Improving your Party Transportation Important Place to Visit Mystic Weapon and Armor |
Marks Time Lord Exodus |
- The quickest way to gain experience is to kill first level enemies (goblins, orcs, skeletons, and ghouls) using the Undead and Repel spells which will kill multiple enemies simultaneously, so make sure you choose professions for your characters that can cast magic (avoid Fighters, Thieves, and Barbarians). Speaking to the King to raise your level will only increase you HPs, but will not increase any of your other attributes and will make the enemies on the overworld harder, so it's best to remain on level 1 until late in the game.
- Cast Open on the chests left behind by enemies and in the dungeons to avoid the traps. You can accumulate gold pretty quickly in some of the dungeons (I like the third and fourth floors of the Cave of Gold) and from the Armory in Death Gulch if you don't mind stealing.
- You can buy some basic weapons from the Royal City and many other towns. More advanced weapons can only be found in the town of Dawn (how to find this town is detailed later in the guide). Don't bother spending too much on armor, since the Mystic Armor is pretty easy to find and can be equiped by every profession.
- Attributes can be raised by donating GPs to the shrines in Ambrosia, which can be reached by sailing your ship into the whirlpool that appears in a random spot in the overworld. 100 GPs will raise the respective attribute by one.
- There are three advanced forms of transportation in Sosaria:
- Horses - You can buy four horses for 800 GPs in Devil Guard and Dawn. Riding horses will reduce the rate at which your party consumes food.
- Ship - Once one of your party members is at level five, pirates will start appearing in the waters around Sosaria. Kill them and you'll be able to take their ship for yourself. If you want to have a ship but want to keep all your party members at level one to avoid more difficult enemies, create a new Ranger and switch him into your party. Have him cast Undead and Repel repeatedly against all the enemies you encounter to quickly gain 400 experience points and then talk to Lord British to raise him to level five. Capture a ship and then swap him back out of your party, so that everyone is level one again. You'll be able to keep your ship and all the enemies will be easy first level enemies.
- Moongates - The phase of the first moon determines the location of the moongate, and the phase of the second moon determines its destination. See my Moongates guide for more details. Using the moongates is the only way to reach Devil Guard and the Cave of Moon.
- Devil Guard - Speak to the woman in the hospital twice to learn the 'Bribe' command. (To access this command, press Select when viewing the main list of commands to reach a second list.) You need to use the Moongates to reach it.
- Dawn - This town can be found four steps north and nine steps west of Montor West. It only appears when both moons are new. You can buy the more powerful weapons in the weapon shop here. You'll also find the Gold Pick in the guild shop.
- Yew - This town is surrounded by forest and can be found just west of Lord British's Castle. If you have the Mark of Fire or a lot of HPs, speak to the priests in the temple on the east side of the town to learn the 'Pray' command. 'Pray' in the middle of the circle of light to the south to receive the Silver Horn, which is needed to reach Exodus' Castle.
- Ambrosia - Sail your ship into the whirlpool that moves randomly around Sosaria to reach Ambrosia. You can donate GPs at the four shrines here to raise your attributes. 'Pray' at each of the four shrines to recieve the four cards needed to defeat Exodus at the end of the game. Also, each of your party members should pick the flower found just west of your starting location. Use the 'Give' command when facing Sherry in the Royal City to recieve a Compass Heart. You can use this item at any time to return to Lord British's Castle. To leave Ambrosia, claim the ship in the southwest and reenter the whirlpool.
- You can claim the Gold Pick by openning the left-most chest in the Guild Shop in Dawn from across the counter. If you're caught, cast Stop or use Sands to stop time and escape the town. When you reenter the town, the townspeople will have forgotten your transgression.
- Use the Gold Pick on the small island east of Gray to find the Mystic Armor. Every member of your party should equip one of these.
- To get the Silver Pick, descend to the bottom level of the Cave of Death north of the castle and open the chest in the southwest corner.
- Use the Silver Pick on the small island southeast of Fawn to find the Mystic Weapon. You may prefer to keep some of your party members equiped with a Bow or Silver Bow, which, though not as powerful as the Mystic Weapon, will allow you a ranged attack.
- Each member of your party will need to have four special Marks branded onto their bodies to complete the game:
- Mark of Kings - This mark will allow your party to reach levels above five. The easiest place to get this mark is on the first floor of the Cave of Gold.
- Mark of Fire - This mark will allow you to walk on lava without receiving damage. Probably the easiest location of this mark to reach is the bottom level of the Cave of Gold.
- Mark of Force - With this mark, your party members will be able to walk across barriers without dying. It can be found at the bottom of the Cave of Fire and the Cave of Fool.
- Mark of Snake - This mark is required to get past the large snake that blocks the entrance to Exodus' Castle. The only place you'll find this mark is on the lowest level of the Cave of Sol.
- The Time Lord can provide you with vital information about your quest. You'll find him on the eighth floor of the Cave of Moon. Strictly speaking, you don't actually need to talk to him to complete the game.
- Blow the Silver Horn in front of the big snake when you have the Mark of Snake to pass and enter Exodus’ Castle.
- Make your way through the castle to the north end. Unfortunately, the Sands and the Stop spell won't work here.
- In the room at the back of the castle, defeat the floor enemies. You can’t see them so you will have to deduce their location by which characters are being hit. Make sure all of your characters are equiped with the Mystic Weapon here, since that's the only weapon that's effective. You will have to fight two battles to make it through.
- At the very north end of the room, use the 'Pray' command and then select the cards in the following order to deactive Exodus: Love, Sun, Moons, and Death.
- Make your way back out of the castle with the Ankh to finish the game.