Redmond Barrens

1) Jump House:
Mr. Gunderson (Mr. Johnson):
  • Wilma Temmenhoff contact for 1000 nuyen
    Ilene Two Fists (Shadowrunner) after you've rescued her from Hollywood Correctional
    2) Jackal's Lantern:
    Ricky (Shadowrunner)
    3) Boris' Greenhouse:
    Boris (pay 100 nuyen to here his story):
  • Salish-Shidhe passport for 1000 nuyen
  • Level 2 Maglock Passkey for 10000 nuyen
  • Mach 22 SMG for 1200 nuyen
    4) Abandoned Warehouse (ghouls)
    5) Hollywood Correctional Facility
    6) Stoker's Coffin Motel: Rest for 20 nuyen
    7) Ares Weapon Emporium:
  • Model 101T Light Pistol for 350 nuyen
  • American L36 Light Pistol for 300 nuyen
  • Predator Heavy Pistol for 675 nuyen
  • Warhawk Heavy Pistol for 500 nuyen
  • Max-Power Heavy Pistol for 585 nuyen
  • Scatter Grenade for 360 nuyen
  • Concussion Grenade for 180 nuyen
  • Vest w/Plates for 600 nuyen
  • Armor Jacket for 1080 nuyen
  • Universal Gun Clip for 25 nuyen
  • Medkit for 200 nuyen
  • Stim Patch for 210 nuyen
  • Trauma Patch for 210 nuyen
  • Smartgun System for 800 nuyen
  • Silencer for 500 nuyen
  • Sound Suppressor for 1500 nuyen
  • Laser Sight for 500 nuyen
  • Gas Vent II for 900 nuyen
  • Gas Vent III for 1400 nuyen
  • 8) Little Chiba's Chop Shop:
  • Can receive medical attention
  • Datajack for 400 nuyen
  • CyberEyes for 3500 nuyen
  • Hand Razors for 2000 nuyen
  • Spurs for 5000 nuyen
  • Smartlink for 2000 nuyen
  • Muscle Replacement for 12000 nuyen
  • Dermal Plating for 3800 nuyen
  • Wired Reflexes for 30000 nuyen
    9) Rat's Nest
    10) Shiawase Atomics Nuclear Plant
    11) Halloweeners
    Ratspike (need 1500 nuyen to speak to him or less with a higher reputation):
  • 3000 for Halloweener Patch
  • Agira Tetsumi contact for 10000 nuyen