesy |
17) Blacksmith's House - Blacksmith - will reforge your sword;
Trader: sells weapons and weapon upgrades 18) Dentist's House - Zahin Schmartz: Won't Hurt a Bit 19) To/from Sewers Relief 20) To/from the Dike 21) Order Armorer: reforges weapons; Order Merchant: sells weapons and weapon upgrades (You must have good relations with the Order) 22) Grate to the Sewers 23) Ramsmeat's House 24) House - Trunk: Elder Blood 25) Eager Thighs Brothel - Carmen (after you talk to her in the swamp) 26) Campfire 27) Hairy Bear Inn Innkeeper: Storage, Meditate for 5 orens Waitress: Sells food, drinks, and alcohol Munro Bruys: Professional Poker Player |
28) Siegfried: Six Feet Under
29) Cloister of the Order of the Flaming Rose 30) Gravedigger 31) To/from Cemetary 32) Kidnapper's hideout 33) Distressed Nurse (around noon): Medic in Distress 34) Agnus 35) Agnus' House Enemies (at night): |