The Colony

1) Start
2) Drax - teaches how to skin reptiles, remove claws, remove fur, and remove teeth 3) Old Camp 4) Cavalorn - Train: sneaking and bow; sells bows Scorpio (chapter 4 and later) - sells weapons 5) Aidan - Teaches how to skin reptiles, remove claws, remove fur, and remove teeth 6) New Camp 7) Free Mine 8) Old Mine 9) Swamp Camp 10) Cave - Nek's body: Amulet of the Dead Guard 11) Dam Lurker (Lurker at the Dam) 12) Nyras - Focus from the Ocean Cliff (chapter 2) |
13) Black Goblin Cave - Almanac
14) Orc Cemetary 15) Ring of Stone - Focus underneath the Ring of Stone (Focus under the Ring of Stone) 16) Troll Canyon - Focus from the Troll Canyon (Focus in the Troll Canyon) 17) Monastery Ruins - Focus from the Ruined Monastery (Focus in the Monastery Ruins) 18) Stone Fortress - Focus from the Mountain Fort (Focus in the Mountain Fort) 19) Xardas' Tower - Xardas: sells spells and runes; trains sixth circle of magic 20) Ruined Temple - Ur-Shak (chapter 4) 21) Orc Town - Need Ulu-Mulu to enter unmolested. 22) The Sleeper's Temple 23) Sunken Tower |