Alhelor's Tooth
Give this to Neurik in the Temple of Port Llast to prove you have killed Alhelor.
Pry this from the jaw of Alhelor after you kill him in his home in Port Llast. He will be there after you have cured Sir Karathis Ironheart and learned the truth about the Grey Wolf.
Amulet of Power
Give this item to the Ghoul Outcast in the southwest part of the Luskan Sewers in return for the Lever of Water and the Sewer Control Key.
Worn by the Ghoul Lord in the southeast corner of the Luskan Sewers.
Baram's Head
Show this head to High Captain Kruth in the Luskan Docks to prove that Baram is dead.
High Captain Baram can be found in his Lair beneath Luskan.
Blessed Water
Place this on the altar at the end of the second level of the Ruins of Illusk to open the path to the third level.
Gathered from the Water Elemental Guardian guarding the seal to the third level of the Ruins of Illusk.
Bran's Ring
Show this ring to Neurik in the Temple of Port Llast to prove you have cured Bran, one of the young men afflicted with the werewolf curse.
Defeat Bran in the Wolf Cave by the South Road and then give him a Silver Charm after he regains control of himself.
Ceremonial Dagger
In a chest in the Nymph's Home in the Deep Woods.
Plunge this into your chest at the altar in the Heart of the Forest to enter the Realm of the Spirit.
Charwood Cultist's Journal
This journal is one piece of evidence required by Aribeth at Port Llast to identify the location of the cult.
Found in the possession of a strange man in the inn of Charwood.
Child's Bear
Show this to Londa in the Cutlass in Luskan to prove to her that her children are dead.
Free the Nanny in a Spiderweb Cocoon in Baram's Lair.
Complete History of the Creator Ruins
Bring back this proof of the Creator races to Jax on the East Road for a reward.
In a chest on the third level of the Creator Ruins.
Corpse Hand
Give this to Grimgnaw and the Amulet of the Long Death will increase in power.
Near the northeast corner of Arcane Brother's Tomb by the Green Griffon Inn.
Creator Scroll
Give the password from this scroll to the Seal Guardian Golem on the second level of the Creator Ruins.
In a small chest near the south end of the second level of the Creator Ruins.
Crystal Egg
Place this prize in the chest at the end of Mutamin's Challenge to finish the dungeon race.
In a chest in the northeast corner of the third level of Mutamin's Challenge.
Crystal Frog
This is not the prize you need to finish Mutamin's Challenge.
Answer the Yuan-Ti's riddles on the first floor of Mutamin's Challenge or kill her for it.
Crystal Insect
This is not the prize you need to finish Mutamin's Challenge.
Held by a Minotaur near the center of the second level of Mutamin's Challenge.
Crystal Skull
This is not the prize you need to finish Mutamin's Challenge.
In a chest near the entrance of Mutamin's Challenge.
Delilah's Ear
Give this ear to Kendrack in Port Llast to receive the bounty.
Delilah can be found in Jax's Barracks on the East Road.
Dergiab's Head
Bring this trophy to Gerrol by his house at the south end of the North Road for a reward.
Remove this from the shoulders of Dergiab, an Ogre Mage in the Ogre Caves under the North Road.
Diplomatic Pass
The forgery will allow you to enter the Host Tower in the northwest corner of Luskan.
Bring a High Captain's Seal to Aarin Gend in the Temple of Tyr of Luskan.
Elynwyd's Signet Ring
Show this ring to Elaine when you rescue her from Kurth in his Lair so that she knows you were sent by her brother to rescue her.
Given to you by Elynwyd in the Cutlass in Luskan if you agree to free his sister from High Captian Kurth.
Erb's Ring
Give this back to Erb on the second floor of the Wink and Tickle in Luskan.
Persuade Lady Jadale in her estate in Luskan to give you the ring either through logic, lies, or threats.
Explorer's Journal
Used to translate the ruins on the pillar in the Haunted Forest.
Found on a corpse next to the pillar in the Haunted Forest.
Ganon's Journal
Ganon's Journal gives evidence of Cult activity in Neverwinter Wood and Charwood.
Found in a chest near Dergiab and Ganon in the Ogre Caves under the North Road.
Geth's Ring
Show this ring to Neurik in the Temple of Port Llast to prove you have cured Geth, one of the young men afflicted with the werewolf curse.
Defeat Geth in the southeast corner of the East Road and then give him a Silver Charm after he regains control of himself.
Glowing Sphere
Place this and the Smooth Token in the planar portal on the west side of Kurth's Lair to seal it.
Found in a fountain near the northeast corner of Kurth's Lair.
Golem Control Rod
Place this rod and the Golem Replication Rod in the Golem Replication Pod in the northeast corner of the 4th floor of the Host Tower to create a Helmed Horror to bash down the door to the inner sanctum.
In a chest in the southeast corner of the 4th floor of the Host Tower.
Golem Replication Rod
Place this rod and the Golem Control Rod in the Golem Replication Pod in the northeast corner of the 4th floor of the Host Tower to create a Helmed Horror to bash down the door to the inner sanctum.
In a chest in the southeast part of the 4th floor of the Host Tower.
Golem Signet Ring
Give this item to the Seal Guardian Golem on the 1st level of the Creator Ruins.
In a large chest in the southeast corner of the 1st level of the Creator Ruins guarded by a Battle Horror.
Great Axe
Give this to Daelin an he will upgrade the Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe.
Wielded by Gorkan, Dealin's mother's murderer, on the third level of Mutamin's Challenge.
Gulgash's Heart
Place this on the brazier near the Portal in the Summoning Room in Wanev's Tower to close the portal.
Gulgash is in the southwest corner of the Summoning Room in Wanev's Tower.
Hero's Heart
Place this heart on the altar at the end of the first level of the Ruins of Illusk to open the gate to the second level.
The fallen hero guards the seal to the second level of the Ruins of Illusk under the Luskan Docks.
High Captain's Seal
Give one of these to Aarin Gend in the Temple of Tyr in Luskan.
Guarded by a Priestess of Mask in Baram's Lair beneath Luskan,
In High Captian Kruth's bedroom in the northwest corner of his lair by the Luskan Docks.
Imaskarran Tome of Death
Bring this tome to Eltoora Sarptyl in Port Llast for a 500 gold reward; afterward, you can use her lab to create a Ring of Protection +3.
In a chest in Quint's Chambers in Castle Jhareg in Charwood.
Imaskarran Tome of Fire
Bring this tome to Eltoora Sarptyl in Port Llast for a 500 gold reward; afterward, you can use her lab to create a Staff of Power.
On a bookshelf in Karlat's Chambers in Castle Jhareg in Charwood.
Imaskarran Tome of Ice
Bring this tome to Eltoora Sarptyl in Port Llast for a 500 gold reward; afterward, you can use her lab to create an Amulet of Natural Armor +3.
On a bookshelf in the library in Wanev's Tower on the South Road.
Imaskarran Tome of Life
Bring this tome to Eltoora Sarptyl in Port Llast for a 500 gold reward; afterward, you can use her lab to create a Ring of Elemental Resistance.
Slay the undead Brother Tomas in the Arcane Brother's Tomb near the Green Griffon Inn.
Imaskarran Tome of Resonance
Bring this tome to Eltoora Sarptyl in Port Llast for a 500 gold reward; afterward, you can use her lab to create a Wand of Lightning.
On a bookshelf in Setara's Home in the Heart of Neverwinter Wood.
Journal of Synth La'neral
Give this journal to Linu La'neral and the Pendant of the Elf will become stronger.
Found near the northwest corner on the first level of the Troll Caves on the East Road.
Lever of Stone
One of three missing levers for Colmarr's Potion Machine in the northwest corner of the Luskan Sewers.
In a common chest on the main floor of the Wink and Tickle in Luskan.
Lever of Water
One of three missing levers for Colmarr's Potion Machine in the northwest corner of the Luskan Sewers.
Held by the Outcast Ghoul in the southwest part of the Luskan Sewers.
Lever of Wind
One of three missing levers for Colmarr's Potion Machine in the northwest corner of the Luskan Sewers.
In a chest by the Ghoul Lord in the southeast corner of the Luskan Sewers.
Lock of Nymph's Hair
Give this to Sharwyn and the Belt of the Performer will become stronger.
Found in a room at the south end of the Nymph's Home in the Neverwinter Woods.
Kurth's Head
Show this trophy to Baram at the entrance to his lair under Luskan to receive a reward.
Kurth can be found in a large chamber at the north end of his lair by the Luskan Docks.
Mirror of Vanity
Give this mirror to Setara in her home in the Heart of Neverwinter Wood and she will give you her gem and key.
In a chest in the Nymph's Home in the Deep Woods.
Peasant's Brooch
Return to Erik in his home in the Farmland region.
Buy it back from Constance for 250 gold in the O'Deel Farm.
Prism Blossom Seed
Give this to Boddyknock Glinckle and the Lantanese Ring will become stronger.
Found in a crate in the northeast room of the first level of the Creator Ruins.
Relmar's Journal
Bring this book to Aribeth in Port Llast as proof that the cult is located in Luskan.
Take it from Relmar after you defeat him in the Realm of the Spirit.
Revat's Ring
Give this ring to Janis in the storage area of the Troll Caves to free her.
Given to you by Revat in Jax's Barracks on the East Road.
Setara's Gem
One of the three gems required by Elaith in the Alliance Arms Inn in Port Llast.
Setara will give this to you in exchange for the Mirror of Vanity.
Silverback's Head
Bring the head to Pete O'Deel in the Farmland region for a bounty.
Silverback can be found in here lair above the waterfall in the Farmland region.
Silver Charm
Give one of these to each of the boys and Sir Karathis to free them from the werewolf curse.
Given to you by Neurik if you agree to help the young men who have been affected by the werewolf curse.
Skull Warrior's Head
Place this on the altar in the same house where you battled the Skull Warrior to open the door to the Ruins of Illusk.
Defeat the Skull Warrior in the abandoned house near the southwest corner of the Luskan Docks.
Smooth Token
Place this item and the Glowing Sphere in the Planar Portal on the west side of Kurth's Lair to seal it.
Found on Burke's Corpse near the center of Kurth's Lair.
Spirit Poison Antidote
Use on the Spirit of the Wood in the Realm of the Spirit after you defeat it in battle to cure it.
Found in a pile of rubble in the northwest corner of the Realm of the Spirit.
Stirge's Ear
Give this ear to Kendrack in Port Llast to receive the bounty.
Stirge can be found in an old tree hollow in the Farmland region.
The Journal of Sir Karathis Ironheart
Give this to Neurik so that he will learn who the Grey Wolf is.
Defeat Karathis Ironheart in the cave east of the Green Griffon Inn and cure him with a Silver Charm.
The Oath of Belial, Lord of Fire
Show this piece of evidence to The Guardian on the main floor of Castle Jhareg to find Belial guilty, instead of either of the brothers.
Summon Belial in Karlat's Summoning chamber in Castle Jhareg.
The Oath of Karlat Jhareg
Bring the oaths of both brothers to The Guardian on the main floor of Castle Jhareg to make your judgement.
Given to you by Karlat in his chambers in Castle Jhareg in Charwood.
The Oath of Quint Jhareg
Bring the oaths of both brothers to The Guardian on the main floor of Castle Jhareg to make your judgement.
Given to you by Quint in his chambers in Castle Jhareg in Charwood.
The Phylactery of Karlat Jhareg
You must protect this item for the rest of your life.
When rendering your judgement in Castle Jhareg, find Belial, Lord of Fire, guilty and opt to keep this item yourself.
The Star of Calimshan
Give this gem to Tomi Undergallows in Chapter 2 and the Ring of the Rogue will become stronger.
In a chest in the barracks in Wanev's Tower on the South Road.
Treatise on Forgotten Heroes
This book will come in handy when speaking to Maegel in the Bear Cave.
Found by a body in the Bear Cave by the South Road.
Urth's Ring
Show this ring to Neurik in the Temple of Port Llast to prove you have cured Urth, one of the young men afflicted with the werewolf curse.
Defeat Urth in his home in the southwest corner of Port Llast and then give him a Silver Charm after he regains control of himself.
Wanev's Gem
One of the three gems required by Elaith in the Alliance Arms Inn in Port Llast.
In a chest at the north end of the Summoning room in Wanev's Tower on the South Road.
Wyvern's Ear
Give this ear to Kendrack in Port Llast to receive the bounty.
Wyvern is camped in the northwest corner of the Druid Encampment.
Yesgar's Ear
Give this ear to Kendrack in Port Llast to receive the bounty.
Yesgar is holding Kendrack's daughter in the Port Llast Mines; he will only appear after the other four fugitives have been defeated.
Yvette's Baby
Return her to her mother Yvette on the second floor of the Wink and Tickle in Luskan.
Buy the child from her father Galrone in his home in Luskan or kill him and take her from his body.
Zamithra's Gem
One of the three gems required by Elaith in the Alliance Arms Inn in Port Llast.
In the chest in Zamithra's room on the second floor of the Green Griffon Inn.
Zor's Ear
Give this ear to Kendrack in Port Llast to receive the bounty.
Zor is staying in one of the rooms in the Green Griffon Inn.