Arcadia Attica Argolis Peloponnesus |
Laconia Fragment of Love Phthia Crete |
Phrygia Tartarus Temple of Hades |
- Make your way across Arcadia until you reach the white building and enter.
- On the other side of the passage, you'll have to fight the Bull. Hit it four times on the head when it charges at you to kill it.
- Continue on and enter Zeus' palace. Kneel before him and speak to him. Now the other gods will help you in your quest. Speak to him or any of the other gods at any time to receive your password.
- Return to the main area of Arcadia and enter the lower door in the building to the west to reach Attica.
- In Attica, take the stairs down one level and head right out of town. Enter the cave at the end of the next screen and pass through the tunnel to reach Athens. If the music changes, you've gone too far.
- Pass through Athens to reach Athena's temple, who will give you her Shield. Kneel at the center of the fountain before her temple to completely restore your health.
- Return to Eleusis and descend to the third level. Go left and jump over the small pit to find the Lamia. Block her arrows with your new shield and jump over her arrows to get close to her and hit her with your club.
- Enter the cave that appears with the Lamia's defeat and speak to the boy within.
- Speak to the mother of the boy in the upper house at the lowest level of Eleusis to receive the Staff of Fennel.
- The old man in one of the houses in the screen above will tell you that only Promethius knows the power of the Staff.
- Return to Arcadia and pass through the tunnel in one of the trees to the left. In the next area, continue all the way to the left and enter the building at the end to reach Argolis.
- At the end of the first screen, enter the cave on the left.
- Continue to the end of this first cave and defeat the Lion at the end by hitting him on the head when he charges you. He should be easy to kill with the Staff of Fennel.
- Once the Lion has been killed, enter the cave that appears and speak to Prometheus. You can now shoot flames from the Staff by pressing up when you attack.
- Return to the first area of Argolis and enter the second cave.
- Through the second door in the second area, you'll find Hermes' temple. A man there will tell you that he has gone to meet Zeus in Arcadia.
- Fall into the pit just to the left of Hermes' temple to enter the Salamander Nest. In the cave in the middle of the pit, an old woman will sell you some Amboria for 50 olives.
- Return to Zeus' temple in Arcadia. There Hermes will give you his Sandals which will allow you to jump higher.
- Return to the main area of Arcadia and enter the door in the tree at the far right to reach Peloponnesus. Use the fire from the Staff of Fennel to destroy the webs. Also, if you jump high enough, you can walk along the top of the trees.
- Continue through the first area and enter the passage at the right end. Take the first passage to the right and then the second to the left to enter the temple of Apollo. He will give you his Harp, which, when played in front of a Monument to the Sun, will summon the pegasus to take you to a different location in Greece.
- From the temple, enter the first passage to the right and then the first passage on the right again. Continue left until you reach a tall red bush that you can't jump over. Destroy it using fire from the Staff of Fennel.
- In the next area, keep going left until you reach the Hydra. Hit it on the nose eight times as it jumps out of the water at you to kill it.
- Jump over the gap to the left and enter the passage to find the Spirit of the Forest. She will give you the Sword.
- Return to the regular part of the forest and then take the third passage to the left.
- In the next area, kneel on the branch of the second tree and hit the trunk to find some Ambrosia.
- Continue on to fight the Cyclops. Make sure you have the Sword equipped, since that's the only weapon that will hurt him. Hit him four times in the head to defeat him.
- Continue on and you will reach Laconia.
- In Laconia, continue to the second above-ground area and hit the first complete pillar after the Monument of the Sun to find the Trojan Pitcher.
- Now, hit the third pillar from the left edge of the screen to reveal a pit. Drop down the pit and continue through the tunnel to find the temple of Poseidon. Use fire from the Staff of Fennel to light up the tunnel. Give him 60 olives to receive his Ocarina.
- When you go back through the tunnel, you'll find yourself in the lower part of Laconia. Continue all the way to the right until you re-enter the darkened cave.
- Use the fire from the Staff of Fennel to light the cave again and then switch back to the sword to fight a second Cyclops at the back. You will receive some more Ambrosia as a reward for slaying it.
- Enter the door behind the Cyclops and then kneel at the fountain to restore your health and fill the Trojan Pitcher. You can use the Pitcher again later to refill your health.
- Return to the upper level and use the Ocarina by the sea on the right side to summon a dolphin. Walk onto his back and continue right.
- Eventually, you'll reach an island and will be attacked by the Siren. Play the Harp of Apollo to cancel the effects of her song and hit her in the head from the platform in the center of the island.
- Enter the door that appears after you kill the Siren to drop down into a cavern. Use the fire from the Staff of Fennel again to light the way.
- To the right you'll find the Graeae. Jump over their attacks or reflect them with your shield and then hit them with your weapon to kill them. Once all three are dead, you will find the Eye of Graeae.
- One of the doors will take you back to the beginnig of Laconia.
- Return to Argolis and use the Eye of Graeae near the beginning of the first cave to find a secret door.
- Enter the door and go left across the top to find a Nymph and the first Fragment of Love from Helene.
- Back in the first area of Argolis, use the Harp of Apollo in front of the Monument of the Sun to summon the Pegasus which will take you to Attica.
- Enter the house of Keleos and he will give you the Key now that you have found the first Fragment of Love.
- Head back through the passage in Attica and then go to the right. Use the Ocarina to wake Gaea and then hit him in the head with your sword several times to kill him.
- Enter the passage that Gaea was blocking to reach Phthia.
- In Phthia, first head left, then down right away. Continue to the left end of the screen and back up again. To the right, you will find an old man who will give you Ambrosia.
- Continue all the way to the left to reach the temple of Hephaestos. Pay him 70 olives for the Divine Sword.
- Return to where you first appeared in Phthia from Attica and continue right. Eventually you will come across a Centaur that can be difficult to defeat, though it is possible to run past him.
- Behind the Centaur, the path will end at a waterfall. From one of the higher platforms, jump to the right side of the waterwall to find a hidden entrance to a dark tunnel. You should be on the higher level.
- Use the Eye of Graeae about two-thirds of the way down the screen to reveal a hidden door. Inside you'll find the second Fragment of Love if you have the Key from Keloes in Attica.
- Continue on to the right into the Garden of Hesperides until you reach the Hydra. Hit him in the head with the Divine Sword as he is moving upwards to avoid getting hit yourself. After ten hits, he will die and leave behind the Golden Apple which will half the amount of damage you receive from enemies.
- Return to Argolis and enter the Salamander pit beneath the temple. Keep killing Salamanders until you collect twenty Skins.
- Now return to Laconia and continue east until you reach Crete.
- Guarding the entrance to the maze, you'll find Talos. Hit him in the legs with your sword to defeat him and enter the maze.
- Enter the first door to the right and then take the second door to the right to arrive in a yellow area. Continue on to find the temple of Ares. Buy the Bracelet of Power for 80 olives from him to double your attack strength.
- Return to the blue and green area and go two doors to the right to find a fountain to regain your health and refill the Pitcher if you need to.
- From the room with the fountain, go one door to the left, three to the right, one to the left, and one to the right to find the witch Circe. Buy the Salamander Shield from her for 20 Salamander Skins and 80 olives.
- From Circe's room, go one door to the left and then two doors to the left where you will find a room with a barrier. With the second Fragment of Love in your possession, the barrier will disappear as you approach it and you will have to fight the Minotaur. Dodge the axes he throws and kneel to hit him in the legs beneath his shield with the Divine Sword.
- Enter the door that appears to find the third nymph and the last Fragment of Love.
- Leave Crete and return to Attica. Go to the bottom left corner of the area past where you fought the Lamia to the sea shore. Use the Ocarina to summon a dolphin and continue on to Phrygia.
- When you reach land again, you'll have to fight a Dark Pegasus. Jump up and hit it in the head when it dives to kill it.
- In the next area, keep going right until you reach the water and then enter the door nearby.
- Go right and defeat the large serpent by hitting it in the head with your sword. Climb the stairs behind it and then enter the door at the top.
- Take the stairs up to the area above, head left, and then take the stairs there up to the top area.
- Enter the door at the top of the stairs and head left to fight another large serpent.
- Skip the next door you come to and continue down the stairs to the lower area and enter the doorway there.
- Climb the stairs back up to the top outdoor area and continue right. Climb down the stairs at the other end and enter the door at the bottom.
- Now that you are back inside, climb up all the way to the top left corner of the building and enter the doorway. You'll meet an old woman who will give you the last Ambrosia.
- Head back down the stairs past the large serpent to the lowest area. Go all the way to the left and enter the last door there.
- Keep going up the stairs along the right side of the outside of the building and you'll reach the temple of Artemis at the top. She will give you the Moon Crystal.
- Once you have collected all three Fragments of Love, the door to Tartarus will appear in the sea between Argolis and Crete.
- Take the doors in Tartarus in the following order to continue: left, left, right, left.
- Defeat the Cerebus by hitting it the head with your sword. Once it is dead, a doorway will appear to the left.
- In the next area, make your way to the right of the screen, but don't enter the passage at the very end. Instead, enter the passage just before it from the last tree branch.
- Continue right in the next area and enter the passage to the far right. At times you'll need to walk upside-down along the tree tops to reach the other side.
- Continue right through two screens and will see two doors at the end. From the bottom one you'll eventually reach one of the nymphs who can restore your health. Enter the top door and then cross the bridge and you'll enter a cave.
- Inside the cave, go right across the top platforms. If you fall, you'll have to go all the way back to the forest areas and return to try again. Enter the upper passage to the far right.
- In this next area, head left and you'll find another nymph in a cave halfway across the screen. Continue to the left and enter the passage at the end.
- Enter the door to the left of where you appear in the next area and then continue all the way left to reach the entrance to Temple of Hades.
- Go right and defeat the Lamia. This battle is made more difficult because of the snakes that attack you at the same time.
- Continue right and head up the stairs. Instead of continuing right, go left along the higher platforms of the first area and climb the stairs at the end.
- In the next area, climb up to the highest platforms and continue right across the top of the screen.
- Skip the first stairs in the next area and take the second sets of stairs instead to ascend to the next area.
- Head over to the right and then climb back down several sets of stairs to lowest area and enter the door.
- In this room, you'll find your lover Helene, who has been turned into a statue by Hades.
- Continue to the next room to face Hades. He is invisible, so you must use the Moon Crystal to see his shadow. Looking at your shadows, jump up and hit him in the head with your sword. Use the Trojan Pitcher to restore your health when it gets low. After six hits, he will become visible. Seven more hits will defeat him.
- Return to the previous room and Helene will return to life.