The Magic of Scheherazade ======================== Thank you for purchasing CULTURE BRAIN'S "THE MAGIC OF SCHEHERAZADE TM" for your Nintendo Entertainment System. For maximum enjoyment, please read this Instruction Manual thoroughly before playing. CONTENTS -------- 1. THE STORY OF "THE MAGIC OF SCHEHERAZADE"........... 4 2. LET'S START THE GAME!............................. 8 3. HOW TO PLAY.......................................12 4. THE ACTION SCREEN.................................14 5. ACTION MODE CONTROLS..............................16 6. VIEWING THE SUBSCREEN.............................18 7. AN ENEMY REGIMENT HAS APPEARED....................21 8. FIGHTING THE DEMONS...............................26 9. YOUR ALLIES.......................................28 10. MAGICS............................................30 11. ITEMS.............................................36 12. WHAT'S THE ALALART SOLAR ECLIPSE?.................39 13. IN THE TOWNS......................................40 14. OUTSIDE THE TOWN..................................42 1. THE STORY OF "THE MAGIC OF SCHEHERAZADE" ------------------------------------------- AGES AGO, THE GREAT DEMON GORAGORA TURNED THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD OF ARABIA INTO A HOME FOR DEMONS. One day, the legendary magician Isfa, using the power of the blue star of Airosche, defeated Goragora and sealed the demons underground. Peace returned to Arabia for a short time. But once again, Arabia is in danger. To carry out his evil plans, the magician Sabaron has released the demons from their underground prison. You've heard that there is a young magician, a descendant of Isfa, who has the power to defeat Sabaron. Do you remember? You are that magician. You must defeat Sabaron, but how? Your magical powers are gone, your memories have been erased, and your sweetheart, the princess Scheherazade, has been imprisoned. Even worse, you've been thrown into a different time. With the help of the Time Spirit Coronya, you must journey through the Time Door to defeat Sabaron and rescue Scheherazade. During your journey, you will meet allies who will help you to regain your magical powers. This is where your journey begins. "THE MAGIC OF SCHEHERAZADE" STORY CONSISTS OF FIVE CHAPTERS. In the first four chapters, you must journey through different worlds to find a palace where a demon awaits you. In the final chapter you must defeat the evil Sabaron to bring peace back to Arabia. As you travel through time to the past and the future, be sure to fight many enemies and look for allies. Fighting enemies will raise your ability levels and increase your strength. Allies will help you on your journey to battle the evil Sabaron and to rescue your sweetheart, Scheherazade. Chapter 1: The Water World, Mooroon The first world you visit is controlled by a water demon. What awaits you at the bottom of the "moving lake"? Chapter 2: The Desert World, Alalart The people of this world are being terrorized by the fearsome demon, Curly. Only by traveling back and forth through time will you be able to pass the Maze Desert and continue on your quest. Chapter 3: The Winter World, Samalkand Troll, the winter demon, will soon rule this world. You must defeat Troll to bring back the warmth of spring. Chapter 4: The Flower World, Celestern Salamander, the strongest demon known, has yet to be defeated. He is waiting for you. How will you defeat him? Chapter 5 What will you find during the last part of your journey? What is the final mystery? You must find out on your own. 2. LET'S START THE GAME! ------------------------ Insert "The Magic of Scheherazade" game pak into your NES control deck and turn on the power. You will see the title screen appear. Use the SELECT button to choose "START" (to play from the beginning) or "CONTINUE" (to continue a previous game). Use the control pad to choose "SLOW", "NORMAL", or "FAST" text speed. Next press the START button. Enter your name or password by moving the cursor with the control pad and pressing the A button to select a letter. Your name may be up to four letters long. Press the START button to enter your name or password. CHOOSE YOUR CLASS Before you set out on your journey, you must first choose your class. Select the desired class with the control pad, then press START to begin the game. Some shopkeepers will offer discounts to characters of certain classes. When shopping, try all three classes, and be sure to look for the best deals. Also, certain allies won't join you unless your character is the right class. During the game, you may change your class at the mosque. FEATURES OF EACH CLASS: Fighter -- The fighter is good at handling a sword. In his hands, a short sword is as effective as one twice as long. He can also reflect the enemy's bullets. Saint -- The saint's offense isn't very good, but once he obtains a shield he can reflect the enemy's bullets from the front. If he has a special item, he can cross damage zones without getting hurt. Magician -- His favored weapon is the rod. When he obtains more powerful rods, his attack ability will be greater than the other classes. He's also the strongest when fighting the boss demons. Each class has special abilities and can master various different items. HOW TO CONTINUE AND USE THE PASSWORD If you wish to stop playing in the middle of a game, go to a mosque or be defeated to get a password. The next time you play, select CONTINUE from the title screen. Enter the password and press START to continue the last game. The password will return you to the town at the beginning of the chapter you were in when you last played. IF THE PASSWORD IS WRONG If you enter the wrong password, you won't be able to continue your last game. Make sure that your password is correct. You will be given three chances to enter your password. If you enter the wrong password three times, you will still start at the beginning of the world you were last in, but your items and powers may be different. 3. HOW TO PLAY -------------- GATHERING INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT! Your mission is to bring peace to Arabia, but this will require more than just fighting. You must learn what to do and where to go. Always write down what the townspeople tell you, and when you enter a new town, be sure to speak to all of the people you meet. BEFORE THE JOURNEY... Be sure to go to a shop and buy some bread before you leave town, and always have your sword or magic rod in hand when you go. There are many monsters lurking outside the towns. You must be prepared or they will quickly defeat you. USE MAGIC AGAINST THE MORE POWERFUL ENEMIES! Your magical powers, if used wisely, can be far more effective than your rod or sword. Even if you are not a MAGICIAN, your magic powers are still very strong. PLAYER LEVEL Every time you defeat an enemy, you will gain experience points. After gaining a certain number of experience points, your player level and strength will increase. As your player level increases, so will your Hit Points and Magic Points. In addition, your rod and sword will become more powerful, and you will learn new spells. The levels, magic points and hit points of your allies increase as yours do. The powers of the BOLTTOR and FLAMOLL spells increase in three stages as your level increases. Also, as you progress the CORBOCK magic will change to SHRINK, then to CARABA. In each chapter, you may progress only to a certain level. Once you reach that level, you will earn no more experience points until you enter the next chapter. 4. THE ACTION STAGE ------------------- Hit Points (H.P.): This is your life level. Your points will decrease when you get hit by an enemy. If your Hit Points reach 0 you will die. You can increase your Hit Points by eating bread or using magic. You can recover completely by staying at a hotel. Magic Points (M.P.) This is the amount of magic you have. It decreases whenever you use magic. If your Magic Points reach 0, you won't be able to use your magic spells. You can recover some Magic Points by using mashroob. To recover all of your Magic Points, stay in a hotel or stand on a magic star. Experience Points: Gain experience points by defeating enemies. Upon reaching a certain number of points, your player level will increase. Player Level: See page 13 for a detailed explanation. 5. ACTION MODE CONTROLS ----------------------- START Change to the Select screen. SELECT Change to the Subscreen. A To use the selected magic. Also to JUMP. B To use the select item. Also to SPEAK or JUMP. THE SELECT SCREEN - HOW TO USE ITEMS AND MAGIC Press the START button to change from the field map to the Select Screen. Use the control pad to move the cursor to the item or magic you want to use, then press the A button to select it. Your selection will appear in the window at the bottom of the screen. Press the START button to return to the field map. You have now selected that item for the A or B button. Use the item or magic by pressing the indicated button. 5. VIEWING THE SUBSCREEN ------------------------ Press the SELECT button to change from the field map to the Subscreen. Your Allies... Your present allies are indicated here. Allies who have died are indicated in monochrome. Map You can use this item in palaces and mazes. Steps are indicated with / and the demon's room is marked by *. Magic... This shows you what magic you can use. Debt... Your present debt. This amount includes interest. CONTROLLER OPERATION IN COMMAND MODE BATTLE There are two modes of battle, Action and Command. In Command Mode, you and your allies may fight against enemies or use magic. You do not move in a Command Mode battle. In Action Mode, you fight one-on-one with the enemy. Move the cursor with the control pad. Use the A button to select a command indicated by the cursor. Use the B button to cancel a command you have selected. If the \/ appears, press the A button to advance to the next command. 7. AN ENEMY REGIMENT HAS APPEARED! ---------------------------------- After leaving town, when you are walking on the field map, you may encounter groups of enemies. When this happens, the screen will change to Command Mode Battle. COMMAND MODE OPTIONS: FIGHT - Fight the enemy. ESCAPE - Use this command if you don't want to fight. You won't always be able to get away. PEACE - You may be able to make peace with the enemy by paying the money they demand. If the enemies accept the payment, they will leave. Enemies will sometimes refuse to make peace. IF YOU WISH TO FIGHT, YOU CAN CHOOSE UP TO TWO ALLIES TO HELP YOU. SELECT PARTNER Move the cursor with the control pad to select from your allies displayed in the left side of the screen. Repeat this operation to select a second partner. FORMATION The formations you may make will be indicated on the screen. If you select a formation, the allies required for that formation will automatically be chosen. A formation can also be made by selecting the two required partners. YOU FIGHT ALONE This lets you fight without the help of allies. After you select your allies, bread and mashroob will be distributed automatically. If you want to change the distribution of the portions or serve more, select YES when you are asked. Then, select BREAD or MASHROOB, then move the cursor to the desired allies' bread or mashroob. Use the A button to increase the shares or the B button to decrease the shares. If you have hired troopers, up to four at a time will automatically participate in the battle. You are now prepared to fight. Choose FIGHT to begin the battle. Once battle begins, enter the action or magic commands to fight. Use the TROOPER command to replace defeated troopers from those you have hired. Only four troopers can participate at a time. FORMATIONS AND COMBINED MAGIC If you make a formation, you will be able to use Combined Magic with your allies. If you choose certain formations against certain groups of enemies, the Combined Magic will be the most effective. (see p. 33) Also, if you choose the right formation, your party's defense power will be increased. If you want to use Combined Magic, choose MAGIC when it is your turn to attack. The available magic, including the Combined Magic, will be displayed. You can learn what formations are the most effective against enemies at the Magic University in each chapter. Be sure to learn about formations. The troopers will not fight when you use the Combined Magic. 8. FIGHTING THE DEMONS ---------------------- You will fight the Demons in the action battle mode. Press the START button to pause and choose an ITEM or MAGIC as shown in (1). Select with the A button. The screen will then list the items or magic you can use. Not all items or magic will be listed. Choose one with the A button. The screen will then return to (1), allowing you to select again. Press START to return to the fighting screen. SOME DEMONS CAN BE DEFEATED ONLY WITH HELP FROM YOUR ALLIES. Before fighting a demon, be sure that your allies are still alive and that they have enough H.P. If your allies are exhausted, stay at a hotel until they are rested, then try fighting again. The rod is the most effective against the Demons. When you fight them, you'll be strongest if your CLASS is skilled with the rod. To escape the Demon's field, ask for help from Kebabu, the Ring Spirit. 9. YOUR ALLIES -------------- CORONYA A girl in the form of a cat, she wears a crown. She can travel through time. FARUK A strong man who appears from a lamp. KEBABU The ring spirit. She's precocious and prissy, and a bit of a shrew. GAN MECA An archaeologist in search of the glorious past, he doesn't consider himself a robot. SUPICA A flying monkey who's full of mischief but is good at heart. EPIN The guardian of the town of Sudari. He's 700 year old and carries a strange whistle. PUKIN The cheerful prince of the forest. MUSTAFA He's a rude talker, but reliable. He's also pretty tight with money. GUBIBI He can release those who have been transformed by magic. His treasures are gorgeous. RAINY He's a coward, but his ability to send rain will be helpful. HASSAN Your last ally, Hassan, has some wonderful magic. He can eat up the enemies. 10. MAGIC --------- In command mode battle, you, the hero, can use some of the magic you have learned. Your allies also need M.P. to use magic. You and your allies can fully recover your M.P. by staying at a hotel. ATTACK MAGIC BOLTTOR 1-3 This magic gathers electricity in the air and throws it at the enemy. FLAMOL 1-3 This magic causes a tornado of fire to burn the enemy. CORBOCK, SHRINK, CARABA This magic shrinks the enemy or turns him into an item. PERIOUS This magic throws a powerful concentrated rain on the enemy's head. MYMY This magic stops the enemy's movement and changes it in to a hamburger. SEAL This magic stops the enemy's magic and changes it into a cake. GILZADE This shoots fireballs from one's fingertips. SILLERT This transforms the user into a mirror which can reflect the enemy's magic right back. VELVER This uncovers the enemies that are covered in black fog. DEFENSIVE MAGIC DEFENEE This raises the defense power of all the members of the formation and reduces damage inflicted by one half. PAMPOO This recovers one of your allies' H.P. by 20 points during Command Mode battle. When you are on the field map, it recovers your H.P. by 10 points. MARITA This recovers one of your allies' H.P. by 50 points. MATATO This recovers the H.P. of all the members of the formation by 20 points. RESEALO This releases your allies who have been transformed and whose movement or magic has been stopped by the enemy. COMBINED MAGIC Don't forget to take lessons at Magic University to learn which formations are effective against which groups of enemies. If you don't make the right formation the combined magic won't have any effect. GYGATORN (The Cygnus formation with Coronya and Faruk) This causes a storm which rises up and blows away the enemies. MONIBURN (The Libra formation with Kebabu and Gun Meca) This turns the enemies into missiles and then explodes them. STARDON (The Sirius formation with Pukin and Mustafa) This makes stars fall and inflicts heavy damage on the enemy. TORNADOR (The Aries formation with Epin and Supica) This traps the enemies in a sandstorm. THUNDERN (The Kaitos formation with Gubibi and Rainy) This calls thunder to strike the enemy. FIREBOLT (The Dragon formation with Faruk and Hassan) This is the strongest magic you can use, and will destroy most enemies with one blow. GREAT MAGIC There is a WISE MAN living in each of the five worlds of Arabia. When you meet each of them they will give you their GREAT MAGIC which will cause splendid miracles. You can use these spells only during the ALALART SOLAR ECLIPSE. You must also have sufficient Magic Points. MONECOM - This magnificent spell will give you all the items and money you can carry. Your debt will also be cleared. MOSCOM - This will make a phantom mosque appear. You can then change your class there. RAINCOM - This brings rain to the desert and transforms it into a land of greenery. SPRICOM - This brings spring to the world of winter. You will be able to travel without losing any strength. LIBCOM - This revives all your dead allies. 11. ITEMS --------- SWORD There are several different types of swords. Whether you can or cannot use a particular sword depends on your class. The Fighter uses long swords. If he has enough H.P., his sword will shoot fireballs. The Saint can use some long swords, and some of his swords will also shoot fireballs if he has enough H.P. The magician is unskilled with the sword. He can use only short swords, and they won't shoot fireballs. Your sword can be used to reflect the enemy's bullets. ROD This weapon shoots fireballs when you wave it, and it is the best weapon to use against demons. The magician is the most skilled with the rod and is therefore more effective when fighting demons. MIRROR SHIELD If you're a saint, you can shoot back the enemies' bullets with this. LIGHT ARMOR These decrease your damage from the enemies. MAGICAL BOOTS If you're the saint, wearing this lets you pass through the Damage Zone safely. HOLY ROBE Putting this on lets you jump into the sea of lava from the cape. ITEMS THAT ARE USED AUTOMATICALLY WHEN YOU HAVE THEM BREAD When your H.P. reaches 0, you will automatically eat bread and recover 50 H.P. MASHROOB When your M.P. reaches 0, you will automatically drink mashroob and recover 50 M.P. KEY Use this to open doors in the palaces. There are some doors which you can't open unless you first defeat an enemy. AMULET When you have been transformed by an enemy's magic, the amulet will automatically return you to your normal form. ITEMS THAT ARE USED BY SELECTING THEM CARPET This lets you fly back in one hop, to any town you have already visited. RUPIA'S SEED This turns you invisible and keeps the enemies from attacking you. Also, something wonderful may happen if you use it in a special way during the eclipse. (See the next page.) HAMMER This makes stars fall from the sky and will defeat most of the enemies. HORN If you throw this at one of the gatekeepers in the demon's palace, the gate will open and you won't have to fight the gatekeepers. But there may be times when the horn will not work. MAP This shows a diagram of the maze or palace you are in. It will appear on the subscreen when you enter a maze or palace. There is one map for each world, and it is sold at one of the shops. Be sure to buy it. 12. WHAT'S THE ALALART SOLAR ECLIPSE? ------------------------------------- The Blue Star is the guardian of Arabia, and it is not visible in broad daylight. But when the Alalart solar eclipse blocks out the sun, the Blue Star shines more brighter. This causes many wonders. 1. You will be able to use the GREAT MAGIC. 2. You'll be lucky at the Casino. 3. You will be able to plant the Rupia's Seed and harvest the Money Tree. Go to the magic field during the eclipse and plant the Rupia's seed. There are two magic fields, the sowing field and the harvest field. After planting the seed in the sowing field, pass the time door to reach the harvest field. (In Chapter 3, the sowing field is in the present and the harvest field is in the future.) 13. IN THE TOWNS... ------------------- There are many places to visit in the towns. Make good use of them. SHOP - Many items are for sale here. You can also take out loans, but you will be charged interest. You can borrow up to a certain limit. If you borrow too much, you won't be able to borrow any more. If you don't repay your debt, you won't be able to buy goods, and eventually, the game may end. Repay your debts as soon as possible, at any of the shops. HOTEL - You and your allies can fully recover your H.P. and M.P. by staying here. MAGIC UNIVERSITY - You can learn about making formations and other important things. Try to take all the classes. When you pass an exam, you may receive a special item that can't be obtained anywhere else. MOSQUE - You can revive dead allies, change your class, or receive passwords. CASINO - Here's your chance to make some fast money. Saints are not allowed here. Try to visit the Casino during the Alalart Solar Eclipse. TROOPER'S OFFICE - You can hire troopers here. Their strength will vary depending on the chapter you are on. All the troopers you have hired will get stronger in the next chapter. 14. OUTSIDE THE TOWN... ----------------------- DAMAGE ZONE - The damage zones are found throughout the wilderness. Your Hit Points will decrease when you cross them. But if a saint wears the Magical Boots, he can safely cross these areas. SEA - You will die if you fall in. CAPE - You will die if you jump off. But under certain conditions you can safely jump into the sea from the cape. MAZE - There are many floors and passages to puzzle you. There are also some trapdoors. Be careful! The maze in Chapter 3 will be completely dark unless you have one of your allies to provide light. TIME DOOR - Coronya will lead you to the past, the future, and the present through this door. LIST OF ITEMS ------------- BREAD Recovers 50 H.P. MASHROOB Recovers 50 M.P. KEY Opens palace doors AMULET Melts magic of transformation CARPET Just one hop to a town RUPIA'S SEED Makes one invisible. Plant during the eclipse HAMMER Wipes out enemies HORN Throw at stone statues in the palace RING Escapes from WIZARD or DEMON's FIELDS MAP Map of palaces and mazes LIST OF MAGIC ------------- Magic that can be used in command mode battle. (Does not include Combined Magic.) What it does What it works on PAMPOO Recovers 20 H.P. one ally BOLLTOR Electrical attack one type of enemy DEFENEE Increases defense all allies FLAMOL Fire attack all enemies GILZADE Bullet of fire one enemy MATATO Recovers all members' H.P. by 20 all allies MARITA Recovers 50 H.P. one ally PERIUS Heavy rain all enemies MYMY Seals movement one type of enemy SEAL Seals magic one type of enemy SILLERT Reflects magic Gun Meca VELVER Lifts fog one type of enemy RESEALO Melts magic of transformation one ally CARABA Transforms into item all enemies