Chapter 1: Welcome to the Colony- The first person you meet inside the prison colony is Diego. He will explain the situation in the colony and tell you about the three different camps. He is part of the Old Camp controlled by Gomez and will encourage you to join it.
- Follow the path into the valley. Pick up the Old Sword along the way and equip it.
- Eventually, you will meet Ratford and Drax, hunters and members of the New Camp. Ratford will give you some helpful advice and Drax can teach you about hunting for the price of a Beer and can teach you several animal carving skills for ore. The prices may seem steep, but you can make a lot of money selling animal claws and fur, once you can afford it.
- A little further the path will fork. Go left over the bridge and you will see the north gate of the Old Camp.
- Talk to members of the Old Camp around the outer ring to get advice, quests, and training, and to barter for goods. Thorus will not let you into the castle yet.
- At the beginning of the game, you are too weak to fight most of the monsters in the Colony, so stay close to the three camps doing simple quests until you are stronger. To get safely to the Swamp Camp, speak to Baal Parvez at the south end of the Old Camp. He will escort you there, killing any monsters along the way while you get the experience. Simillarly, if you take Thorus Quest, warn Mordrag of his danger and he will offer to escort you to the New Camp.
- To progress to the next chapter you must join one of the three camps.
- To join the Old Camp, speak to Thorus at the entrance to the Castle and he will send you to Diego.
- Talk to Diego nearby about joining the camp. To gain his approval, you need to perform his "Test of Faith" and gain approval from other influencial members of the Camp.
- Several people in the Outer Rim of the camp will offer you a quest to gain their approval:
- Thorus - Throus' Quest
- Scatty - Challenge Kirgo and then Kharim to a dual in the area to gain Scatty's favour. You don't need to actually beat Kharim for it, but doing so will make Scatty much more enthusiastic in his support.
- Fingers - Learn to sneak, Lock Pick, or Pickpocket and speak to him for his support.
- Dexter - Bring him the Recipe of the Sect.
- Whistler - He will give you 100 ore to buy a sword from Fisk for him. Fisk will demand 110, but Whistler will reemburse you for the difference. Return the sword to him for his favour.
- Sly - Find the vanished guard for him.
- To complete the test of faith, go northwest from the Old Camp to the Old Mine. You can get a map from Graham in the Old Camp if you need help finding it.
- About halfway down the mine you will find Ian, who will give you his list. Return the list to Diego to successfully complete the test.
- After you have completed the Test of Faith and have gained the approval of at least four or five other members of the camp, ask Diego about your esteem in the camp and he will tell you that you have enough support to join.
- Tell Thorus that you have Diego's approval and he will permit you to enter the castle to see Gomez. The gate guard will let you pass.
- Once inside the castle, you can give the Letter to the Magicians of Fire to Milten in front of their temple. Talk to Torrez to receive your reward.
- Cross the castle courtyard and enter the main hall where you will meet Raven. He will escort you to Gomez.
- Offer your services to Gomez and he will ask you why you are worthy. Tell him about the contacts you have made (but don't give Y'Berion's name, because he won't believe you) and he will make you a Shadow.
- Speak to Raven again to receive some armor and a mission. He will ask you to go to the Swamp Camp to investigate.
- You need to gain the favour of the Rogue Lares to join the New Camp. You need to prove your loyalty before you will be accepted.
- Speak to Diego in the Old Camp about joining to receive the Test of Faith and then get the List from Ian in the Old Mine.
- Bring the list to the New Camp and Roscoe will let you by to see Lares. Lares will extend the list and ask you to give it to Diego so they can ambush the supplies.
- Return to the Old Camp and give Diego the extended list.
- Inform Lares of your deed and he will send you to Gorn to pick up your share of the loot.
- There are a couple more things you can do to win Lares' favour. If you do Thorus' Quest but choose to help Mordrag, he will give you his ring. Bring this ring to Lares.
- Ask Lares what else you can do and he will tell you to take Baal Isidro's weed, sell it, and give him the proceeds. Read the walkthrough for the The Weed Merchant to learn how to get the weed from Baal Isidro and then give Lares 400 ore.
- Once you have proved your loyalty to the New Camp, Lares will make you a Rogue and give you some armor. He will send you to Mordrag for work.
- Speak to Cronos above the ore mound and he will give you a letter to give to the Magicians of Fire and an amulet which will allow you to enter the castle.
- Enter the tavern in the New Camp and speak to Mordrag. He will send you to the Swamp Camp to investigate.
- Head over to the Old Camp and speak to Thorus. Since you have Cronos' amulet, he will let you enter the castle.
- Give both the Letter to the Magicians of Fire and Cronos' letter to Milten. Torrez will reward you for delivering the first, and Cronos back in the New Camp will reward you for the second.
- Cor Kalom is the guy to talk to about becoming a member of the Brotherhood, but you need to gain the approval of the four gurus in the
Swamp Camp first. Speak to Joru in the northwest part of the camp and give him your ration of
swampweed you received from Fortuno. He will give you some suggestions for impressing the Gurus.
- Namib - Ask Lester near the entrance of the Camp to show you to some other place in the camp. Follow him, and once you are out of range of his master, Baal Namib, ask Lester how to get his support. He will tell you what to do. Have Lester return to the main gate and speak with him again. After you have said the things he told you to say, Baal Namib will speak to you. Tell him you want to join the camp and he will give you his support.
- Tyon - Canvass Customers for Baal Kagan in the New Camp and for a reward ask for his help in joining the brotherhood. He will give you a Prepared Dreamcall. Give the Prepared Dreamcall to Baal Tyon in the temple courtyard in the Swamp Camp. When he wakes up he will tell you about his vision and promise you his support.
- Tondral - Find New Souls for the Brotherhood.
- Orun - Collect the Swampweed Harvest.
- Cadar - Cast the Sleep spell on one of his pupils. You can get a Sleep scroll from Baal Kagan in the New Camp for canvassing customers or from Baal Orun in the Swamp Camp for bringing in the the Swampweed Harvest.
- Once at least four of the five gurus has given you their support, speak to Cor Kalom in his alchemy lab in the northeast corner of the Swamp Camp and he will make you a Novice and give you some armor.
- If you badger Cor Kalom about a better welcome, he will give you some weed to deliver to Gomez to get you out of his way. With this, you can enter the castle in the Old Camp to give the Letter to the Magicians of Fire to Milten.
- Chapter 2 begins when you speek to Lester at the entrance of the Swamp Camp after having joined one of the guilds. He will tell you that the Gurus are looking for a focus and will suggest you speak with Y'Berion yourself.
- Enter the temple at the north end of the Swamp Camp. Mention Lester's name and the guards will let you pass.
- Speak to Y'Berion at the back of the temple and he will give you a map showing the location of the Focus he wants you to retrieve for him.
- Leave the Swamp Camp and keep following the cliff on your right as indicated on the map. At the end of the cliff, overlooking the ocean, you will see Nyras.
- Nyras has found the focus stone, but wants to keep it for himself, so he will attack you. Once you have knocked him out, take the focus from his body.
- Bring the focus back to Y'Berion. He will reward you with an amulet if you are not a member of the swamp camp and will send you to Cor Kalom.
- Go to Cor Kalom's alchemy lab in the northeast corner of the Swamp Camp and give him the focus. He will then tell you to find the minecrawler nest in the Old Mine to find a stronger secretion. You can coax either 5 Light scrolls or 5 healing potions from him.
- Make your way to the Old Mine in the northwest part of the colony and speak to Ian near the center of the shaft. His ore masher has broken down and won't help you unless you find him a new gear wheel.
- In one of the side tunnels a little ways above the bottom of the shaft you will find an old masher surrounded by three Minecrawlers. You can safely approach the Minecrawlers if you follow the ledge around the side of the cavern, instead of just climbing down the ladder into their midst. You will find a Gearwheel next to the old masher.
- Bring the gearwheel to Ian and he will direct you to Asghan, who guards the gate to the minecrawler nest.
- Speak to Asghan at the bottom of the Mine and give him the password from Ian. However, he will not open the gate unless you find him some back-up.
- There are three templers in the Mine who will help you if you ask them: Gor Na Kosh, Gor Na Vid (who will require a healing potion before helping you), and Gor Na Bar.
- Once you've got at least two of the templars to help you, speak to Asghan again once the templars have arrived and he will let you open the gate.
- Turn the winch to open the gate and a bunch of Minecrawlers will storm out. Once all the Minecrawlers have been destroyed, your allies will return to the entrance to guard it while you continue into the tunnels. You'll need a torch or a light spell to find your way through.
- At the end of the tunnel you will find the Minecrawler Queen. Kill her, and take the the Minecrawler Eggs in the chamber.
- Leave the tunnel and report your success to both the templars at the gate and Ian.
- If you are a member of the Old Camp, one of the guards will tell you that Thorus wants to see you as you leave the Old Mine.
- Return to the Old Camp and speak to Thorus. He will offer you a position as one of his guards. If you accept, speak to Stone in the castle to receive a sword and some armor.
- If you would rather be a magician, tell Thorus so and then speak to Corristo in the castle who will test you. Answer "yes" and "Innos" to his first two questions and either of the first three answers to his third question to pass. Follow him to the top of the stairs and take the vow to become a Magican of Fire and recieve a Fire Robe.
- If you are a member of the New Camp, Jarvis will tell you that Lee wants to see you as you enter the New Camp.
- Speak to Lee in the northwest corner of the groto and he will make you a Mercenary. He will also give you some armor.
- Take the Minecrawler Eggs to Cor Kalom in the Swamp Camp and he will let you choose your reward: an Essense of the Spirit potion, 100 ore, an Essence of Life potion, a Light rune, or Stone Crusher.
- If you are a member of the Swamp Camp, speak to Cor Angar in the training area above Baal Cadar and he will make you a templar. Speak to Gor Na Toth nearby to recieve your armor.
- Ask Cor Kalom what to do next and he will send you on a mission to find an Almanac which will explain how to invoke the Sleeper.
- Speak to Talas in the temple courtyard and then follow him to the cave where the Almanac was stolen from him.
- Cross the bridge and enter the cave of the Black Goblins. Going right from the entrance, you will find a small room with a couple of chests, one of which contains the Almanac you are looking for.
- Follow Talas back to the Swamp Camp and give the Almanac to Cor Kalom to receive another reward: 5 Extract of Magic Energy potions, 300 ore, or 3 Sleep scrolls.
- Go to the temple courtyard at night where Y'Berion will perform the ritual to summon the Sleeper.
- Speak to Cor Angar next to the comatose body of Y'Berion. He will send you to the Orc Cemetary to investigate the images in the vision.
- If you speak to Talas in the temple courtyard again, he can bring you to the bridge that leads to the Orc Cemetary. New weapons and armor will now be available, so you may want to purchase some new equipment before continuing.
- Cross the bridge and follow the path to the cemetary entrance. Turn the winch in the wall to the left of the entrance to open it.
- In many of the alcoves in the cemetary, you will find mummies. Search the mummies to find numerous potions and other goods.
- Continue through the cave and eventually you will meet Baal Lukor, who is being attack by Orcs. After you help him defeat them, he will join with you.
- In the chamber where you meet Baal Lukor, there are three exits, besides where you came in. Follow the tunnel on the right first and at the end you will find a locked cell. There is a switch to open it on the wall in the alcove next to it. Inside is a half of a parchment which you need to give to Baal Lukor.
- Return to the central chamber and enter the central passage. At the end you find the other half of the parchment. Give it to Baal Lukor as well and he will be able to fit the two pieces together, but will be unable to translate it.
- Once you return to the central chamber again, he will be able to translate the scroll using the runes carved in the walls. It's an Orc Teleport Scroll.
- Now take the left passage. When you stand in the center of the large room where the Orc Warrior was standing, Baal Lukor will notice something strange. Follow him to the wall and he will give you the Orc Teleport Spell.
- Cast the Orc Teleport Spell to teleport to the other side of the wall. Note that you have to hold the forward button for a few seconds to complete the spell.
- On the other side of the wall, turn the nearby winch to lower the wall and allow Baal Lukor to rejoin you.
- When you approach the burial chamber down the hall, Baal Kador will go crazy when all he discovers are bones and ashes and will attack you. After you knock him out, you can take the Sword of Death from the large stone in the center. Leave the Orc Cemetary.
- Return to Cor Angar in the temple courtyard of the Swamp Camp and tell him what happened in the Orc Cemetary. He will ask you to gather strong healing herbs from the swamp to heal Y'Berion.
- Once you have collected five of the Healing Herbs growing in the swamp (if you hadn't already collected some earlier), return to Cor Angar.
- Unfortunately, your help arrives too late and Y'Berion dies. Apparantly, before he passed away he told Cor Angar that the Sleeper was not who they thought he was and that they must now depend on the Water Magicians to get free of the colony. Accordingly, Cor Angar will tell you to bring the focus and the Almanac to the Water Magicians and will give you a key to Cor Kalom's chest. He will also give you a rune which will allow you to magically return to the temple courtyard at any time.
- Enter Cor Kalom's laboratory and open the chest on the right using the Lab Key. Take the Focus and the Almanac.
- If you are a member of either the Old or New Camps and haven't reported yet to Raven or Mordrag, now would be a good time to do so.
- Head to the New Camp and speak to Cronos, who is in the center of the large cave, above the ore mound. Tell him that the Brotherhood have actually been speaking with an arch-demon and he will give you the password.
- Go to the upper level of the cave, past Lee's alcove, and give the guards the password "Tetriandoch" to enter the Water Magicians area.
- Tell your news to Saturas, the leader of the Water Magicians, and give him the Almanac and the Focus. Offer to find the other four foci and he will give you a map showing their locations and a scroll which will allow you to return to this location. Also, speak to Riordian, the alchemist, to recieve a bunch of free potions.
- Just outside the New Camp, follow the path on the right into the mountains, at the end of which you will meet Milten, the Fire Magician from the Old Camp. He will solicit your help in retrieving a powerful talisman and will give you a magic scroll.
- Follow Milten into the tomb and defeat the skeletons. To make things easier, try to get the enemies to concentrate their attacks on Milten instead of yourself, since he will not take damage. Cast the Death to the Undead spell that Milten gave you on the Guardian.
- Take the Orc Talisman and the key from the Guardian's body. Give the Talisman to Milten, and use the key to open the chest containing the focus.
- From the north gate of the Old Camp, follow the road north across the bridge, and when the road turns west into the forest, continue north into the mountains.
- When the valley branches, take the left branch, where you will find Diego. He knows why your are there and will ask your help in defeating the enemies ahead.
- Take the Shrink Monster spell scroll from the ground by the skeleton and cast it on the Troll. Like the Orc Teleport spell, you need to hold the spell for a while until the Troll starts shrinking. Once he has finished shrinking, he should be quite easy to kill.
- Continue to the north end of the valley. When you try to turn the winch, you will notice that it is jammed. Speak to Diego and he will fix the winch for you. Turn it to open the door to the focus.
- Follow Diego to the cave entrance. Defeat the Harpies inside and take the focus from the pedestal.
- Across the river northeast of the Old Camp, on the path to the Old Monastery, you will meet Gorn. He wants to search the monastery for treasure and will team up with you.
- Follow Gorn back and around into the canyon at the end of which is a cave. Be sure to take the Transform into Meatbug scrolls and the key.
- Leave the canyon and return to where you met Gorn. Take the fallen tree across the canyon and follow the path to the monastery gates.
- Use the Transform into Meatbug scroll you found in the cave and then scurry under the gap in the wall to the right of the gate. Hit enter when you reach the other side to return to your natural form. Use the winch to open the gate and Gorn will rejoin you.
- At the back of the Monastery is a cave with a room at the end guarded by a Shadowbeast. The key you found earlier will unlock the door and you will find the focus in one of the chests inside.
- When you leave the cave, you will find a Juvenile Troll in the courtyard. After you have killed it with Gorn, he will leave you so that he can continue to explore the ruins.
- The easiest way to reach the location of the last Focus is to climb into the mountains in the southeast part of the colony from a path the begins above the Black Goblin cave where you found the Almanac in chapter 2. This path is filled with Bloodhounds.
- A little ways into the mountains the path will branch. To the left is a bridge guarded by a Golem who can only be damaged by hammers. If you don't already have one, take a right at the fork instead and on the left there will be a cave which contains an Orc Hammer.
- On the other side of the bridge you will meet Lester who wants to get his hands on a document located inside the fort. He will join you.
- Continue up the path to the Mountain Fort where you will see the pedestal for the focus, but it will be out of reach.
- In the library at the back of the main floor of the Mountain Fort, you will find a key in a chest. There is a lever near the chest which will open a passage to a room containing several potions guarded by three Skeletons.
- In the room by the main entrance is a ladder up to the next floor. Follow Lester up the ladder and use the key to open a chest on the balcony. Inside you will find the Title Deed that Lester is looking for.
- Give the Title Deed to Lester and he will give you several Telekinesis scrolls in return.
- Climb up onto the ledge of the balcony and face toward to the Focus platform. Cast Telekinesis on the focus to bring it toward you. You'll have to go down to the main floor to pick it up.
- Bring all four foci to Saturas in the New Camp. Use the teleport scroll he gave you to reach him quickly. After giving him all four foci, speak to Riordian to recieve a reward of 20 potions and to Cronos to recieve 1000 ore.
- Speak to Saturas again and he will ask you one more favor. He needs the help of the Magicians of Fire to blast the ore Mound and will ask you to try to convince them to help. He will give you the Teleport to the Magicians of Water rune which, when used, will teleport the caster into his chamber.
- As you approach the North Gate of the Old Camp, you will see Milten standing on the path between the gate and the bridge. He has quite a story to tell!
- Speak to Diego in front of the South Gate and he will give you more details about what happened in the camp. All of the Fire Magicians were slaughtered and the Old Campers are about to make a surprise raid against the Free Mine.
- Return to Saturas and tell him what has happened. Since all the Fire Magicians are dead, he will tell you about the 13th magician, Xardas, and will ask you to seek him in his tower in the middle of the Orc Lands in the south.
- If you are a Mercenary, Saturas will make you a Magician of Water if you so desire and give you a Water Robe. If you are a member of Old Camp, talk to Lee to become a Mercenary and he give you some armor.
- Speak to Gorn, who is standing next to Saturas, and tell him that Diego wants to meet together at their meeting place. He will then leave to help Cord guard against the Old Campers.
- Before you set out, buy some Fire and Ice spells from Cronos.
- Xardas' tower is in the heart of the Orc Lands. Follow the trails south from the Old Camp toward his tower (which you should be able to see in the distance) and a little to the west. At the entrance to the pass that leads to his tower you'll find a skeleton and an Old Battle Axe.
- To get through the pass you need to kill each of the three golems. Use a hammer to destroy the Stone Golem, Fire spells to destroy the Ice Golem, and Ice or Lightning spells to destroy the Fire Golem. Make sure you take all three hearts with you.
- Inside Xardas' tower you will find a Fire Demon. Give him all three golem hearts and he will give you a teleportation rune.
- Use the teleportation rune and then climb up to the top of Xardas' Tower. You will find Xardas there in his library.
- Explain the situation to Xardas and he will tell you that the solution to the barrier problem lies not with ore mound, but with the Orcs and the Sleeper. He will tell you to find an outcast Orc Shaman who can tell you more about the Sleeper.
- Leave Xardas' tower by either using a teleportation rune or by diving into the small lake on the north side of the tower.
- Head to the ruined castle at the top of the large mountain to the northeast where you'll find Ur-Shak. Help him defeat the three orcs attacking him.
- After the battle, speak to Ur-Shak to learn more about the Sleeper and its temple beneath the Orc town. To get through the town unmolested, he will suggest you get an Ulu-Mulu from his friend in the Free Mine. Also, he will give you his Talisman and will fill in the Orc lands on your map.
- Report what you have learned to Xardas. He will tell you that the way to bring down the barrier is through the Orc Temple.
- Return to the New Camp and meet Gorn on the way to the Free Mine. He will ask you to lead a stealth attack on the mine and give you the Key to the Free Mine.
- Before continuing on, Gorn will tell you that the rogue Wolf wants to speak to you before you go to the mine. Speak to Wolf to begin the Minecrawler's Plate Armor quest.
- When you reach the entrance to the Free Mine, you'll meet your old friend Jackal and two guards, whom you'll have to fight. It's not enough to just knock them down this time; you'll have to kill them.
- Use the Key to the Free Mine to open the door to the building next to the entrance and turn the winch to open the entrance to the mine and then enter.
- Descend to the very bottom of the mine, killing all the guards along the way. On a platform, you will find the Orc Slave Tarrok. He is hurt and will ask you to find his medicine.
- Head back the way you came, but instead of running up the platform, follow the floor to a Minecrawler Warrior. Climb up the rock ledge behind it and you'll find the Orc Medicine in a crevice along with a book and some mushrooms.
- Return to Tarrok with the Orc Medicine and he will agree to make an Ulu-Mulu for you.
- To make the Ulu-Mulu, you need to collect four trophies from some of the most difficult enemies in the game. If you have already slain these
monsters, they will be regenerated:
- Horn of a Shadowbeast - You'll find a Shadowbeast in the cave just north of the Circle of Stones and another in the south end of the forest across the river from the Old Camp.
- Tongue of Fire - Fire Lizards can be found just southeast of the entrance to the Orc Town and by the shipwreck on the east coast of the colony.
- Teeth of a Swampshark - You'll find Swampsharks in the swamp south of the Swamp Camp.
- Troll Tusk - Return to Troll Canyon where you originaly killed a Troll with Diego to find another Troll.
- Return to Tarrok in the Free Mine with all four trophies and he will give you an Ulu-Mulu.
- Chapter 5 begins when you leave the Free Mine with the Ulu-Mulu in hand. Speak to Wolf in the New Camp to pick up your Crawler Plate Armor.
- Cross the bridge in the Orc Land into the Orc Town. As long as you have the Ulu-Mulu equipped, the Orcs will not attack you.
- Use the winch to open the gate into the temple area.
- There is a lowered portcullis blocking your way into the Sleeper's Temple. In one of the chambers at the end of a tunnel nearby, you'll find an Orc Teleport Scroll. Use it reach the other side of the portcullis and enter the temple.
- When you come to a large room with several closed gates, press a switch in one of the pillars along the wall to open a passage.
- In the next room, the gates before and behind you will close and the gates beside you will open. Destroy the skeletons and press the buttons in each of the cells to reopen the other gates.
- In the next room you'll find three switches each with a large colored skull on the ground in front of it. Turn the switches in the following order to raise the gates in the main room: red, yellow, purple.
- Return to the previous room and pass through the lower gate into a dark hallway with Temple Minecrawlers. Turn right at the fork and then climb out of the passage into another room with a Temple Guard and several skeletons.
- Turn all three switches in the next room. A Lesser Demon will appear after you turn each of the first two switches and the undead Orc Shaman Varrog-Kadorg will appear after you turn the third. Slay him and take the take the Blade of Light from his corpse. Use it on the Strange Shrine to open the gate and return to the tunnel.
- Take a right at the fork and then climb up into the large room you find when you reach a gate blocking the passage farther. Across the room, you'll find another switch that opens a couple more gates. In the next room with the Temple Guard, turn the switch to your immediate left to open up several more passages.
- Return to the previous room and pass through the first door that has opened, behind which you'll find one of the Orc Shamans: Varrag-Hashor. Once you have defeated him, take the Clefter of Worlds from his body. Use it on the Strange Shrine by the entrance to open it again and return to the previous room.
- On one side of the room, you'll find a series of pillars that gradually increase in height. Jump up onto the second one and then run up the rest to reach a higher level.
- Press the button to open the door and continue down the corridor to meet the third undead Orc Shaman, Varrog-Unhilqt. Slay him and take the Blade of Time from his body. If you can't get out of the room, climb up the dais at the back of the room and then fall into the hole that is no longer blocked by the grate. 'Use' the coffin inside and the door will open again. Unfortunately, the spikes in the pit will likely cause some damage, though they will disappear after a while.
- Return to the previous room and instead of going down the pillars you climbed over earlier, go through the tunnel nearby to reach another large room.
- In one corner, you'll find a room with holes in the ground. From just outside the room, equip a bow and hit the target higher up on the wall. Once the gate has opened again, enter the room and one of the walls will slide down to reveal another target. Hit this target as well and the gates blocking the other nearby room will open.
- In this next room there are three switches which you must turn in the correct order to open the gate behind the Templar. You'll know you got the order wrong if a Lesser Demon appears. First turn the switch at the far end of the room, then the one closest to the door, and finally the one in the middle.
- Gor Boba will block your progess and you will forced to kill him.
- Pass into the next chamber and then go through the passageway to the right into a large room with a lake of lava and a large island in the middle. You'll find three chambers around the edge of the lake, each with a switch inside. Turn all three switches and a bridge to the island will appear.
- Don't enter the chamber on the island directly, since it is trapped. Instead enter through a hole on the side of the chamber.
- Inside, you'll find the fourth undead Orc Shaman: Varrag-Ruuushk. Kill him and take the Demon Strike from his body. Also, take the Strange Sword from the sarcophagus. You can leave through the front entrance if you move fast enough.
- Return to the previous area and then go right to enter another room with a lake of lava in it.
- Turn the switch in the middle of the area and you will descend to a lower level.
- Pass through the corridor and turn either the switch on the left or the one on the right to open the gate to the next area. If you turn the one on the left, several monsters will appear, but the gate to a room with several powerful potions will also open.
- Use the switch on the wall to bring the platform back down and return to the top level, then continue through the gates that are now open.
- Continue on and you'll reach the entrance to the temple proper which is guarded by the final undead Orc Shaman, Grash Varrag-Arashut. After hitting him several times, you're character will comment that he isn't doing any damage with his weapon and that he needs to leave quickly.
- Flee the Orc Shaman quickly before he kills you and leave the Sleeper's Temple entirely. Use the teleportation rune to return to Xardas in his tower.
- Show Xardas the Strange Sword you found in the Sleeper's Temple. He will identify it as Uriziel. He will send you to his old tower with a key, while he creates the formula needed to power up the weapon.
- Head east from Xardas' tower up into the mountains to the lake and swim to the tower ruins in the middle of the lake. Enter the tower and dive deep to find an underground cave.
- In one of the chests at the back of the complex you'll find the Ancient ore Armor and the Teleport to the Magicians of Fire.
- Put on the armor and return to Xardas. He will give you the formula, but warn you that you need a magician to cast the spell for you.
- Return to the New Camp and you'll find Milten standing next to Saturas. Ask him to help you and then follow him to the library. After you explain what you intend to do, he will agree to help you.
- Enter the passage beyond Saturas' chamber and follow it to the ore mound. Once you both have arrived, you will perform the ritual to transfer the power from the ore mound in Uriziel.
- Before returning to the Temple of the Sleeper, use the Teleport to the Magicians of Fire rune, to return to the Old Camp. Kill Gomez and take the Dungeon Key from his body. Enter the dungeon from the bararcks and use the key to free Stone from his cell. When you meet him at the armory, he will reinforce the Ancient ore Armor to make it even stronger.
- Return to the Orc Town (wielding the Ulu-Mulu if you still want to avoid fighting the orcs) and you'll find another Orc Teleport Scroll at the end of the tunnel next to the temple entrance where you found the first one. Alternately, you can use Telekinesis to grab the Figurine from the top of the large pedestal just in front of the entrance to the temple which will allow you to pull switch to open the gate. However, all the nearby Orcs will attack you as soon as you cast the spell.
- Make your way back through the temple to Grash Varrag-Arashut whom you were unable to kill before. With the powered Uriziel, you should now be able to kill him and take the Blade of Banishment from his body.
- Enter the temple building and use the swords you recieved from the undead orc shamans on each of the Strange Shrines to open the gate.
- Inside the next chamber you will meet Xardas. He will warn you that the Sleeper is near and will tell you what you need to do to prevent him from awaking.
- From this room, two corridors will lead to the Sleeper's chamber and the other two will lead to rooms where you will find several powerful stat-increasing potions inside orc mummies. Be sure to drink these potions before continuing.
- When you finally reach the Inner Sanctum, you will find Cor Kalom and several novices going through the final rights to wake the Sleeper. You need to slay them all before going for the Sleeper. You can hide behind one of the large pillars near the back of the room to hide from the Sleeper's powerful fireballs while taking the enemies on as they come at you.
- Around the Sleeper's platform, you'll find five Heart Shrines of the Orcs. Each one holds the heart of one of the undead orc shamans you killed earlier. Each time you pierce one of the hearts with one of the five orc blades, a Demon Lord will appear. Kill the Demon Lord before proceeding to the next orc heart. Again, you can hide behind one of the large pillars to keep safe from the Sleeper's fireballs while battling the Demon Lords. Once all five hearts have been pierced, you will banish the Sleeper back to its own realm and the barrier will drop.